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Actually, on a second thought, politics has zero meaning and purpose. Politics is a CONSEQUENCE not a cause. So we can safely dismiss all forms of politics as mere chimeras. Leo doesn't seem to have reached this level of understanding yet.

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Politics is an illusion of control. That's the same as for all global ego structures. The mistake is to believe that second order holons are created, such as a manufactured car. The car is actually an emergent phenomenon, just like the first order holons, such as a flower or a human being.

From a limited perspective one can say that the purpose of the car is transportation. But because the perspective is limited it is also incomplete and therefore invalid seen from a larger perspective. To use a much simpler example, consider a piece of wood floating on a lake and the piece of wood is moving up and down on the surface of the lake. And the reason for the movement of the wood in this example is that someone threw a rock into the lake some moment earlier. From a limited perspective one can say that the purpose of the waves on the water caused by the rock hitting the surface of the lake is to move the piece of wood up and down. With this simple example we see how a limited perspective can give rise to a false conception of purpose.

Edited by Anderz

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If reality is one wholeness then things such as politics, cars, people, iPhones and flowers are waves on the ocean of reality. The mistake the ego makes is to believe that objects are separate entities, including itself.

With the belief in separate objects comes the belief in separate control. And with that a huge heap of false beliefs piles up for the ego about how reality works.

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One path towards liberation is the realization of oneness of control. I'm still identified as a separate ego, but I can see that my own state is false! It's like a person watching a sunset believing that the sun is moving down below the horizon. What happens in reality is that the earth rotates which gives the appearance of the sun moving down below the horizon.

The same oneness control that results in my actions is the same oneness control that makes the birds fly in the sky and that makes Donald Trump make his decisions. There isn't any separate entity, like separate people, doing anything or controlling anything. Not even the Pope or Hillary Clinton can do anything. Politics isn't controlling anything. I am not controlling anything. Nobody is controlling anything. We as oneness are doing everything.

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Politics itself has no purpose but there is a purpose behind what makes politics appear. That purpose is the so-called fall of humanity, a deliberate cosmic trick of making us believe that we are separate and believe that there is such a thing as separate control. There isn't. So why then the need for such colossal delusion? The purpose as I mentioned earlier is to generate uniqueness. The purpose of the ego, including the global ego, is to produce individual uniqueness. So the insane struggle of humanity throughout history has vast value even though, and actually because of, the illusion of separation.

The fallen state of humanity is the caterpillar stage with us humans running around as egos. The next evolutionary stage is the butterfly stage of humanity described in previous posts. In the butterfly stage we will run around as imaginal selves. In the butterfly stage it is recognized that separate control is an illusion, including politics, so the global ego structures such as finance, laws, politics and calendar time will crumble to dust, or as the Bible says: the nations will be smashed to pieces like pottery hit with an iron rod. Actually calendar time may still exist, but play a secondary role, not the dominating role it has today. And some form of advanced regulations probably. And that too will of course be effects rather than separate causes or control structures.

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I will still follow what happens in politics which of course has purpose on the level of the global ego. Purpose is tricky to define. What is the purpose of life? The biggest level I can think of is that purpose is generated by the process of reality reaching higher levels of holons. Since the holons build on previous holons, that gives the previous holons purpose.

And even second order holons, such as governments, have purpose in relation to the larger global ego, but since that has a false foundation it's a fake kind of purpose seen from a larger first order holon perspective.

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The integral principle, such as described by Ken Wilber is true for holons it seems. So then the imaginal people will transcend and include their egos. In practice I think it means that they will feel as one with all other imaginal people and yet still as individuals in a both/and integral way instead of either/or such as one with others or as only individual.

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It's only the belief in separate control that needs to be dropped from the ego. Then, presto! Enlightenment. The dropping of the belief in personal control allows the first order holon of humanity to emerge.

Beliefs are not only on an intellectual and conscious level but much more heavily ingrained in the subconscious. So to "just" drop the belief in personal control is in practice a huge change.


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With the integral principle, even the sense of personal control will be transcend and include. So there will still be a sense of having personal control but it will be experienced from a bigger first order holon perspective that includes the control of the totality. That's totally different than the psychological disorder of depersonalization I posted about earlier, where the person experiences his or her life playing out as if it was a movie.

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Mainstream science agrees that the world is made up of only atoms. And all atoms are connected together with quantum mechanics, scientists agree. But what other things and connections are there? Where is my ego for example? And where is my money? Here scientists must admit, if they are honest, that things like ego and money are just fabricated things and connections without any actual boundaries.

Therefore there is no separate me and no separate money. You don't own any money. Nobody does. Because money is not some separate objects. Money is a whole interconnected construct, a second order holon within the global ego. A one dollar bill for example, can be seen as a second order holon within the larger holon of the USD currency. And it's impossible to take the dollar bill out of the overall USD currency and still call it one dollar. And in turn the USD currency is a construct that is not separate but interconnected with all kinds of things in society. So a separate ego cannot own the one dollar bill as a separate object. Because there are no actual separations between objects.

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The ego is very powerful at managing separations. So the ego can own money. The ego can even "own" a spouse through a marriage licence. The ego is a second order holon formed by the global ego. The ability to separate things is of course valuable and useful, or we would all be some undifferentiated blur.

The problem is that when we completely identify ourselves with being the ego, our whole sense of self becomes locked up within the second order holon construct of separations. That's a false foundation and the actual foundation is the first order holon level.

One idea I have is that when the ego is transcended it will be into the larger first order global holon that is emerging. So it will not be a regression back to a simple state of oneness without ego on the level of the individual human being. The ability to separate things will remain but from a foundation of oneness. The ego has no foundation of oneness so it experiences itself as alone and separate.

There IS a foundation of wholeness that the ego has, which is reality itself, but the ego can't recognize it as a supporting foundation because that requires the formation of the larger first order world "butterfly" holon. 

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Then what about spiritual enlightenment, isn't that a realization of oneness? Probably so, but imagine being one of only a handful of enlightened people on earth. The enlightened person will experience oneness with reality, but the whole planet is still filled with separate egos. That's different than oneness through the new emerging first order planetary holon where people will become a wholeness collectively and not just a few separate enlightened people.

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Hey! Could it be that the enlightened people are the very few first imaginal "cells" starting to form the world "butterfly"? That would make sense. I may have mentioned something similar before but it just hit me that the reason for lack of emerging collective oneness is because there are still only a few enlightened individuals. People like Mooji and Byron Katie are examples of the very few enlightened people on earth, and the reason for why they don't talk much about an emerging new state for humanity is that they have to talk to all of us billions of people who are still in ego consciousness.

So it's a very slow process at first. Thousands of years ago there were only one or two enlightened people, such as Gautama Buddha. And still today there may be only a few enlightened people. Leo mentioned some actual number. I wrote in some earlier post that the number of enlightened people over time being an exponentially accelerating process. I still think that's true, which means that the progress today is much, much faster than a thousand years ago. And the progress today is probably much much faster than say only one decade ago! That's the nature of exponential growth; it starts very slowly and then speeds up more and more until it reaches enormous speed near the end of the process (when it has a limit).



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Bruce Lipton described how our identity as an individual on a biological level is on the surface of the cells in the form of something called self receptors on the membrane of the cells. That's why the body rejects foreign tissue and that for example they need to weaken the immune system when they do organ transplants.

Lipton also briefly mentioned that in a fractal evolutionary way there is a self receptor for the whole human being in relation to the entire planet as an organism. I believe that the global self receptor activates when the ego is transformed in a person. When we are in ego consciousness we are like separate cells in the bigger organism of the whole planet. And when the ego is transcended (and included) we connect to planet earth as one giant organism. It's a bit tricky to try to figure out what will happen because the shift into the higher planetary organism is like the difference in awareness between a single cell in the body compared to the whole human being. It's a gigantic evolutionary leap.

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I doubt that it's possible to control our emotions other than suppressing them. But I do believe it's possible to use inner body awareness to dissolve the nasty ego emotions and replace them with inner peace. The feeling of true peace is very pleasant compared to the unpleasant ego emotions.

I have still only managed to feel a little bit of inner peace. My ego tensions are horribly dense. It must be the same in everybody. It's even very difficult to start doing inner body awareness practice because of the denseness of the ego body armor. But I hope I have reached a stage of dissolving ego tensions where more inner peace will start to flow and that the practice will become easier.

I like to aim for big goals to prevent aiming too low. So my goal with the inner body awareness practice is to replace the pain-pleasure duality with peace-pleasure duality, both in body and mind.

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In my opinion mental peace is insufficient. Peace of mind even seems like a form of emotional suppression when there is lack of peace in the body.

At the same time, peace of mind is necessary too. One method for peace of mind that I'm testing is to think of the future as already determined. I believe that's actually the case, but it's just a theory. If the future is already determined, then it's unnecessary to try to worry about the future. That will bring peace of mind if the idea is correct and when the subconscious gets it.

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The only goal the ego has is death. So maybe the enlightened people today are NOT imaginal "cells" but still egos of the caterpillar with only some mental kind of enlightenment. Some spiritual gurus even died of cancer. That's a typical ego consciousness body.

Instead what will happen then is that the planetary organism will emerge outside of the global ego, including outside spiritual teachings, religions, science, spiritual teachers and outside the internet and mainstream media.

The Bible and other religious scriptures describe the truth perhaps, but in such metaphorical and fantastic ways that not even religious people truly believe it. And those who do believe it are fundamental believers who cling to their own religion as if other religions are false. That too is a typical ego trait.

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From about 1 hour and 7 minutes Jordan Maxwell said that the ruling powers have used the motto "order out of chaos":

Wait a minute. Chaos? There is no chaos such as randomness. It's the global ego building itself from its own false foundation. It's the false foundation that gives the appearance of chaos when in reality everything is always perfect order.

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Maybe I have already written this earlier, but anyway: confusion is illusion. Reality itself is always certain so how can the ego be confused? The confusion is an illusion as a result of a false belief in separation.

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The global ego has developed with thousands of years of manipulation. Does this mean that there is manipulation in politics? Well, think of politics as a staged World Wrestling Entertainment match. So it's not that there is manipulation on the level of politics as much as there is complete manipulation on the level ABOVE politics. Trump vs Media for example, is just a staged charade. Trump vs Democrats another staged show for the masses. The conflicts are totally fabricated in a Hegelian dialectic way to produce a beforehand determined outcome.

There is a valid purpose of the political manipulation, and the planned outcomes are useful and probably even necessary. So grab your popcorn and watch Trump win in 2020, after the Democrats having been defeated through a Spygate scandal.

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