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Global Collective Consciousness

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I don't know if Jesus existed as an actual historical person or not, but it seems to me that he was hammering the message of transcending the ego into people. Jesus even said that we should love our enemies. That seems crazy from an ego perspective. With our egos we can hardly maintain healthy social relationships even with just a handful of people such as family members and friends.

Jesus also said that we must lose our lives in order to gain our life in Christ. Again, that too seems to me that he meant transcending the ego (breaking out of the state of total separation) and is not about physical death.

Christians promote family values, yet Jesus actually came with a sword to break up the family unit and said that if we only love those who love us, what reward will we get? Are not even pagans and tax collectors doing that? What Jesus meant I think is that even the family unit is a form of isolated ego state and needs to be transcended.

With a global collective consciousness there ARE no enemies! And that resolves Jesus' seemingly puzzling message about loving our enemies (so that we would become one).

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The new earth means I think eternal life. This can be a VERY scary concept at first. Usually we have the firm belief that we all will die some day. The new earth idea makes the idea of certain death shaky. In the future death and taxes are uncertain. Just that possibility alone is enough to upset one's whole belief system.

Is uncertainty about death better than a belief in certain death? Well, I claim that such uncertainty is a rational state and that the belief in certain death, although our entire official history on earth supports it, is irrational. We cannot just extrapolate the past into the future, especially not these days when evolution kicks into high gear due to exponential progress (even transhumanists talk about achieving eternal life soon).

The ego mind hates uncertainty, and for a good reason. With fear there is at least a possibility of turning it into some constructive action even if it's just about seeking more and more protection. With uncertainty on the other hand there nothing that can be done. BUT, there is one huge thing uncertainty can do and that is to start dissolving firmly held beliefs, such as the belief in certain death.

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In my model the biology in our universe is artificial. Actually our entire universe is artificial since it's a part of an enormous ever expanding quantum computer. This is different than the simulation hypothesis that some experts have proposed, because the multiverse tree of black/white hole universes is the quantum computer itself, not a simulation.

Still, it's useful to think of the universe in terms of a computer simulation. What is possible to do in a video game? Could you manifest bread out of thin air and make a galaxy appear by clicking your mouse or gamepad? Of course you could. The same with our universe. So when Jesus said that if we had but the faith of a mustard seed we could tell a mountain to jump into the sea, and it would do that, literally.

So if my hypothesis is correct, we are in for one helluva shock that will make the miracles in the Bible look like child's play. Yet, we will likely only be able to tap into a tiny bit of that power in the beginning or else we would cause havoc in the world. And after that it will take a long time to learn how to wield more and more of that manifestation power safely.

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Then what about all the New Age teachings floating around today, are they valid? I can only judge from my own current model, which might be wrong, but yes! The idea of moving from third density to fourth density is exactly what global collective consciousness is about and is also exactly what the major religions mean by a new earth.

But what about time travel and different timelines? That's things often mentioned in New Age today. Those are according to my model false beliefs. Actual time travel is impossible. Prove me wrong; travel back 1 hour into the past and meet your past self and then travel with both your past and present selves back to the present. You couldn't do it? That's exactly my point.

Nassim Haramein said that he doesn't believe that the smallest time scale the universe is capable of is the Planck time but that this tiny unit seems to be a limit within our universe, he said. I believe that's correct. The quantum computer that is the entire multiverse tree has infinite resolution of time, but each universe has a Planck time limit. This means that since our Big Bang there has been an exact limited amount of Planck time "ticks". Which in turn also means that we can never turn back the clock, nor can we move the clock into the future. There is always the eternal now flowing forward as a single timeline.

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It's incredible how stern and rigid people are, including myself! That's because we are running around with fearful separate egos. And this sense of isolation is what needs to be transcended in order for us to reach the next evolutionary level.

Fear builds up inside us, both on a conscious and subconscious level, as we grow up. Actually, as Bruce Lipton has explained, it starts already when we are growing inside the mother as a fetus where we get programmed with the mother's emotions and reactions to life.

Fear controls us when we remain as separate egos. Our mind clings onto fear in its attempt to avoid confusion. Therefore one method for reversing that programming is to embrace confusion wholeheartedly. I experience a rather nasty feeling of fear when I focus on my confusion. My mind is afraid of confusion! I will practice this a bit more to see if my theory is correct and that focusing on confusion consciously will dissolve the fear over time.

I have already posted a link to this video where Leo talks about body awareness, but it's worth repeating because that's a major and practical method for how to dissolve fear even deep down into the subconscious levels:


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A global mind, as Bruce Lipton and Peter Russell (and probably others too) said that we will evolve into has zero fear. Because it's a single mind and to be afraid of oneself is pathological.

In contrast, our separate ego minds are MADE of fear. It's absolutely horrible, but it's also a deliberate purpose behind it which as I mentioned earlier is to allow us to develop unique individual personalities.

Our very thinking minds are held together by fear. Therefore what needs to happen is that we need to dissolve our entire minds, or as Jesus said, we must lose our selves in order to find our selves in Christ. It's the same idea.

Think of it as a sperm dissolving into an egg. The sperm is destroyed but the valuable content of the sperm is preserved, The same will happen with our separate ego minds when they dissolve. We will move into a higher global mind with our personal selves preserved.

Traditional mindfulness practice will not cut it here probably. We can nonjudgmentally observe our thoughts as clouds passing over a blue sky until we are blue in the face, and nothing will happen! We need to JUDGE our thoughts and recognizes that all of them are tainted by fear and that they must all dissolve.

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Wilhelm Reich described the chronic muscle tensions as "body armor". Reich is known for his idea of orgone energy, and there is neutral (OR), positive (POR) and deadly (DOR) orgone energy. The deadly orgone energy is stagnant and rigid.

My mistake in the past was to only try to relax the chronic tensions in my body by conscious body awareness without relaxing my mind. As Leo said in the body awareness video, both the mind and the body need to be relaxed at the same time. And I later added awareness of the heart as a key component as well, because our hearts are blocked (we can't feel pain in our hearts).

Connecting the body awareness practice with Reich's insights means that what needs to be done for dissolving chronic muscle tensions is to convert the deadly orgone energy inside the body to positive or at least neutral orgone energy. Eckhart Tolle has a great concept called the pain body. And as I see it, the pain body is a result of the mind numbing out too much of the body, which will cause so-called pain body attacks, such as fits of anger to release built up tensions. The problem is that unless the root cause of the pain body is dealt with, tensions and numbness will build up again and again and cause repeated dormant and active pain body cycles.

The root cause of the pain body, which in turn is deadly orgone, is the mind's tendency to latch onto fear and seek protection in attempts to avoid confusion. To remove the root cause, the confusion in the mind must be allowed along with dissolving the chronic muscle tensions in the body.

Edited by Anderz

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One hypothesis I have is that the firm belief in inevitable aging and death is what causes inevitable aging and death. More and more deadly orgone builds up in the body and we can see in elderly people how the body armor has become severe. Actually, Bruce Lipton said that aging is a belief. When Lipton talks about belief here he means deep subconscious beliefs, so it's not just some intellectual surface belief that needs to change.

Even the documentary The Secret mentioned the possibility of reversing aging, and even though that documentary may just be New Age woo woo it at least points in the same direction as Bruce Lipton's Biology of Belief.

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I did an experiment with breatharianism, the claim by some people and traditions (including Kriya yoga, level 3) that it's possible to live without food and water. What I discovered is that there is a survival tension inside the body and mind related to food and water.

And along the same line, there must be a survival tension about the whole of our ego lives and in addition to food and water also tension related to money, shelter and social interactions etc.

I'm really excited about that discovery and believe that those deep survival tensions—a result of millions of years of biological evolution, thousands of years of social conditioning and our lifetime of "indoctrination" one might almost say—can be dissolved with body awareness practice.  

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Confusion is illusion. Why? Because is the universe ever confused about its manifestation? Not likely. Therefore confusion is a delusion of the separate ego.

Consciousness is a wholeness. Consciousness is never confused, when consciousness is defined as a state of being aware as a self. Notice that this means that the mind is different than consciousness. The mind is the content observed in consciousness.

"All" that we need to do to reach a higher level of mind is to reject confusion and cultivate clarity. Fear is itself not confusion yet rooted in confusion. The higher level of mind is thus fearless, which means it is the global mind and heart.

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On 5/11/2019 at 5:54 PM, Serotoninluv said:

There are other forms of morphogenetic fields in nature such as bird and fish murmurations.

Would flocking to the beach fall under that catagory?


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When we are separate egos the morphic field among people is probably very weak, or takes the form of an external rigid social structure such as money. Look at all those so-called spiritual communities where people have empathic hearts filled with compassion for everybody and they selflessly send love and light toward each other, and then as soon as the smallest financial issue comes up within the community everybody turns into evil little monsters who hate each other.

I was exaggerating a bit in my example, but you get the picture. First of all, being selfless is actually bad. Why? Because imagine 10 selfless people running around trying to serve each other. Where is the personal integrity and individual sovereignty in that? There is none. And the very term service means servitude where the person is either a slave or a savior, and both those roles are bad. The New Age slogan "service to self vs service to others" is a false dichotomy, or perhaps even a deliberate psyop to keep people controlled and divided.

Some people complain about automation, such as artificial intelligence and robotics taking over more and more jobs. I think that's excellent! Service is for robots. I doubt that a global collective consciousness will emerge if we continue to be forced to serve.

A global collective consciousness, that's a true morphic field which transcends and INCLUDES our individual selves.

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@cetus56 You betcha. Looks and feels kinda like an ant colony to me.

I imagine the impact stirring a stick wold have on the consciousness of an ant colony. . . . What if we threw in a couple sharks? What impact would that have on the human colony consciousness?

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36 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

What if we threw in a couple sharks?

People would panic and run into each other and over each other. A total mess. The remarkable thing with the animal formations with morphic fields is the precision with which the whole group moves, such as: 


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59 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

You betcha. Looks and feels kinda like an ant colony to me.

@Serotoninluv Yea if you look closely you can actually see patterns of ppl almost as in the starling formations.

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46 minutes ago, Anderz said:

People would panic and run into each other and over each other. A total mess. 

The same collective effect as stirring up an ant hill with a stick ? 

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15 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

The same collective effect as stirring up an ant hill with a stick ? 

I heard that ants use pheromones, and that's too slow for a morphic field, so yes the ants probably scatter like humans. Although I'm not sure. It could be that ants have some additional coordination mechanism making them able to form morphic fields.

We humans have a huge potential for morphic fields I think. One possibility is the heart mentioned earlier which has a massive magnetic field and the heart sends a lot of information to the brain. Also the cerebellum in the human brain might be able to nonlocally connect collectively with whole groups of people and even with all of earth, since the cerebellum has to do with coordination and stuff.

Edited by Anderz

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Is a global consciousness leap really necessary? Hell yes! In this video Leo gives an excellent description of how pathetic our current situation is:


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How will a global collective consciousness develop in practice? Wouldn't the connection of billions of people's minds and hearts just create a huge collective ego? Or not even that, because of the immense amounts of conflicts we have with our separate egos. Heck, we are hardly even capable of having social relationships between only two people, such as in a marriage. So how could billions of people come together as one?

One possible answer is that Richard Dolan's research indicates that there exists what he calls a breakaway civilization, perhaps even an ancient one, he said. That's a civilization that has been unknown to the public society and that has developed far more advanced knowledge and technology than we have.

How could such breakaway civilization have become much more advanced than the public civilization? Imagine that in the dawn of human history, some people were already connected in a collective consciousness. That would have given that group a huge advantage in terms of being able to function together socially. So while the public history has been filled with crazy conflicts, intrigues, manipulations, wars and other messy power struggles, the breakaway civilization was able to operate under the public radar so to speak.

And it is the breakaway civilization that will be the starting kernel of the global collective consciousness. There will still be major challenges probably with the integration. Totally different cultures. The breakaway civilization must think of our houses and apartments as lonely, isolated and claustrophobic ways of living, and things like marriage as a socially primitive structure, not much more than how animals form couples in nature.

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3 hours ago, cetus56 said:

@Serotoninluv Yea if you look closely you can actually see patterns of ppl almost as in the starling formations.

Yes, if I relax and gaze, it appears.

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