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Identifying intelligent people (to date)?

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I could use some advice.

I’m deeply hung up over someone. It’s been years since we spoke but I think about him often still. I don’t think that I want to move on and I’m not sure why. I figure it must be a pathetic kind of love.

Part of me thinks he must have filled a void for me. I think to replace him with someone else. I can’t seem to get over him.

His most defining trait is that he’s really smart. I didn’t notice this about him at first, only realizing it long after he’d left. I’ve never met anyone quite like him since.


Edited by noip

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I can relate a lot, I am also working on getting over my past relationships.

I think that the problem is often the lense, through which you see your ex, you don't really know him that well.

You seriously need to fill that void yourself, because if you don't, it will just keep growing and growing.

People want to accept your love, not just have their love sucked out into your blank space.

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define smartness, it's relative firstly one what you value as "intelligent".

focus maybe more one people you can build or reflect something with, someone with inner system build upon the same degree of curiosity and love for life.

by upgrading your self reflection power and knowing better yourself and what you want from a relation

 you will expand your life and by so, you'll have a better lense to direct your life and the people you met and can reflect with, girls, friends, life path will unfold on the own inner work you did, your way of interacting and acting will follow 

Edited by Aeris

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Seems to me like you are still emotionally attached to him.

Let go.

You cant move forward if you are still holding on to some thing of the past. Over romanticizing past relationships also happens to many people. We tend to only think about the good stuff and forget about the bad stuff. Or the other way around depending on the movie we want to play in our head.

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