
How to save energy?

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How do you save psych energy for the day? 

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By not thinking so much :) energy is mostly wasted about worrying

Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

Now fight.

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By embodying your Higher Self. Then you are connected to an infinite flow of creative energy. Even if this weren't the case and you were given the same amount of energy daily, the benefits of reducing the activities of the subconscious mind through meditation, and being free from people taking your energy through interaction because you are dis-identified with form; you would therefore have much more energy to use consciously.

You must take into account that a healthier body can hold more electrical energy in it's nervous system and cells, this is the same with the emotional body when chakras are cleared and raised by the white light of God, and when the subconscious karmic impressions in the mental body are purified. You can hold more spiritual energy to manifest what your heart desires. 

So there is a purpose then to physical detoxification, as well as embodying the white light, that is here and now in all of our direct experiences, as much as you can.


Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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You save energy by sleeping and resting.

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  • No Porn & No masturbation
  • Drop bullshit ideologies that waste your mental energy. Capitalism, feminism, communism, socialism, anarchism, etc, etc, ...
    • Ideologies are not truths. They are mere models. If atoms and molecules were fictitious entities invented by humans, why would you take any other concept seriously? I thought atoms and molecules were fundamental. At least, atoms and molecules serve practical purposes. Ideologies are not practical to your life for the vast majority of time.
    • Most of the time, ideologies make you complain in your comfort zone and don't help you go beyond comfort zone as much as possible.
  • Stop thinking about the past troubles.
    • Stop getting hung up over your ex-girl friend. You become gloomy if you do so.
  • Stop obsessing over your petty problems.
    • Which exact jeans and computers to buy will not matter in the long run.
  • Meditate everyday so that you will directly experience how you were full of bullshits.
  • .....
Edited by CreamCat

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I don't think we need to save psych energy.

In terms of work, if the work is aligned with your vision and expresses your passion, then the energy will be "infinite," aka work feels like play.

In that regards, the way to "save energy" would be to align your activities with your vision in life, so that every thing you do is in the same direction heading to a grand design, and nothing goes to waste. Maybe we feel drained of energy when we do activities that contradict our vision.

I review self-help courses to find out which ones are good and not good:

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