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How to Work with Incense

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this is a short video displaying green astral energy (dark matter energy) one can meditate with to cleanse the aura with incense from plants I used banana for this video I had to stop as the black smoke ended up being absorbed by the smoke detector 


incense is something that brings the memory to the NOW to judge what is good by smell. The smell part of the brain is what our memory system is most built upon. So if you have a system of stimulating the nasal cavity by smell and heat it will judge oxygen use better and bring a sense of urgency and care to the environment to stimulate meditation. 


Incense is also used as a handle to communicate with gods and goddesses on the astral plane. 


Incense is used to cleanse rooms and balance gravity with crystals as a nice addition for balancing. 


You can can create patterns with the flame and vortex’s with the smoke to improve the quality of airflow in the room. 



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You are absolutely right. Incense helps you elevate your brain waves to the next level. I love my incense burners personally! 

I like to meditate in its presence every morning after I wake up, in my balcony. 

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