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Whats the point of life

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I had this realization today from Leo's video on Self-Deception. It would seem that life is inherently full of suffering. The only way to raise your levels of consciousness is to suffer for a temporary amount of time. Is life then not worth living. Im not contemplating suicide but I just don't see whats wrong with it. I guess high consciousness must be worth all the suffering. Is my mind self-deceiving me into thinking that the suffering is worse than it really is, if I suffer consciously. 

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I think the self deception is in thinking that high consciousness is not worth it. The mind is afraid of this so it delegates this goal as in being not worth achieving

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Living unconsciously means that you'll fall into suffering.

It can be tempting to CHOOSE to suffer as part of a spiritual quest because when you choose to suffer you have the power over your suffering, and also the goal of some future state of bliss that may be obtained by your noble choice to suffer. 

That's another trap. It's the trap that religion has sold for hundreds of years. Religion says, look at all these people going about their lives living unconsciously and seeking silly pleasures, they are miserable. You must CHOOSE to suffer and have FAITH in this future goal you'll get if you can purify yourself through suffering.

You can choose to be free of suffering now. You can be at peace now. You absolutely do not have to suffer. The entire point of this work is deciding, ok I'm done suffering. I wanted to suffer in the past but I no longer want or need to suffer. I accept what it, I accept life, I accept this present moment as it is without needing it to be something more. I'm here to meet it with love and peace and acceptance and therefore I no longer suffer. 



Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw What you're saying is when ego backlash occurs through making a change in your life, if  you accept the backlash for what it is, then you won't suffer.

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@mandyjw When I say accept the backlash I mean to be conscious with it and not resist it.

Edited by UpperClassWhiteBoy

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Suffering is secondary. It has value as guidance, but never in itself. Suffering means that you aren't accepting. 

Seeking out suffering doesn't mean that you'll accept more, sooner. There are no hacks to acceptance. You can't hack your way to surrendering. That's what ego backlash is, it means you went too, far too soon. The value in the suffering from ego backlash is that it shows you what you still must accept.  

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw Im having trouble understanding what you are saying. I get that suffering means not accepting. I am not trying to seek suffering, I am simply trying to make a change in my life. What does ego backlash mean to you? Is ego backlash not inherent to changing your habits? Or is accepting everything that comes with the growth process a way to prevent ego backlash?

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3 minutes ago, UpperClassWhiteBoy said:

@mandyjw Im having trouble understanding what you are saying. I get that suffering means not accepting. I am not trying to seek suffering, I am simply trying to make a change in my life. What does ego backlash mean to you? Is ego backlash not inherent to changing your habits? Or is accepting everything that comes with the growth process a way to prevent ego backlash?

All I'm saying is focus on the change you want to make, do not give the suffering a single thought. You're giving it too much weight. 

Also yes, accept the ego backlash. It is a really beautiful thing. It's the thing that tells we we made a superficial change because we thought the problem was superficial and didn't really understand what the deep problem was that we needed to address. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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The point is that there are a series of points, pick one, or don’t :)

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You don't have a choice, you are growing every moment.

Growing is independent of suffering, but rather it's dependent on time and experience.

Experience (positive, or negative) = growth.

Every second, you move forward, you can't move backwards.

Don't trick yourself into thinking that you must suffer in order to grow.

Examine your life and find out what you really need, if you find that you need to suffer, then by all means, go for it.

But on the other hand, if you find that you need to do something else, then go do it, there'll always be another time for suffering.

Be wise with your decisions.

Edited by Truth Addict

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What's the point of life?

What's the secret to happiness?

What's the way to enlightenment?

Different manifestations of ego-thought seeking knowledge-authority; thought depending upon further thought -- to sustain itself.  Questions perpetuating the questioner; knowledge perpetuating the knower.

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6 hours ago, UpperClassWhiteBoy said:

I am simply trying to make a change in my life.

That sounds boring. 

7 hours ago, UpperClassWhiteBoy said:

Is my mind self-deceiving me into thinking that the suffering is worse than it really is

The suffering is the deception. “My mind” is the deception. 

You’re suffering aloof while the greatest adventure is afoot. Can you discover who you really are? Or are you “just living life”?

What is is, and every nuance of the contextualization is up to you. You’ve been behind it all along. Every last letter. 


And the self deception vid’s get deep down in there, seize the moment, take advantage, jettison appropriately. Pen & paper.



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