
The basics

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I realized the basic needs like love, money, purpose have to be mastered before                  " enlightenment " I think I'm losing belief in the idea that these are outside my power. The " can't have everything " mindset. Suffering is an option perhaps temporary. 

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@Shakazulu Pretty useful to get stuff handled before enlightenment. But nobody can control when it can happen. Insights are wierd things.

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@Pouya your right, guess all I can do is be conscious. Seems like intent is good enough 

Edited by Shakazulu

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Yes and no.
Consciousness work will show you that you don't need anyone to feel loved and that suffering comes from thoughts.

You don't need to be enlightened to remove most if not all of your suffering.
Unless you spiritual bypass the things you need to work on in your life, there is no reason not to become more conscious and eventually awaken.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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On 3/16/2019 at 8:02 PM, Shakazulu said:

I realized the basic needs like love, money, purpose have to be mastered before                  " enlightenment " I think I'm losing belief in the idea that these are outside my power. The " can't have everything " mindset. Suffering is an option perhaps temporary. 

Doing spiritual work instead of providing yourself your basic needs is spiritual bypassing. 
Doing physical (or mental) work without being conscious of the present moment is "mental bypassing". (I just made this term up right now :D )

The mind likes to divide things into opposites: I either do this or that
But in reality, you don't have to draw a line between spiritual work and material work. 

Life can become simply the process of learning to love yourself. You can ask questions, like:
What would help me to heal right now?
Which activity would make me the happiest right now?
What would help me to love life more?
How could I contribute the most at this moment?
What would make me the happiest right now?

You could see what to do at every moment, just by answering one of these questions. Sometimes the answer will point to a spiritual activity, and sometimes it will point to a physical activity. And that's okay. Life is not a straight line but a spiral. Life is the act of balancing ourselves.

I seldom make decisions about my future. I like to ask myself questions and let my quiet self answer to these questions moment by moment. :) 

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@Barna bruh how you remember all those questions? That sounds like advanced Self-inquiry! I could definetely imagine a difference with this mindset

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@Shakazulu I didn't memorize those questions, I came up with those as I was typing.

It's enough to remember one question:

How can I love myself in this moment? 

All the other questions come from this one. :)

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@Shakazulu You are always zero steps from enlightenment. It is not a destination. It can only be found Now, it cannot be found in the timeline because the timeline is a human construct that exists Now.

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