
What does Leo mean by 'Drill it in subconscious mind'?

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What he means is visualization and  conscious practice. Both for best results. :)

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

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The subconscious operates by repetition. The more you do it the more the subconscious will try and lead you to it. 

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How does one "un-drill" something from their mind?? lol

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1 hour ago, pluto8 said:

How does one "un-drill" something from their mind?? lol

By drilling something in its place. This can include the absence of a practice.

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Means you do your homework regularly and drill in the concepts. Like how you teachers said they want to drill in the formulas in your head.

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I would have to say that it's mostly the "subconscious" that has knee jerk responses to prevent the

We can't remap our entire outlook on life in one night, not to mention in one video. For example, someone can tell you, don't let them get to you!

you might say "yaya fine i know."

When really, you are still irritated by those people.

It can take years to not let people irritate you, so unless you're reaffirming these things everyday and taking it seriously, you won't drill it in to your subconscious. 

Another example could be

"don't make assumptions."

In the context of a negative assumption of course. You say this again and again for 1000 days until you stop fabricating negative assumptions of others. 

Especially the you've lived thinking certain way the harder it'll be for you to change your ways.


Edited by Deepconcepts

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It takes 30 days of conscious habit forming / neuroplasticity to "drill into subconscious" or as little as 10 minutes via hypnogogic "hypnosis" state.

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It is not associated with hypnosis. I think this term is taken from philosophical monographs. I recently wrote a scientific paper on the ability of socialization of people who live in Africa. I collected information about various sociological groups in this area. This resource helped me. People experience the domination of instinctive and ritual lifestyle. The European man began to socialize in the Middle Ages, and this process took a lot of time.

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