
Can sleep deprivation temporarily elevate your state of consciousness?

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On days like today when I only got a couple hours of sleep the night before, I tend to reach this amazing flow state. I feel:


-I could sit and meditate for as long as I wanted to without any feeling of resistance (monkey mind is non-existent for this limited time)

-I feel "connected" with my environment

-Creative ideas flow plentifully and without judgement (and because of this, also tend to be higher quality)

-I can achieve hyperfocus

-All emotions are felt twice as strong, especially positive ones, and my response to people and situations is more emotionally positive

-I can easily view negative emotions in a productive and even humorous way

-Small petty things I'd normally get angry about lose relevance

-I see the beauty in everything

-I see the bigger picture and can easily focus on what matters, people I love, my purpose, my most meaningful work, etc.

-I don't feel consumed by fear of failure.

-Logic isn't always getting in the way of emotion, but instead freely flows with it in a balanced way

-I can think and contemplate with seemingly no limits, the only limit being when I choose to stop

-My senses are enhanced and heightened


At the end of the day though I'll obviously feel a little burned out from lack of sleep, and when I do fall asleep and wake up again the next morning, I'm back into "normal mode" (the effects are only temporary). But when I'm in this state I genuinely feel a sort of temporary glimpse into what it must feel like to be in a higher state of consciousness all the time. Obviously I know I shouldn't sleep deprive myself regularly, but these occasional glimpses when I am "in the flow" are super powerful. I've even heard sleep deprivation is used to treat depression. Any theories on why sleep deprivation has this euphoric and peaceful effect?

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