
Is It Too Late For Promoting my Content on Instagram?

7 posts in this topic

Hey there, 

I want to put some of my content out there and I am thinking about a good medium. I guess I'll start with online. My work is visual (paintings and little drawings) combined with thoughtful insights. The topics are often society- or relationship-related. 

I guess I could look out for a few FB groups that fit as well, to engage with the community there. But mainly I am thinking about Instagram (maybe Pinterest and Quora as well). Is there another social network that could be interesting? Maybe Tumblr?

There are also some social networks specifically for artists, but I am not sure if my content fits there best. I guess Instagram is the most suiting, because there is a big community there and it's easy to connect with other artists and get to know people in the scene.  

I am a complete newbe to social media marketing. If anyone is willing to give me any tips, I'd be really grateful. One thing I do not want to do is to present myself or share anything private about me. I wonder if that is a disadvantage (especially on Instagram), but I don't want to present myself and market myself as a person, but only my content. Of course I know that the way I present it has to fit and be consistent. But there will be no photographs of me as a person in my daily life. 

Do you think it's still possible to get a real presence on Instagram? Any ideas on what to focus? Also: Is it better to focus on one social network such as Instagram or should I try to build something on multiple outlets.. and try my best on Pinterest and Tumblr as well? 

Thanks in advance, very excited to hear your opinions :) 

Edited by Pilgrim

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Instagram has a great art community, I find other artists are very supportive there. I rarely use it as a place to post about my personal life, just to post my art. I don't know about Pinterest and the other sites but I think you'll like Instagram.

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Instagram feels like the easiest platform to promote your art on. Just throw some tags then only count hearts and followers you start to get.

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By all means go for it. If you already have a wide selection of artworks, it takes nothing to post it. 

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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I agree! IG is easy to use and you can create a wide range by using the right tags. Make sure you have a plan, though. Think of a concept so your account follows a stringent theme and it looks harmonious and uniform.

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@Pilgrim How is the progress? Do you mind sharing your Instagram username? I would love to have a look. :) Perhaps I could give you a free shoutout, I have 20k followers on a page in the art niche. 

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