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I repeat, WARNING.




I am about to open whomever may be reading this to the idea that everything you have heard about psychedelics or astral projection is a lie. This is huge. Stick with me it may be a little tricky to explain, not exactly sure yet because I have never tried putting it into words.

First of all I want to say that, it being a lie is not the only way that I could put that. I'll explain.

It has to do with the fact that once you have researched enough about psychedelics and listened to enough trip reports the possibilities of what you may be getting into are waaaaaay out there.

For ex: Many people have reported other civilzations, worlds, realities, beings, technology.... states of name it.

WELLLLLLLLLLLL if those things are possible, then is it not possible that the people who have taken large doses of psychedelics could have entered some sort futuristic world in which they now permanently reside while their body here on earth is controlled by a computer????

GUYS! This is the type of stuff I am talking about. Leo may not actually be living here anymore. Ok. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that's out and available to the public which has to do with all this stuff could ALLLL be meticulously made and created as a part of one giant plan which has mostly been calculated out by the same computer which could be controlling Leo's old body right now. There doesn't even have to be a computer. Just use your imagination and realize the possibilities is what I'm saying......

You can now combine absolutely everything that you don't know about all this mumbo jumbo (spiritual stuff, meditation, you name) with the fact that there are tons of conspiracies(since those are not completely known either) including like, that earth was seeded hundreds of thousands of years ago by aliens or something, that our real history is hidden from us, all the illuminati stuff, Idk, you can basically come up with whatever the heck you want.



In fact, astral projection could actually lead to the same exact thing that a breakthrough dose of DMT leads to. In other words, any out of body experience whether its from lsd or what could all lead to the same place. That place could be like your initiation zone, your checkpoint, your........ literally a place to reveal the truth without the others knowing. Hundreds of thousands if no millions of people across the globe could have already briefed on the cover up.

It could all be a complete cover up. 100%. All up and down the board even.












Edited by pluto8

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Exploring the unknown is sketchy because you are exploring the UNKNOWNNN. You don't know if it is safe or sketchy, I mean you literally don't even know if @Leo Gura or your friend who astral projected is possessed or some shit. You literally don't even know if the people who you wento KINDERGARTEN with were real or have always been a part of a conspiracy or possesed or something because the conspiracy could be part of a virtual reality video game set up for YOUR OWN personal experience. and yes it would involve psychedelics and everything some how.


Edited by pluto8

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Have you ever taken any psychedelics yourself?

Breathing in, I calm my body.

Breathing out, I smile.

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9 minutes ago, FredFred said:

Have you ever taken any psychedelics yourself?

The psychedelic experience could have created the people in the users life long before they ever used a psychedelic.

I have not had an out of body experience no.



Edited by pluto8

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Cmon man

Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

Now fight.

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This is silly and incoherent.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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So do you guys need me to list a humongous source of information right now or not? Like, if you havn't done any research on psychedelics then gtfo, you can't judge what I said. If you have then you would know that people report all kinds of crazy shit. WHAT I AM SAYING IS THAT: You can use your imagination to imagine what is REALLY POSSIBLE, if what has been reported is true. Like if aliens are real and have visited earth, then you can use your IMAGINATION to be able to determine that there is a HELL OF A LOT MORE TO IT. Like, IF IT IS TRUE then it goes MUCH DEEPER. That is how it is with most of the unknown, whether it be psychedelics and trip reports or aliens or 9/11.........


It's just that it get really deep guys.


This is something that can NOT be denied.


If you guys do not know what I mean that is not MY fault.

Edited by pluto8

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In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.


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Bro, you don't get it. You're still operating under the materialist paradigm.

Try, at least, to stop believing that the world is material, and take into account that it could be made out of Consciousness, which is not matter. In fact, matter is one form of Consciousness.

How much difference does this make?

Now, you're a step closer to understanding reality.

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@pluto8 You are a devil and full of BS.

Watch my 3 part series on Self-Deception. That's what you're doing here.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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