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Dinesh Karki

Anyone here do programming or Web Development?

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I am looking for good resource(of web development) for moving up. I am beginner web developer. I am currently doing Internship  where I learn lots of thing like how real world project work and I also built project. Do you guys know good resource of web development?

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You'd be better off asking at a place like stackoverflow or something.

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I'm trying to pick up Web development as well.

Here is a couple of Youtube tutoring channels:

I also recommend buying e-books on the subject. A book on PHP7 that I'm reading is "Modern PHP" form O'Reilly series.

Paid courses can be great too. You can find some ranging between 20-50$ (not much compared to the value they can provide).

But at the end of the day, once you have a basic theory down, you have to start making projects. No amount of tutorials will prepare you as much as making your own website. I recommend you make your first website with the following technologies: HTML&CSS, JavaScript-jQuerry, PHP and MySQL. This is a classic stack and will give you the ability to create almost any website. If you do want to work in a corporate environment with a team of developers on high profile sites (facebook, tweeter etc.), you might want to look into React, Angular, nodeJS and other web-related techs.

"Beyond fear, destiny awaits" - Dune


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