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Too Much Energy On Both Hemispheres When Meditating

4 posts in this topic

When i sit to meditate i feel A LOT of ''Energy'' in both right and left hemispheres of the concept called the brain and also i feel energy in palms.


Why is that happening and how can i fix it?

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Connect the Legs with the Heart, not with the head directly. Or Kundalini can really mess your cognition in a bad way. 

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@Hellspeed How can i do that???


And what do you mean it can mess my cognitiion? Give me an example please if you can.


Btw i am from Romania as well.

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3 hours ago, SQAAD said:

@Hellspeed How can i do that???


And what do you mean it can mess my cognitiion? Give me an example please if you can.


Btw i am from Romania as well.


Verde in Rosu cu Portocaliu si Galben sa deschizi inima. 

Citeste Fat Frumos si Harap Alb :) 

Bafta Dacule! 

Scrie-mi in privat daca mai ai intrebari. 

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