
Life = movement

4 posts in this topic

An insight I’ve gotten recently is that in order for life to exist, there has to be a movement of some sort. If there is complete stillness, something dies. Think of the heart for example. 

What interested me a lot is that this also is true for falsehood. In order for a lie or untruth to exist, it has to be on a constant run. Distraction, manipulation, avoidance. 

Does this mean that physical life is some sort of lie relative to the Absolute?

I feel this insight is premature, but nonetheless significant

Edited by Max_V

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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You are onto something really cool!

See it from this angle..Reality Vs Appearance. An appearance is everything that it's Reality is NOT! For example..

1) TV Screen(Reality) Vs The Movie(appearance):

Never in the movie, the screen itself appears. The movie is basically everything the screen is not.

2) Play of Light(Reality) Vs The Mirage of a pond(Appearance):

That illusory pond appears as other than a play of light.

3) Absolute Reality/Self(Reality) Vs Universe(appearance):

This universe appears as everything that the Self is inherently NOT. 

                                              The Self (Reality) ----------------------------------------------The Universe(appearance)

1)                                           Infinite                                                                            Limited in space

2)                                           Ever present/eternal                                                   Bound in Time

3)                                           Unaffected                                                                    Subject to causality

4)                                           Immovable                                                                   Movement

5)                                           Unchanging                                                                 Constantly changing

6)                                           Non-dual                                                                      Dual with multiplicity and diversity

7)                                           Self-luminous                                                              Can't exist objectively on itself

8)                                           No level/facet/parts                                                   Can be integrated or disintegrated in parts

9)                                           Truth                                                                            A lie in itself alone. But Truth when recognized as the Self.

10) The 10th commandment just to make it sound official xD 


Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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3 hours ago, Max_V said:

An insight I’ve gotten recently is that in order for life to exist, there has to be a movement of some sort. If there is complete stillness, something dies. Think of the heart for example. 

What interested me a lot is that this also is true for falsehood. In order for a lie or untruth to exist, it has to be on a constant run. Distraction, manipulation, avoidance. 

Does this mean that physical life is some sort of lie relative to the Absolute?

I feel this insight is premature, but nonetheless significant

A connotation of 'movement' is change. Both ''movement'' and 'change' are the basis of the illusion of true time. Movement or change can be true only if there is something that truly persists in time and is the agent of moving or changing. But no such something persisting in time and undergoing change simultaneously can be found.
The same applies to 'I' (or self): no 'I' persisting in time and undergoing change simultaneously can be found. But the concept of 'life' does presume exactly that. Therefore life is truthless, lacking truth.

BTW all that can be said of 'the Absolute' is that it is an idea. Life is also an idea. Some ideas can be useful in everyday communication and in the context of  worldly affairs.

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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Great insight. Very significant. In hopes of deepening this realization...


How is thought experienced? Individual, always changing?

How are ‘things’ or ‘objects’ experienced? Individual, always changing?

     Is there an example of an object, of a thing, which never changes?


Is there movement within you?  Are thoughts actually movement? Is anything actually moving? Are there “pieces”, “in there”, “moving”?                              Of course not. Thought is not movement.  (That would be just another thought - which it sounds like you ‘see’ already.)

Yet - thoughts appear to change. 

Just as the walking ants appear to change.

Botantical life appears to change.

Is a rock changing? It does not appear to be changing.


Are thoughts, ants, plants, and rocks changing - or are they change - which appears as thoughts, ants, plants, and rocks?

   Are these things finite, or is there change - appearing as finite things?

How could you know?

   What, in your experience, has never changed?



Consider seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touch, and awareness. Is your experience of these unidirectional? Is one first, before all the others?


Does something really die if there is stillness, or is the stillness what all changing things, all objects, and the duality of life and death - are appearing in?

    What is aware of this?





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