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Dream Incubation

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Hello everyone, this is a video I created on dream incubation. This one is to incubate a dream of exploring a forest. I hope to make more incubation videos in the future about different topics, and am open to suggestions. 

From the video's description: 

"   Use this video to help incubate a dream about exploring a large, ancient forest. 

For best results, use headphones. The main goal is to imagine the spoken scenery in as much detail as possible, as if you are already having the dream, but you may use the images presented in the video as a guide, at least at first. 

Please listen to this video at least once a day before bed, for at least one week, before trying a different video (still in construction). If a forest dream has not been induced in one week's time, then it is best to move on to another type of dream and return to this one at a later time.

A great way to watch this video is to put your smartphone into the vr headset, then lay back, relax, and enjoy the experience.   "


Thank you and enjoy!


Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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Correct me if i'm wrong, but the point is to then fall asleep and dream about the forest?

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@FoxFoxFox Yes, ideally you fall asleep at the end while the affirmations are playing, but it does not have to happen this way.   You can listen to this just sometime before bed, as long as you are actively trying to visualize the scenery, and multiple times a day helps too.  You have to remember that dream incubation is never 100% effective, but the point is to influence the topic of the dreams you may have that night.  

Perhaps one of the most effective ways to do this, which I still need to verify myself, is waking up in the night and listening to this while falling back to sleep. Your hypnogogia imagery will begin to mimic the scenes which you are visualizing, and hypnogogia can sometimes lead straight into dreams. 

Try it out and at least give me suggestions on the quality. 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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Here's another dream video I made... this time you can dream about being in a futuristic space station .

Detailed instructions are on the youtube page.


Edited by seeking_brilliance

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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Hello all,

I have just finished another dream incubation exercise! This one is about flying... It also has a secondary incubation of getting lucid, and has a reality check built into the visualization- which means it could be really useful if used for WBTB.

~sweet dreams~




Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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