
Artificial Intelligence & Society

65 posts in this topic

On 12/13/2018 at 4:22 AM, ajasatya said:

print('I am aware that I am aware.')

you just lack fundamental knowledge about how computers work. computers are extensions of the turing machine, which is a rudimentary programmable calculator. everything a computer does has to obey a certain set of strict and inflexible rules.

programming an AI system is a funny thing because we try to teach an inflexible machine to be flexible. even the most flexible abstractions of rule sets have to go through a training phase to mimic a certain behavior.

It makes me wonder how quantum computers would work then.

Oh, goodness. Your comment made me go down the rabbit hole of quantum computers. I watched a dozen or so videos and took notes.

This deserves its own thread entirely.

Here are the notes I took for anyone interested:


My favorite videos from this binge:

l like this one because this guy just talks about the facts and gives evidence. Most of my notes are from this video.

MIT Professor gives a realistic look into quantum computing.

This one goes past popular science.

For the academic, this one is interesting.

The TL;DR from the notes is that:

  1. Quantum computing is not just a classical computer on steroids. It's on an entirely different level!
  2. We can use quantum computing to simulate molecules for medicine, self-driving cars, and artificial intelligence.
  3. There are already commercial quantum computers. The company D-Wave is selling them.
    1. However, we can expect real commercial use in the late 2020s and early 2030s. It will occur in our lifetimes!
  4. As of right now, quantum computers are still relatively primitive. It is similar to classical computers in the 1940s and 1950s where they took up an entire room.

Some personal thoughts:

In regards to the topic of artificial intelligence, this will exponentially accelerate progress. Again, this is not a classical computer on steroids. It's an entirely whole different ball game. With a classical computer, SHA-256 calculations will take an extraordinarily unbelievable amount of time; however, quantum computers can solve it in minutes!

Just to give an idea of how monstrous this is, I recommend watching this video about the strength of 256.

Now, there's the topic of quantum biology. Apparently, for mysterious reasons, organisms such as plants, algae, and cyanobacteria which use photosynthesis to power themselves, they take advantage of quantum biology.

So, entering into the realm of pseudoscience and spirituality, if consciousness can arise from quantum states, can a quantum-powered artificial intelligent be created? Something to think about.

This is a rabbit hole that's worth investigating. I believe Leo talks about quantum mechanics.


I'll have to rewatch this a second time for further insights.

On 12/13/2018 at 4:33 AM, luckieluuke said:

@non_nothing I guess I interpreted your conclusion that AI cannot have a mind included that machine cannot have a mind.
Still doesnt change a thing thou: the fact that you proclaim to know that and AI never can have a mind.

@ajasatya Yes but we have discovered new ways to structure the machine, and with quantum computers into the mix I stand with my point. The question is do you lack the understanding how far we´ve come since the turing machine. And no I dont lack the understading how computers work: theire a couple of gates orderred in a structure. Just as the brains neo cortex is a couple of neurons ordered in a structure.
What if we built a computer which had exactly the same kind of mechanical nerons ordered in exactly the same way?

Outside of artificial intelligence entirely, how about synthetic life? What if scientists one day can create a synthetic cell which can grow into a human? The first genetically modified baby was EXTREMELY recent. Just a couple weeks ago. What will happen when we as a species decide to make massive modifications to our genomes such as increased intelligence and longevity?

On 12/13/2018 at 4:39 AM, Tistepiste said:

@non_nothing Never say "never" though.

Right now AI is already mimicing the way a brain functions (Neural Networks).
This is still very basic, and training on one specific task yields good results.

But technology advances very very quickly, so yeah.


Although I must agree that the chances of it developping its own consciousness are slim to none

What is your evidence of it developing its own consciousness? If conscious humans can arise through billions of years of evolution, we can surely create conscious machines. We have already through thousands of years of artificial selection gave rise to the modern dog.

On 12/13/2018 at 4:58 AM, luckieluuke said:

Quantum indeterminacy: is the apparent necessary incompleteness in the description of a physical system, that has become one of the characteristics of the standard description of quantum physics.

We thought the world was predetermined like a clockwork but Quantum theory is turning that upside down....
Im not sure about complete randomness. But it´s a subject central to the question and also a very interesting one.

Oh, man. The nature of randomness is another rabbit hole to jump into.

With my little knowledge, since determinism is the most popular belief in mainstream philosophy, if we have a strong enough computer, we can predict everything. However, the problem is chaos theory and the butterfly effect screws this up; therefore, we can never predict something 100%. With science fiction technology, we can predict things with 99.999999% accuracy but never 100%.

I'll have to look into this much deeper.

On 12/13/2018 at 6:40 AM, luckieluuke said:

@ajasatya So if there is no proof then how can you be sure you can prove that a AI or machine can never have it?
If you say that it does feel like there is someone else like you in front of you. How are you certain that you are not projecting?
So if there is a machine that works exactly like a human you know for sure that you could tell the difference since the machine can never be conscious?
Let me ask you this: Do animal have consciousness? Is there a difference between a dolphin and a reptile? Can a network of mushroom myceilia and its surroundings have a consciousness of some sort? Im asking cause to me its like asking who I am, when I try to find the border between conscious and not conscious I end up not finding a distiction...that all is conscious.

You could always do a Voight-Kampff test ;-)

As far as we know, the traditional definition of consciousness only applies to us humans. For everything else, we don't know. There are several orders of magnitude of intelligence between an ant and a human; however, we don't see ant colonies building civilizations with doomsday technology.

On 12/13/2018 at 9:28 AM, purerogue said:

It is not about duality, it is about relative reality, your pen does not have senses to even understand what exists, or does not exist. 

AI has just pure logic, that can answer more questions thank humans logically, examine patterns, it has no reasons to do it , other then what it was programmed to do ,ofc it can go and search for many things, but it will still be only reason why it will do it will be because of code,  if you will put it to take care of humans one day it will have mathematically come to conclusion that humans are needed, after year it will will find out that it actually does  not need us and take us out, actually I do not see any reason why it would think that humans are needed , only if it was as its core code to take care of all living beings, which again ironically can be bypassed if it comes to conclusion that we are not actually living beings, or humans. 

Anyway, AI has only 1 sense, and it is logic. 



20 hours ago, TheAvatarState said:

@AceTrainerGreen I'm sorry but your paradigm is backwards. If you're looking for what the future will look like with AI, don't be afraid. It'll basically move us into spiral dynamics stage green, because all the jobs an AI can't do are ones that deal with people. Not customer service obviously, but real, intimate jobs that require human empathy and connection. I'd recommend that you watch the interview I linked, it's pretty good. 

From your paradigm, a robot will eventually be able to do EVERYTHING a human can do. If that's the case, then are we robots? And are you comfortable with the idea of the human race becoming extinct because we're no longer needed? Is that what you really intuit, that we won't be necessary at all in the future?

I agree with your first paragraph. With artificial intelligence taking over industries such as transportation, we'll probably have a lot more time. This is controversial in its nature due to massive unemployment, and the question of universal basic income comes to mind.

For your second paragraph, we are in a way robots. We are biological robots that arose through billions of years of evolution. It doesn't matter if I'm comfortable or not if the human race will become extinct due to the creation of artificial intelligence. The fact is that if such a hypothetical artificial intelligence were to arise, it has no reason for us to exterminate us for its own reason. It is similar to how we don't care about destroying an ant colony in order to build our buildings or willing to chop down entire forests for construction. If this does occur, we are screwed. If this does not occur, humanity will have a glorious future into the stars.

I'm going to watch the video you recommended.

18 hours ago, Outer said:

I don't think super intelligence will become conscious unless its a biological super creature. Like having a biological brain the size of a planet or more.

Yeah, this gives rise to the idea of the brain-computer interface. Elon Musk started a company called Neuralink where it's going to add the next layer of the human brain. The premise is that if we can't beat the AI, we'll have to merge with it. This is the topic of biological transcendence: merging man with machine.

I recommend reading this article about the premise of Neuralink. It's a mini novel.

Additionally, it makes me wonder about the concept of cyborgs. Here's a thought experiment. How many parts can we remove from the human body in order to retain consciousness?

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@AceTrainerGreen your paradigm is backwards. You're operating under the ASSUMPTION that we're biological robots who evolved over millions of years by random, darwinian processes. You take this as fact. "Well of course, it couldn't be any other way." Have you ever really explored if this is true or not? Have you ever wondered if there might be something more to this human experience? The first step is to fully recognize that this concept of yours was spoon-fed to you by society, and that it is nothing more than an assumption, to distract you from the truly and utterly inescapable fact that nature is irreducibly mystical...

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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