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Practicing self love

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Got a lot to think about from Leo's latest video on counter intuitive nature of life. Ones that jumped out to me in particular are on the subject of love; firstly I realized that I am definitely a love vampire. I want to take and take but very hesitant about giving love to people, because I've been the 'nice guy' in my youth and let people walk all over me. I guess I never really gave love to anyone just being nice to people hoping that they would return the favor which they never do. So where is the distinction? 

The second part which ties into the first part is I don't know how to love myself through my failures despite it seeming to be very critical to my growth. My only memories of childhood is being hit and scolded by my parents for my failures. I don't know where to draw this unconditional love from since I don't think i ever experienced it. I've gotten close to it a few times during my meditation but it just rings hollow when I tell myself I'm going to love myself. Any tips? Thanks

Edited by kingroboto

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Love is not something that you can do. Love is something that you can become.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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