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Faith, The Ultimate Power Source Beyond Consciousness?

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The idea of faith came to my mind while at gym, exhausted at the moment and decided to go few reps further. 

The will power at that moment is so concentrated just at one thing, to accomplish it. I felt so powerful. 

It lead me to think, what is that power? 

I wonder, it is the faith. Where faith come from? what faith actually is? 


I questioned,  i believe, faith is inherited from the mother, the sufferings and determination at the point of giving birth.

Your survival was built upon the mother's willpower. That's also a transformation of the mother's life.


It is the source of true power.

Make sense? 

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To me , faith is the complete dropping away of all belief systems and to surrender completely to life. Faith has nothing to do with belief, infact faith is the ending of belief. Many people have misunderstood Jesus when he says 'have faith in god', they think he is asking them to 'believe in god', no. He is saying, drop the self (ego). 

As far as your gym routine and extra reps go, I would call that willpower which belongs to ego. Nothing wrong in it, it can feel exhilarating. But your true being is not ambitious and does not desire to get a few more reps done as it is already completely at peace with life in the present.

The Buddha has said that birth is suffering, and his teaching is to extinguish all strands of rebirth to know at last that 'this body is my last, no more shall i enter the wheel of existence'. 

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