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Is this stage Green behavior?

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I drive trucks for a living. I get paid by how quickly/efficiently I deliver loads, and I get to go home sooner as well. I used to be extremely focused on efficiency. I would intentionally not let people cut in front of me, would get irritated at accident slowdowns and rush hour, I would favor speed over the safest distance from other vehicles.

But over the past couple months I've stepped back and looked at the bigger picture. I recognize that every vehicle has someone in it that is loved, I realize that I can't even fathom how much pain would be caused in an untold number of people if something were to happen to them on their way home. And because of this, my number one priority shifted to safety.

If someone cuts in front of me I slow down to give them plenty of room, even if they feel they don't need it. I don't worry with how long traffic will slow me down, I just try to keep an eye on everyone around me to make sure I can correct a mistake they or I might make. When there is an accident, I just hope that everyone involved is ok. My philosophy has become, as long as everyone gets home safe, then it's all ok.

Is this Green behavior? Driving is the thing I do the most, so I'm curious to know where I sit in that regard, pun intended. ;) 

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If you really mean it and it's not just a way to make your ego feels better, then yes.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Well I'm certainly not enlightened and so the ego is alive and well, but it's what I do and what feels right.

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It could still be stage green even if you do it just to feel better about yourself. Loads of stage green people do that haha.

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This behavior of selflessness is rooted in trying to implement 1.15 of the Yoga Sutras to combine it with my developing practice, to move closer to self-realization.  As translated by Sri Swami Satchidananda:

"The consciousness of self-mastery in one who is free from craving from objects seen or heard about is non-attachment."

He then goes on to explain:

"When we say unattached, it means without personal desires. If you want to be really greedy, be greedy in serving others. Try to remove the suffering of other people. Once you are unattached in your personal life, you can serve others..... Is it possible to be desireless? No. Actually, it is not possible. As long as the mind is there, it's duty is to desire. It seems to be contradictory. But the secret is that any desire without any personal or selfish motive will never bind you. Why? Because the pure, selfless desire has no expectation whatsoever, so it knows no disappointment no matter the result..... Of course, even here we can wonder, 'If I am to lead a sacrificial life, how can I eat, how can I clothe myself or have a house of my own?' You can have all these things to equip yourself to serve others."

So as a method of achieving non-attachment, I'm trying to live my life selflessly. I'm still working on it, but my job is one example of where I have been implementing this way of being. True, it brings me peace of mind, but I'm doing so in the most selfless way I can. I just happened to read about Spiral Dynamics yesterday, and stage Green seems to be heavily related with this Sutra which I'm currently trying to integrate. Maybe the reason why traffic stopped bothering me is because the desire is now to keep everyone as safe as possible, so there is no selfish expectation to for instance get home sooner. I didn't even recognize that until I typed this out. Doesn't hurt to get everything out on paper I guess, so to speak.

Edited by Elysian

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Yes. Stage green includes connecting to others, developing compassion and becoming part of communities. Green has a more expansive and inclusive sense of community than Blue. 

On what you quoted of Satchidananda: 

At a mature level of understand, this gets into Turqoise. It sounds like a Turquoise teaching greens, to help them further evolve.

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