Edogowa Conan

Proof that Islam is the truth!

27 posts in this topic

Unfortunately, that video is just a child that's had writing from the Quran etched into their skin... likely by their parents or some other caregiver. So, it doesn't mean that anything about the truth or falsehood of Islam.

Now, if for some reason it was legitimate, and the child did happen to have writing from the Quran mysteriously appear on their skin, why in your mind does that make Islam true?

There is an assumption that I've seen echoed in Christian circles as well. Somebody will have a piece of toast and the crispy parts sort of look like Jesus's face. So, they assume it is a sign from God that shows that Christianity is true. But why?

So, even if it were so that these things were legitimately there and not the work of people who actually made those situations happen, why would that mean that Islam, Christianity, or any other religion is true? And why does it make them the only true religion? 

Edited by Emerald

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You are trying to instill logic into something like religion.

why do you think religion needs to make sense?

To oversimplify it:

Religion: blue

Logic: orange

truth: way beyond what we, most humans, can imagine.

Mohammed as well as other prophets might be one of the lucky ones to glimpse the truth, but they were in red/blue societies. So it’s even possible they didn’t much understand what they witnessed. So don’t expect logic from any religion. It’s just not valid to believe in or out of something because it makes or doesn’t make sense.

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Well actually the masked arab is full of shit and what he says does not prove anything , just like apostate prophet . 

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On 17/10/2018 at 6:48 PM, Serotoninluv said:

@Edogowa Conan Consider that Islam has some truth. Buddhism has some truth. Science has some truth. Spirituality has some truth. 

Nice. And proofs have some truth.

unborn Truth

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Anything could be made to look like in a certain way in a video. There are magicians levitating, videos of ghosts appearing that look real. Unless you have seen it directly or have  good reliable sources/ the same event has been cited by many other reliable sources (like top newspapers like New york times, or  channels like CNN, NBC etc) , in a video anything is possible.

I think the truth of Islam is just the truth of any other religion, the truth of Nonduality. Islam is just Muhammed's interpretation of this divine Nonduality that he experienced at the cave and the historical events that followed has brought it to the present state. 

The rest is just magic' tricks;, which any trained magician could out perform. Religions have always used such 'magic' to give validity that they are the 'truth'

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
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by this time everyone on this forum should already "know" that everything is false and true at the same time...

keep going with your own delusions, keep fooling yourself

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