Juan Cruz Giusto

Actualized.org Video Summaries!

362 posts in this topic

And Part 2!

btw. for a brief text only summary of Part 1:



Miracle:    Impossible from an old understanding of reality, but possible from a new one.

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How To Raise Rockstar Kids


"Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them." ~ P.J. O'Rourke


School will do a bad job or zero job in the following categories that you need to put attention on:

  • psychology,
  • philosophy
  • art
  • music
  • spirituality
  • consciousness
  • personal development
  • high level thinking - strategic thinking (teach them to think long-term. Teach them about the consequences of their choices. Teach them about the counter-intuitiveness of choices how they will think something will lead to one result but then because the mind is so self-deceptive it will actually lead to the opposite result. - how they will think something will make them happy but then it will actually make them depressed. Teach them to strategize with their finances, relationships, ), big picture thinking, holistic thinking, existential thinking (self-inquiry, getting them curious about thinking about this, so they learn to think for themselves and they don't take for granted anything from culture and society, this will program them with open-mindedness) , systems thinking and seeing the world through different perspectives
  • creativity
  • thinking outside the box
  • ecology 
  • business, marketing, wealth creation, money management and investing (wealth and money are two different things. Instead of getting them to chase money, get them to understand how wealth is actually built. )
  • nutrition (be a good role model for good nutrition, teach them the fundamentals of good nutrition, make them a smart shopper)
  • socialization - dating, male and female psychology
  • how to be good at sex (also teach them responsible and mature attitude toward sex)
  • self-discipline and self-reliance
  • meditation and concentration practices (seeing you do these things for 20 years)
  • how emotions work (emotional mastery, what different emotions are, especially negative ones, tools for handling negative emotions - EFT, sedona method, mindfulness with labeling)
  • life purpose and mastery (what their life should be about, the mindset behind mastery)
  • mind-body connection (teach them that they are not separate and are intimately inter-connected. Teach them that their thought affect their emotions and their emotions are physically located in their body and that they can become conscious about this and that how they feel in their body affects how they think)
  • the deceptive nature of the mind and how beliefs work and the difference between direct consciousness and beliefs
  • the dangers of ideology (the danger of just blindly believing things, the dangers of dogma, tribalism)
  • the fundamentals of epistemology
  • limits of rationality and thinking (teach them that there is consciousness and awareness that has nothing to do with rationality and thinking. What is in the gap between one thought and another thought)
  • visualization and affirmations
  • how true happiness works (teach them that success is not happiness. Teach them how even when they get what they want they end up not being satisfied. Get them to think when in life am I actually truly happy -> when I'm just being, when I'm not moving toward something... so they don't confuse it with success, money, sex, having lots of friends, being well liked, having good reputation at school)
  • backfiring mechanisms (how many of the things they will do will backfire, and how they have to outwit their own mind=)
  • good vs evil and what these concepts really are (what is the devil, what is judgement, what is ego, what is selfishness
  • how to build habits
  • the dangers of scammers, con artist, all the traps that there are within mainstream culture (gambling, lottery, entering contests - expecting stuff for free, loans
  • corruption in our social systems (deep corruptions within religion, political system, government, university systems)
  • that culture is not always for their benefit (that a lot of culture is dumbed down and dysfunctional. That you can't shield them from it, but can make them aware of some of the dangers there )
  • technical skills (web design, graphic design, photoshop, programming...so they don't go to work at simple jobs like McDonalds...where they don't contribute to anything meaningful. Give them some courses, take them to workshops) 
  • Difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. So they become self-driven. 


Values that you should teach your children:

  • truth ( I don't mean honesty, that is something else) - to love Truth for the Truths sake. So they are truthful to themselves and so them caring to know what the truth is for its own sake because they just want to know what is real) - existential questioning because you want to know what is real for its own sake. Have deep philosophical discussion with them about the nature of reality. (for example when you go on a road trip you will have plenty of time) Where Truth can take them and the dangers when people don't hold Truth as the highest value. The dangers of valuing Truth only for utilitarian purposes to get to some other ends. 
  • Consciousness - what is low and high consciousness. Techniques for raising their own consciousness. Teach them to scan the environment for low and high consciousness behavior. 
  • Learning and Understanding. Instill in them a deep curiosity about life. Get them to buy into the idea of life long learning. 
  • Wisdom. Wisdom vs knowledge/information/trivia/beliefs
  • Passion. So they are passionate about what they are doing. Don't get them to just do stuff, get them to do stuff that they intrinsically want to do. Infect them with a sense of direction and purpose.
  • Creativity. That they have the potential to be creative in whatever field they go into. And that creativity is a skill in and of itself. 
  • Compassion for other living beings and how it is to see life from someone else's perspective. "Imagine how it would be to live a day in his shoes. " To step into the shoes of those who hate them, of girls with boys, teachers, people that they make fun of. So they become good at shifting perspectives and become so fluid in that they break down the barrier between us and them, me and other. 
  • Hard work and excellence. That through a hard work ethic they can create the life that they want. And that being lazy is a harder way of living life than to just do hard work. 


All of this will solve and protect them from chimp behavior as soon as they get into their teenage years. (drugs, sex, partying, not doing your homework, not cleaning the  room, being lazy...)... you do all of this stuff from the age of 7 - 12 and this will help them to not fall into low consciousness behavior that leads to all the problems that you don't want to be dealing with. They will naturally see that they don't want to behave life a chimp because they are after bigger things in life. Most kids don't have a higher vision for their life and so they go behaving like chimps. 


Don't micromanage them and tell them "ohh you gotta do this and you gotta do that..". What I'm advocating here is to get them to intrinsically interested in this stuff. Through demonstrating it yourself, from living life this way, and having discussions with them about all this stuff


Stuff your house with fun learning tools. Rather than buying them childish toys like most do. Would you rather have a barbie or an electric piano that you can practice on. or puzzles, microscopes, telescope, painting supplies, cool software... yea you can buy them some toys, but make your house life a learning environment, like all of this stuff is already there, you don't go to buy them this stuff. So, they don't gravitate toward low consciousness entertainment. 


Assemble a giant library of physical books, courses, tutorials, audio and video seminars and audio books. 


Avoid giving them too much access to smartphones, television, iPads, video games... don't give them access to games when they are 3 years. You need to set them up for success not addiction.


Take them to national parks. Get them interested in nature, animals 


Get them to discover who they wanna be and become. 


Expose them as early as possible to multiple cultures. 


Set a good example for your kids. By eating healthy, exercising, meditating, reading, journaling and taking notes, by not criticizing and hating people or groups, 


How to socialize (confidence, how you think when other people make jokes about you, when they humiliate, embarrass you, how to avoid gossip, how to small talk, 


Eliminate junk food from your house, make it easier for them to eat healthy, prepare them healthy snacks


Respect their unique passions and tastes and don't impose your ideas about who they should be. 


De-emphasize the importance of grades and high education. Emphasize self-education, learning technical practical skills, wisdom, meditation practice, psychology, self-inquiry


Accept your children for who they are. Balance everything out with unconditional love and acceptance. 


By doing your parenting properly your kids will avoid: low self-esteem (the beliefs about themselves and what they can accomplish in the world) and all the bad stuff that comes from having low self-esteem (joining gangs, doing drugs...)... so be careful with your criticism of your kids, try not to criticize them and if you do it do it in a light constructive manner


Make sure you give them room to make mistakes. They need to learn that failure is not a bad thing but a good thing, that which each failure they can learn something and become better. 


Don't physically harm them...


if you criticize them, harm them physically (just a simple slap...), if you let them be bullied, if you ridicule them, if you manipulate them all the time, if you withdraw your love from them  as a form of threat for non-compliance... all of this will create low-self esteem and neuroses they will need to spend thousand of dollars and 10 to 20 years of their life to fix this stuff.


Protect them from their older siblings (if they have an older brother or sister they can get bullied)


You need to have a delicate balance between sheltering them too much from making mistakes and just letting them free (and that could lead to catastrophic mistakes)... important so they build autonomy, self-drive, self-motivation, self-reflection, self-governance so they are able to think about their life independently and so they know that if they don't strategize right, they will have to suffer the consequences. 


It's very important that you don't use  withdrawal of love to make them behave like you wanna them to behave. 


Don't give them fake explanations for sex, God, death, birth, rape, violence.,..


when they reach sexual maturity at age 12 treat them as adults (like in ancient cultures) - "you are no longer a child, you are a Man now and I will treat you differently now"


choose a high quality partner. A loving mom and a dependable dad. Both of you need to be into consciousness work and personal development. Also very important is to have real love between you and your spouse. If you don't love each other anymore, it's better to have a divorce than staying together. 

Give them personality tests as soon as they are old enough (mayer briggs personality test, the big 5 traits, enneagram...)


align all of this to their age. You can teach them meditation when they are 5 years old. 


They need to see you embodying all of this and not just preaching. Otherwise they can rebel against you. If you skip a day or eat junk food sometimes, be honest about it. 


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Shamanic Breathing Technique + LIVE DEMO

This video is Leo's version of shamanic breathing

Look into Realms of the Human Unconscious: Observations from LSD Research

by Stanislav Grof <https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/196573.Realms_of_the_Human_Unconscious>


Holotropic Breathwork

Van <http://www.holotropic.com/holotropic-breathwork/about-holotropic-breathwork/>

Get into breathing. Breath and spirit is linked. It is used in emotional and physco therapeutic healing

Breathing is good for entering non-duality, entering alternative realities and it helps with meditation


  • Clean your nose, and drink some water
  • Set timer for 30 minutes: put on yoga music/tribal trumping
  • Equally breath in and out
  • Surrender into everything, reframe everything into good, remind yourself that it will pass (your baseline of consciousness will be higher, this is neurosis leave your body, expect ego backlash)

All kind of unconventional things can happen: be ready for that

Get into shadow work.

This breathing technique is a supplement to psychedelics and meditation

Edited by StarStruck

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The biggest mistake people make about death is that they take death for granted. They think it's impossible to know what death is or what comes after death.  

When you don't know something, it doesn't mean it's impossible to know.  


If you don't know what death is. Be honest. It is a gross mistake to conclude that it's impossible to know, or that nobody can ever know. You assumed that.  


You have also assumed that death is a real thing. It has never occured to you, or anyone around you , to ever sit down and question the validity of death.  

Have you been skeptical about death? Why do you assume that death is real? Could death be something that you are projecting to reality? 


All of this is taken for granted. Death is assumed to be taken for a fact.  


What happens when you actually die? 


Death = infinite love = infinite consciousness = God = immortality = paradise = complete non duality = complete formless = total lack of identity  

Biggest mindfuck of life is to discover that death is infinite love.  

We as humans demonize life. We think of it as a worst possible thing that can ever happen to us.  


We spend our whole life trying to avoid death.  

Why am i so afraid of death? 

Why are humans so afraid of death? If we have never experienced it.  

How do you know that death isn't the greatest thing that will happen to you? 


If you don't know what death is, why do you ascribe all the negativity to it? You assigned a meaning and interpretation to a thing which you have no idea what is!  

Your own irrational view of death distorts your view of reality.  

It seems only bad to you because it seems bad to YOU. Because you are selfish.  

The notion of bad is ultimately what you consider death.  

It's simply a self-bias you have.  

We are getting the very core of self-bias = everything you look at gets distorted through your own lenses = you need it for survival 

But the cost is that you dont see the world for what it is but you see the world as how it can serve you.  


If you see the universe as there is a beginning, necessarily there is an end.  

What if that is not how reality is? What if that is a fucntion of how the mind looks at reality? 

What if death is not a physical event? What if death was a construction of the mind? 

What if your birth is also a construction of your mind?  

This statement cannot be taken seriously as a materialistic paradigm.  

Death is physical process 

You cannot avoid so you must face it  


But what if the materialistic paradigm is not true? What if you invented it?  

There is no death if there is no birth. We take birth for granted.  

Identity is a realistivist notion.  


A tree wasnt born to begin with. A tree doesnt think of itself as a tree. You think of a tree as a tree. There is no such entity as a tree from the POV of the tree. Identity is the key to death and to life.  

What you identify is totally arbitary.  


You can identify with being an alien or a human, an animal, or whatever. 

There is no limit to what you can identify yourself to be.  

You identify with being your nation, your religion. Most importantly, you identify yourself as being a biological entity.  


If you stop telling yourself that you are a man or woman, black or white, a human, or even a biological entity, you would have never been born. Your birth was not a biological process. You telling yourself that your birth is a biological process is part of creating your identity. Furthermore, you tell yourself that it cannot be any other way. Then this becomes your identify. And it will feel to you that you a human and you are going to die. There can be no other way. This is what you did. Staying alive is not something you did once, you do it every single day.  


If you keep telling yourself those things, thats how you maintain birth. If you do stop telling yourself those things, you will DIE.  

Death is the end of your identification – whatever you identify with.  


The core of your identify = being a human = if you are able to let those notions go, you will die. Your identity will die. And if you never thought about the idea of human or "I" from that moment on, it will feel as if you were never born. The stuff will be happening around you, the body will be eating and talking, but it will be like you are dead inside.  

Whats left then is your true identity = your identity before anything was constructed = you are your True Self = emptiness = pure consciousness.  

At the same time, it is infinite. It is all you.  


What about physical death? 

You are IMAGINING that. There is no such thing as physical death. The distinction between physical death and psychological death is precisely the identify you constructed for yourself. You have to remove the distinction between the mental and the physical.  

It is possible for you to experience death without you actually dying.  

It is because you were never the body. You can deconstruct the identify and body to experience DEATH.  


If you actually were the body, then you would need to physically harm yourself to die. But that was an assumption that was never questioned. When you question it, you realize you can die before you die.  


If you are conscious of what death is, there is no distinction between life and death. You realize there is no where to go. There is no HERE or THERE. Everywhere is here.  

Everything you've experienced in your life has been death. Think this video as i am speaking in your DEATH. Because you have never been alive!! You were only alive as an idea! When you "die", you are not gonna go anywhere. There is NO WHERE to go! 


These are very uncomfortable truths that no one wants to talk about. As a society, death is so TABOOed. We've brainwashed ourself to believe that death is bad. This is what survival entails. This is the whole falsehood of survival. Survival defends something that is completely unreal.  


What would you do in your life if you realize death was not real. What would you do? Woud there be anything left to fear if you realize death is an illusion?  

Fear is a powerful tool of self deception.  

If there was a truth that devils want to hide from humanity, how would the devil hide it from mankind? 

he would simply veil it in fear!  

Everything that mankind deeply fears , the mankind doesnt explore.  

The ultimate fear = death  


Where is infinite love? You called it death 

Where is god? Why can't i see god?! You called it death 


Only from the place of self deception can life as we know it happen. There would be no humanity otherwise. Death is truth, love, infinity, God, selflessness, consciousness. 

Life = delusion, identification, attachement , falsehood, illusion, fantasy, imagination, hallucination, self-bias, survival,  


How on earth can death be infinite Love?  

Existential Love 

Love is nothingness, infinite freedom 


Death = your identify will completely dissolve and you become one with the universe. You become infinite and you become Godhead. The beauty of life is that we struggle for 80 years against obstacles, death, finally we lose that struggle and we die, we think to ourselves that this is the worst thing ever, but we dont realize that this is heaven. Unlimited in every way = total formlessness. 

It threatens us as egos. But it is the most happy we can ever be because it is our truest form  


By having no identity = you have infinite identity = you are universal 

Attachment is the ennemy of the spiritual path.  

You think the form is so great, but you dont realize how great formless IS. You are TERRIFIED of it. Because you are so attached to it. No matter how Leo says how good or beautiful or loving deaht is, you are TERRIFIED.  

You must be going through the process of dying to understand it.  


Reality is depolarization and polarization process.  

Your death is a process of unification.  

There is no difference between unity and division. You are the division and the unification. This all is a process of going through the Universal You. This is infinite Love. Both in polarizing and non-polarizing ways.  


You can realize this directly because it is what you are. The greatest irony of human life is that we spend our life fearing death, yet death is illusory. Actually death will be the most beautiful thing thats ever happened to you. The actual circumstances in which you die can be painful, tortuous. But the actual moment of your death is the pinnacle of life. Your life coming completely full circle = you becoming the whole universe.  


All of entertainment, religion, family, TV, video games, government are ways to delay seeing what Life is.  

Those of us who werent afraid of infinite LOve is not here, they are already gone.  

When your friends die, your grandparents die, they become you.  

All the consciousness of all the people who have ever lived is in right here in your consciousness.  


You think Cesar and HItler are dead because you are attached to their forms. Everyone you know whos dead is right here. Nothing happened to them. Nothing bad has ever happened to anyone.  

This will be TOTALLY denied, by society, your family, and your mind.  

Because everything said in this video has to be DENIED for you to survive. No one can validate this for you. Nor should you believe Leo. If you believe Leo, it gets you nowhere. You are stuck being a finite being.  

If you dont believe Leo, it stilll gets you nowhere.  


Death is a relativistic notion. God is a shape shifter. It lives forever and changes forms.  

You hear stories of immortality and they are just stories. Until you hear enough of those stories, one day the possibility might click. Maybe immortality is actually possible. Immortality is possible as a function of how you perceive reality!  

The initial opening of the door is a critical step.  


If a tree identifies itself as a tree, and the tree is cut down, then it is end of that tree 

But if the tree identifies itself as the entire forest, if the tree is cut down, the forest is immortal and it can never die.  

What if my whole life is like the tree? What if i misidentify myself? What if i shift my identity, to the universe? That would make me immortal.  

What if you cut down the whole forest? You must identify with nothing, with the universe.  

Then the universe can disappear. Yes but distinguish between scientific universe and Universe with capital U 

UNiverse = everything thats ever possible. The totality, the unity, the oneness.  

If you have duality in your identify, you are mortal because every duality will collapse eventually.  

Thats exactly what you will become at your DEATH.  


Life is the opposite of cruel. You face the crippling fear of death. When something terrible happens to your children when they die, what you dont realize as a parent is that your children become infinite love. Nothing is lost.  

That is the beauty of the design that is life. All suffering and all loss is finite. Absolute is love and goodness. You really have nothing to lose and nothing to fear but fear itself.  


Love is so great that you are too finite and weak to handle it. Thats the tragedy of it. Everything that you think its evil and bad, or seems to undermine the design of life, is precisely its VERY EVIDENCE. You are only attached to survival. You dont want to accept that.  


All of your depression, pessismist, criticism, is all just a denial of infinite Love. You are guaranteed to lose the battle against infinite love no matter what. You will melt into infinite love no matter. This is God's mercy  

You have played a game which you cannot lose but fooled yourself that you will lose. This is a source of all evil. Evil = misinterpretation of truth. You dont know how NOT to misperceive the truth.  


The entire process of human growth is the process of realization your finitude and your own self limitations. Thats what your whole life is about whether you realize it or not. The extent to which your life is happy and positive is the extent to which you align yourself with this. And vice versa. 

Wisdom = alligning your life towards this and going towards selflessness.  

Discover for yourself what it is.  


What about reincarnation? 

Everything infinitely reincarnates. 

From the absolute perspective, it doesnt matter what happens to this body. Ultimately, i already AM all these things. I am cycling through the chain of being.  

Reincarnation is inlimited.  


How can leo know any of this? I died. Through direct experience, and you can too.  

It does no good to theorize.  

The only way you can understand this is to die. But you dont want to do it.  


You dont need to physically harm yourself. You need realize the duality between physical and mental is not real. 

if im in a depression, why dont i just shoot myself to be infinite God? 

you can, but i dont recommend it, for social reasons.  

You do it out of selfishness. The better way would be to do the spiritual work and to overcome your sufferings. Then enjoy the formed materialistic. Also there is no where to go. You shoot yourself and you will still be here.  


Appreciate the beauty of Love manifested in the physical form.  

dont worry about formlessness. You have been there, you came from there and you will be back there. 

but appreciate love and matter in its finite form! Its beautiful and remarkable and its worthy of appreciation! 

The point of life is to awaken and to appreciate YOURSELF. ALL is yourself. 

When your body dies, it dies, its not a problem. Its all good. 


you are immortal, but you aint a human. Humans cannot be immortal. 

Everything form is mortal. 

Consciousness itself is immortal.  

when you have total oneness, the oneness cannot kill itself.  


Its a terrifying realization that its possible for you to realize that you cannot kill yourself. God cannot kill itself. Can god create a rock he himself cannot lift? 

If God is all powerful, can God kill itself? It can kill itself in the relative domain, but not in the absolute domain.  

The notion of killing itself, its a relativist notion. It does not exist in the absolute sense.  


All you have to do is change your identity of human to that of God, then you are immortal. That is truth! 

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Video Summary of the Actualized org video: Life Advice for Young People part I, by Leo Gura uploaded May 4th 

I will edit this thread for the literal messy transcript/summaries of the Advice for Young people Part One uploaded on May 4th by Leo. For now, I will attach a word file of the first 20 minutes transcript/summary of the video that I watched tonight and I would greatly appreciate advice and guidelines how to correct, polish or shorten the present summary so it can be read comprehensively ( I admit I wasted some few hours on it while watching the video) and how to complete the rest of the key transcript lessons summaries of the rest of the two-hour video before I plan to post it here.

Thanks to anyone for setting the time off for advice on possible corrections of the current summary in terms of style, keynotes, and overall readability.

Video Transcript Summary, Life advice for young people, part I by Leo Gura, Actualized org May 4th.docx

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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@Milos Uzelac

I suggest you post only complete summaries. Everyone makes different summaries, but in general it's quite hard to make a short summary from a lengthy video, it also depends on the content of the video, for some videos short summaries are enough, for other ones a long one is necessary. The summary you posted is quite good for now, keep going.

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Advice for young people

(part 1&2)



  1. Life needs to be lived to be understood. We are born like blank slates, knowing nothing and completely ignorant and then we get bombarded by life, life is not an intellectual pursuit, life is here, it is embodied, you're in it, you're feeling it, there is pain, there is suffering, intense pleasure and joy, it takes most people a long time to get the enormity of what life is. So much to do, to learn, to explore, so many mistakes to make, so many traps to fall into. When you're a blank white paper anything can be written on it (the challenge is that the individual and the collective are intertwined that it's both a blessing (technology, comforting lifestyle, entertainment, books...)  and a curse (if you blindly allow yourself to be programmed by your culture and society - this will rob you of your happiness and potential to use your mind to really ace life) 
  2. Life is enormously complex, there are many dimensions to it, so many variables, and the most important variable is who you are
  3. Life can get much much worse than you ever imagined and life can get much much better than you ever imagined
  4. You will have to both learn and figure out how life works but also learn and figure out how you work and how you fit into life and nobody can tell you that because you're uniquely you (Leo will give general advice, but you will still need to customize your life to you, nobody can tell what you should be, only you know what is best for you, if you want to be this or that, only you know what brings an emotional response out of you...)
  5. You gotta be true to yourself, be willing to honor your uniqueness
  6. Life is a self-discovery process. Be original. Don't copy others, don't try to copy the success of others, don't try to jump on trends in society...make a long term investment to develop your own internal success by discovering your authentic passions, motivations and values. Find your own voice and style. 
  7. Figure your life for yourself, be introspecting, you gotta wonder at some point (Why am I alive, Why am I here at all, am I just here to repeat somebody else's life or am I here to do something new? Leo suggests that you're here to do something NEW...Why am I here to do? - Don't look for that answer from somebody else, turn inwards ) Spend more time reflecting and turning inwards and ask yourself deep questions about life rather than getting answers from other people. What do I want? What do I desire? What am I passionate about? How can I be more passionate about life? Why was I chosen to be here? How to live a good life?
  8. Quickly pick up on lessons. 
  9. The quality of your life hinges upon the quality of your mind and how you use your mind. The people that earn the most money and are the most successful in our society they are not manual labors, construction workers, they are the deep thinkers, strategist, visionaries, inventors and the creators. Master your mind, most traps are the traps of the mind, the enemy is yourself.  If you want to ace life, you need to take responsibility and ownership of your mind and how you're using your mind and by introspecting seeing how your mind is contributing to the kind of results that you're getting in your life. The mind doesn't want to look inwards it likes to projects outwards. Reality is weird and twisted thing that it seems as if we're in a physical material tangible world and it seems as if stuff is happening to you, that in fact is an illusion, your mind is projecting and creating reality, it is not simply that there is a reality and you were born into it. Your thoughts, emotions, belief systems, ideologies are all creating the kind of reality that you see out there.  Your mind is playing an active creative role not just in how your personal life unfolds but it is generating all of reality. And when you're conscious of that it is no longer your reality, but your creation. 
  10. Take the process of learning and understanding extremely seriously.  (#1 Key: Start Questioning Everything. Ask high quality questions. Always be questioning what is life and how it works. 26min) The point of questioning is not to get the answer, the point is to go through the process of questioning and thinking through it. If Leo gives you an answer but you don't go through the process of deriving it from yourself, you're not gonna get the value from it. Sometimes it will take you years of curiosity and passion to discover an answer to a question. 
  11. Have something in your life that you're deeply passionate about. Find a few things that you want to develop your life around. Go beyond finding a job, develop a career and even beyond that to developing a life purpose (check the Leo's life purpose's course). 1/3 to 1/2 of your waking hours of your life will be devoted to work, so it makes sense that you wanna have a lot of passion in your work. You want to feel like your work is meaningful.
  12. Meaning is something you create. If you find something meaningful, then that is what you're gonna do. Meaningful is whatever you say it is. 
  13. You want to be useful to mankind. Be useful to society on your terms not on societies terms. 
  14. The rarer you are compared to other's around you, the more valuable your skill set is, the more they are willing to pay you to help them and to partake in whatever creative work you're doing. And on this basis you can build a relatively comfortable life with freedom and such that you don't have to worry about money. 
  15. Develop high quality desires. There are low quality desires (desire for heroin) and high quality desires (desire to be selfless). Purify your desires.  Desire is much more important than knowing how to do something. All tangible things are accomplished only through desire.
  16. Life is something precious. Life is a miracle. Life is amazing and you have been blessed with it.  My life is important. Reality is incredible, tune in for a second that you were born as you think you were, in the conventional sense, you exist, here you are, you're a part of reality, you're participating in this subjective experience of reality, put your awareness on that be WOW, it is a miracle that I was even born. Notice how lucky you are to be living where you are, that you have decent health and a lot of time ahead of you.
  17. Your obligation is to make the most out of your life.  How do I live a good life? What do I desire, what is worth while doing, what is meaningful to me, what do I want out of life. 
  18. Reality is a subjective thing. It is not like a physical object found somewhere in the universe. 
  19. Be in touch with your feelings. Be in touch with how reality feels. Being in touch with your feelings and your intuitions is far more important than just thinking. Spend a lot of time feeling.  Feel physical objects, environments, feel emotions, feel the difference between anger and sadness and depression and sexual arousal.  Make fine distinctions between these and many more. Also, you cannot logically think through what your passion should be, you gotta feel it. You have to be connected with what moves you and what moves you is emotion not logic. Emotions are more powerful than logic. Your life is run by emotions, emotions are more fundamental than logic and thinking. So get out of your head and more into your body and feel yourself. If you don't feel good in your body and if feel good about your life no amount of logic and no amount of external conditions will do it for you. Because in the end you want to be satisfied and you want to be happy and passionate.  
  20. Intuition will get you a lot further in life than just cold reason and logic. You have to be in tune with your heart not just with your logical left hemisphere. 
  21. Feel deeper into negative emotions. That will allow you to feel better in general and that will allow you to feel deeper into positive emotions.  You will be suffering a lot, when you are feeling lonely, sad, depressed, angry, jealous and any other negative emotion, rather than numbing yourself and distracting yourself, have the courage to feel into that more deeply. 
  22. Face difficulties head on rather than trying to avoid them. Stuff that you deny, ignore, suppress or sweep under the rug in life will always come back to haunt you (it will create a neurotic toxic psychology in you,  there is a cost to these things... there is a cost to lying, manipulating, stealing, cheating)
  23. The worst thing you can do is lying to yourself. 
  24. You have to deal with the hand that you've been dealt. Like in poker. 
  25. Sometimes life will be challenging but you have to commit to living a good life. 
  26. Take truth really seriously. If you don't know the truth about a situation and you have some false story about it, then what you got is nothing. The truth is the substance, the reality of it. If you don't have the truth about a situation you literally have nothing. Because reality is what is true. Truth is reality. Reality is what you see around you. Truth is what everything is and the only thing that there is.   So if something isn't true, it is not real. And if it isn't real, it is not here and if it is not here, it is not in your experience and if it is not in your experience then it's nothing to you, it doesn't exist. Make a life-long commitment to be committed to truth at all costs even when it's painful. Avoid all temptations to lie, manipulate, to deceive and to not be truthful with other's and even more importantly with yourself. 
  27. Human beings are different. Externally but also internally in their minds. Notice how different people are on the outside and translate that into inside. It will seem like they are similar, it will seem like they are copies of you, it will seem like they feel like you, it will seem that they behave like you. People have different personalities, genetics, brain chemistry, ideologies and software that is running their mind, different operating system, different levels of ambition, motivation, different fears, different levels of neurosis, different levels of trauma they experienced, different energy levels, moods (some are more happy, some are more depressed, some are more positive, some are more negative), introverted, extroverted, different stages of development and consciousness, have  access to different aspects of reality, they don't see the same things as you.
  28. Advice is not the same for everybody. What works for you might not work for somebody else. 
  29. Life is not just a process of exploring external reality and other people, it's a process of exploring your own self because you don't really know who you really are (as an ego and personality). You don't know what food you like when you start, you don't know what sex you like, you don't know what school and career you would like to have
  30. Go above and beyond the bare minimum in life. 
  31. Always work on some personal/career related project in your life. Through these projects you will develop skill and experience. 
  32. Never allow the phrase "But I don't know how" stop you from doing something or attempting to do something. If you don't know how to do something, research it, buy books around it, go to google, read articles around it, find videos about it on youtube, ask people about it, find the people who know how. You don't need to know anything in life, all you need  to have is the desire and the clear intent that you want to do it. From that everything else will be generated. 
  33. All of us have traumas. And that is like a weight you have to remove from your shoulders. You have to heal that.  Anytime you were not approved of or loved, you got trauma, something that shocked you and denied you the love and acceptance that you should have gotten. or scared you... and then because of that you get desperate for love. What you need to understand is that you are not looking for seeds, you are looking for love.  The earlier the trauma, the more work you will have to put in to heal it. Ask yourself how much trauma did you accumulate in the first 20 years on a scale of 1 to 10. That trauma creates neediness and then you spend your life to get that love that you have been desperately craving in that specific form that you wanted. 
  34. Learn about proper nutrition. Read books about how to eat healthy and look carefully at the food that you're eating.If you eat the mainstream diet you will not be able to fulfill on your amazing life. Focus on eating whole foods, vegetables, fruits. You need that raw fuel. You will need a very clear mind, you will need to be able to focus
  35. Reality is not a physical system. It's consciousness. Everything that you see or experience is  consciousness. The way you understand consciousness is by experiencing it and by being conscious of it. Everything is made out of consciousness. Why is that important? Because if reality was made of atoms then that makes it seem as if reality is separate and distant from you, like there is a subject and an object and the subject is separate from the object, that means I am here and I am looking at the atoms over there. But that is not your experience of reality, you experience of reality is that you are meshed in with it, this physical room that you are sitting in is part of your head, there is no boundary between it and you, that opens up a radical new possibility, because if reality was separate from you, external to you, then there is always a boundary through which you can never pierce through to get to the bottom of reality. To live life awesomely you need to understand that it is all consciousness, and once you grasp that the subject and the object are interconnected that means that you have direct access to reality itself, access to all different levels of consciousness. Reality is infinite states of consciousness. (waking, dreaming...). You can be in bad contracted states and in good expansive states. 
  36. The more conscious you become, the more understanding you have of how everything truly is. The less conscious you are, the more you are in a sort of a daze and a zombie,the more you are sleep walking through life, the more you lie to yourself, the more you manipulate,  the more selfish you are, the more fearful you are, the more petty you are, the more lost you are and you cannot see why the smartest and the most intelligent choice is to be on a most selfless and most loving path. 
  37. Love is a fundamental feature of reality, because reality never was some molecules and atoms, it was consciousness. The entire system was designed by consciousness so that consciousness can teach itself what it is, which is love. So it can explore different ways in which love gets expressed and how love gets manifested and actualized. Fear is just an absence of love. Fear is love of a very contracted sort. Love is fully expanded without any fear. Like a dimmer switch. more light is more love. 
  38. Life is a training ground to teach you how to love and how to be selfless. This requires going through great struggle and suffering, falling in many traps and much trial and error. The suffering will teach you how to be more loving and more selfless. 
  39. The quality of your life is about how much love you can radiate out to others. How do you want to radiate love? How are you gonna manifest it? How god like are you willing to be? (selfless and loving) Radiating love - pure radiation of yourself, your personality, of how you want to live, of how you want to use your body, your creativity...  The quality of your life will hinge upon how much you give into the fear vs how much you pursue love. Pursuing love is difficult.  Notice that in your life you are doing things out of fear or out of love. You are feeling fear or you're feeling love and you're driven by these 2 forces. Consciousness can either love itself or recoil from itself. Your job is to love more and more and more especially those things that recoil you until you become completely unconditionally loving and this requires becoming more and more selfless. 
  40. The more selfish in life you are, the worse your life will be. The more selfless, the better your life will be. And this is one of the most counter-intuitive things. 
  41. Life is imaginary, you are in a dream. Don't confuse the dream for reality. The entire universe is a giant infinite mind of infinite imaginary potential. Atoms are something that consciousness dreams into existence. 
  42. Life is like a game, it is an experiment in creativity, you are thrown into the matrix of possibility and you get to decide which things you want to actualize. 
  43. Don't waste time criticizing and judging others and yourself, simply focus on what you want to create. 
  44. Direct experience is king. Notice that experience is all that you have of reality. You can't name a thing that was not experienced by you. Reality is experience. So, don't believe everything, test it out and see, everything that Leo said here has not validity and truth to it unless you validate it for yourself in your direct experience.  
  45. You have to practice observation, meditation, you have to be aware, you have to turn inward, self-reflect, introspect, question deeply, contemplate.
  46. Turn your life into a scientific investigation and experiment. The aim of your experiment is to figure out what is reality, consciousness, life and how you live the best life possible. 
  47. Get metaphysically serious about life. Figure out what life is, why you're here and what it's all about. The taller you want to build your skyscraper the deeper you have to dig the foundation. 
  48. Understanding reality is worth it. The work is worth it. To independently investigate and understand reality for what it is and how it works is worth it and you will never regret it. 
  49. Your youth is your most precious resource. A 750 million net worth guy said in his 60s that if he had the chance to go back and start from scratch and lose all of it, he would take the deal. This is how much your youth is worth if you use it properly. Be very very careful about how you're investing your time. Most of your time you should be investing in your future. Be very strategic about how you use your time and energy because it will get much harder as you get older (your mental peak will start to decline after your 30s). From the age of 15 to 30, this is where your ENTIRE life can be made or lost. Don't waste your time on stupid activities that don't pay you anything back. You want to make a commitment to make a strategic long term investments in yourself. 
  50. Think of your life as the ultimate DO IT YOURSELF PROJECT.  You can play the game of life exactly as some MMO video game like world of warcraft. The trick is that the game of life has so much freedom that in a sense you get lost in the freedom of it, there are so many things to do and so many ways you can be that there is nobody guiding you the way they do in the world of warcraft, where you start one quest and that leads you to the next quest. But with life is much more - WHAT DO YOU WANT OUT OF IT. You need to be the designer of your own game and life, you need to set your own objectives, you need to have enough vision to see the possibilities
  51. Treat your life as an adventure and work of art to see what you can create with your life.  
  52. Take risks and don't be afraid to fail in life. Fail more, fail faster. The real danger is not that you will take some crazy risk, the real is you're gonna be complacent and do nothing and that you're just gonna get the same result that everybody around you is getting which is a mediocre result. What you should be scared of is you not taking some BOLD action like starting a business and maybe failing at it or getting into that relationship and maybe failing at it or maybe traveling into a new country and living there and maybe failing at it and have to return back home. This is all great stuff that will grow you even if you fail at it. And these failures will be the investment upon which you build the foundation for the rest of your life. So, don't worry about failures. The greatest failure you should be scared to death of is just sitting around and squandering your time and achieving nothing and investing nothing and then in your 30s you have nothing to show but a meaningless job.
  53. What you should be scared of is being distracted by all the unimportant stuff that is happening around you that most people are engaged in, not having a vision that you're working on. Don't get distracted by petty "human" shit. (gossip, politics, who is the victim, who is the victimizer, who started a war, who cheated on who, who is being mean to who, who did what to who... there is no satisfaction in playing these game) Imagine you were the only human on earth and see how this cuts out so much bullshit. Don't pay too much attention to what the herd around you is doing. (see also trap 16)
  54. Commit to challenging yourself with your life. Be the one who sets the challenges, don't wait for life to challenge you. By challenging yourself, you get to live life on your terms and that strengthens you up so the demands of life don't overwhelm you and you can easily deal with them. In this way you get to choose the challenges you're passionate about rather than the challenges that are enforced upon you from the outside, things that other people want you to do or that society demands of you because you might not be passionate about those things and you might not find those challenges meaningful. 
  55. Counter-intuitively, the easier you try to make your life, the harder it's gonna be. Stop looking for life to be easy. Stop trying to find the path of least resistance in life. Stop looking for some shortcut on how to get rich or how to quickly build a business so it quickly earns you money or just how to get some quick sex or how to get any kind of job so you just have a job. Stop with this bare minimum approach to life. Be wary of shortcuts and magic pill solutions, usually they don't pay out and end up wasting your time because you don't build anything stable with them. 
  56. Focus on building stable solid things in your life. (business, relationships, health&fitness)  There is a stable way to build a business that is grounded in a deep foundation or there is a flimsy way of building a business, if you build something flimsy it might make you money for a few year but it will crash down and you will have nothing left. If you focus on building a solid foundation for your business it might take you longer, it might take you 5-10 years to do that, but once you do it, that foundation will be so solid that it will pay you dividends for a long time to come and the skills you learn and who you have to become to build a solid foundation for a business that is the real gold of life. Take the time to do things right, even thought it's gonna take more work and there's gonna be less immediate pay off. You will get out of life exactly the effort that you put into it.
  57. Who you become in the process is the real gold in life. Not the end result but who you become. 
  58. Develop a strong work ethic. Learn how to hunt before the age of 20. Earn the money for the things you want to buy and don't depend on your parents to buy you stuff. 
  59. Set a high standard for yourself. You get in life whatever your lowest standard is. Whatever is your lowest standard for the house you wanna live in, is probably the house you will end up living in. Whatever is the lowest standard for the kind of relationship you're willing to tolerate is probably the relationship you will end up with. Whatever is the lowest standard for the kind of career or job that you have is probably the  job that you will have. Whatever is your lowest standard for how much money should be in your bank account in probably the amount that will have. This also applies to your physical appearance, your weight, what kind of food you put into your body, the excuses that you're willing to tolerate. So have high standards for the people you relate with, for your friends (don't let just anybody be your friend), don't sleep with just anybody have some standards, standards for the kind of teachers you learn from, standards for the books you read, standards for the kind of environment you live in
  60. Aim beyond basic survival in life. If your life is gonna be just about survival and getting by, and if it's gonna be just about utility and pragmatism, you will not be satisfied with life. The greatest joys in life are not basic survival and are not pragmatic and utilitarian. You can become very successful and wealthy by being highly pragmatic and utilitarian but it won't be satisfying. There is a deeper dimension to life than survival, that doesn't mean you should ignore survival, survival is crucial, it's just that survival is the bare minimum and we're going beyond that into spirituality. 
  61. Commit to never doing mindless work. (working at starbucks, flipping burgers, cleaning toilets..)Work on things that have add something to the advancement of mankind. Work on that in a conscious way. You need to feel like you are contributing to society in some important way. 
  62. Don't over-plan your future. You need to be adaptable, improvisational and opportunistic. Give your life room to breathe and to unfold. You want to have a vision for your life but also you want to have some room for exploration so when you notice some opportunity you are free to jump on it, don't have some rigid idea that your life has to unfold in a particular way. You will not be able to predict the greatest opportunities in your life years in advance, it's gonna be an opportunity that arises in the moment and in those moments you need to have the courage to seize on those.
  63. Be careful to not get stuck in a rut. Don't tie yourself down too much with a bunch of commitments ( a house, a marriage with children) You want the freedom to explore yourself more, you can tie yourself down once you get in your 40s and 50s. In your 20s and 30s you want to travel, live in different places (change the city you live in every 5 years at least). 
  64. Don't overload your schedule with too much obligations. (socializing and non-stop work...) Leave room for going inward: for solitude, to meditate, to self-reflect, read, plan out your life, vision, dream, work on a side project, be creative, to listen to yourself, to find the deep answers
  65. The deepest answers are not found in books or from other people they are found inside yourself in moments of solitude and deep self-reflection. Make time for solitude. Make time where you can sit for an entire day/ .  (without internet, social media,  no obligations, no chores, no socializing, no work, no entertainment, no distractions, no phone calls..) and listen to your heart, your highest self, listen to your creative aspirations,passions, Visioning and thinking about your life, self-reflecting, doing the inner work, that's where the real work happens. Discover yourself in those moments.   
  66. Create something new. Become creative. Creativity is the source of passion. Focusing on being creative empowers you.  You feel like a victim and dis-empowered when you're not being creative. 
  67. Go beyond the mainstream most popular sources of information. Find sources that are not popular but create amazing content. Instead of following the one with 10million subs, follow the one with a few thousand but make sure that it's still high quality content and that it's truthful, don't fall into some occult practices. Pull from many different sources and perspectives and don't just do what everyone else in the mainstream is doing. 
  68. Don't waste your time hating, fighting, judging, criticizing, blaming, negativity, trying to control others, have no desire to control others but yourself, have no desire to tell other's from some righteous position how they are wrong and what they're doing is bad and evil and that it could be done better. This is all distraction rather focus on what you need to do to be creative in your life. When you're being creative and when you're investing in yourself you have no time for all these pointless distractions. You can create value, you don't need to control or manipulate others to get you something that you can get yourself by turning inwards. Be creative in your life...because then you will be empowered. When all your time and energy is spent on inner work, making yourself more creative, more passionate, growing yourself, investing in yourself, becoming more spiritual when you're doing this you have no time and room for negativity, blaming, criticizing, judging, fighting, hating it's all pointless, it's a distraction. And you have no desire to control or to manipulate anybody else because then you become self-reliant. You don't need to control somebody else or manipulate them to get you something can get yourself by turning inwards and anything important, that is of any real value in life you can generate for yourself, you don't need to control or to manipulate somebody else to give it to you. SO why play those game, go directly to the source. Generate it yourself. A lot of people create entire careers out of negativity and blaming others... focus on what you're gonna create for the world that is positive, how are you gonna grow yourself, when you're growing yourself you have no time for these distractions, you don't care what others are doing around you because you are too powerful, you are too creative, you don't need their approval, you don't care about their criticism because you are going full steam ahead.
  69. Be careful because people in society will try to trick you and scam you and deceive you. This is just normal for the level of development of the current society. Don't take the people's words at face value, and they are tricking you and scamming you not because they are evil and that you should resent them for it, it's simply because they themselves are ignorant and looking for shortcuts and this is just a survival strategy. People will tell you things when in in fact the thing they are describing is exactly the opposite of what they are trying to convince you it is. People will try to trick you and deceive you in relationships in friendships in business, when you go to the grocery store, when you go to the restaurant, when you're reading books, watching the media... because most people are enagaged in lying to themselves, most people don't value truth very much.  When you're not in touch with your own deep creative resources and power, you're still gonna survive in the world somehow, so you will do it through trickery, deception and scamming, you will create a business that doesn't produce anything new and valuable for mankind rather it tries to scam you. Example: grocery store a label fat-free, as if it's something healthy and then you look closer and see that there are all sorts of chemicals in there that are even worse than fat. Don't automatically assume that what somebody is telling you is true. Somebody tells you they are enlightened/ that it is a good deal/ that you will earn a lot of money this way/...don't believe them. You can take this too far where you become paranoid, skeptical and fearful and you're not able to relate to anybody because you're not able to trust anybody.
  70. Don't try to get loved from others or from things. When you got trauma (been denied love) then because of that you get desperate for love. What you need to understand is that you are not looking for seeds, you are looking for love. Love is counter-intuitive in the sense that you think that you will get love by getting others to fill your cup and so you will be running around with your empty cup asking them to fill your cup for you, begging them, being needy, trying to manipulate or control others to give you the love that you seek. This is the opposite of how love really works. Develop yourself to be a non-needy person, such that your cup is already filled and so you're filling other people's empty cup. And you fill your cup through spiritual practice, creative work and passion. Changing who you are in the world, changing your being at the identity level, this is where your deepest results come from. Why you buy the car? Because it gives you the feeling of love, you do some drugs because it gets you some feeling of love...having these things is fine but don't expect these things to give you love and stop making these the things the source of your love. These things should be secondary, but for most people these things are primary. Because they don't know how to generate love within themselves and so the only substitute is get love from the outside through purchasing stuff and clinging to stuff. Transcend that paradigm by working on yourself, by doing spiritual practice, by being passionate about life.
  71. There are many stages of development that human being go through. These levels of development are totally different ways of looking at the world and being in the world. There is a certain sequence of these developmental levels and stages that people go through.Studying these stages can give you a preview and a road map of things you'll be getting yourself into in the next stage which can be very useful and can speed up your entire growth process and that can point out all the common traps. (spiral dynamics, Ken Wilber's model and others from the developmental psychology) ...What is really important to understand is that There are stages of human development and consciousness that we could call super human, which are possible, these are ways of being the world that are so radically advanced and profound and different from the stage you're starting this journey from, that you can't even imagine it, you can't conceive of it and it would be shocking and radical if you were dropped into it that you would have a hard time believing that such a thing is even possible or real. These stages are so advanced that we couldn't even call them human, these are beyond human. The point of life is to reach these super human levels of development. To break out of the mold of what you consider ordinary physical reality and all the limitations that come with it, this is what everything is leading you towards that where you will transform from the caterpillar into the butterfly, which means a new kind of human.
  72. Reality is perspectival, relative and subjective. Perspecival=reality is perspective. Reality is not one way, reality is the perspective you take on it and everyone is taking different perspectives on reality. Appreciate and Fall in love with the idea that there is no reality outside of one's perspective of it.  The thing that is there is an infinite number of perspectives and without those perspectives there is nothing there. Study all the implications of this. What this does is opens you up from being locked in one perspective yourself and then it will allow you to explore different perspectives and to appreciate them all and to be free of them all because every perspective is limited. GO through life not trying to defend your perspective as if that it's the only right one and not thinking that there is one true perspective out there that people can have and that all other ones are false but rather look at reality as if there is no reality, there is only perspectives and get curious and open enough to want to explore different perspectives. Explore perspectives just for the sake of exploring perspectives and your life will go much better than what 99% of people do which is just defending their own perspective and trying to trick themselves into thinking that it's the objective ultimate truth when it isn't. You want to create a meta universal operating system which is able to deal with applications from any other operating system, then you're free, you're not limited or bound to one perspective/paradigm and this makes your mind the most flexible, creative and you're also able to appreciate the full diversity that constitutes life. (think about all the apps that Mac can't use because they are stuck with Mac OS or the app that is available on Mac but can't run on windows) What you need is the willingness to detach from your own perspective, question your own mind at the kernel level and let go of these kernels that are grounding your sense of reality and that is scary, difficult, emotionally challenging because that anchors your entire sense of identity in life so take that on as a project to explore more and more perspectives without getting attached to any particular one. This will deepen your ability to love, understand, it will make you more creative, flexible, make you less arrogant, less selfish.
  73. There is more happening in life than meets the eye and to discover that you will have to go beyond materialism, what culture, science, parents and teachers teach you, you will have to go deep inside, deconstruct your own mind and push yourself to lead a life that is not ordinary get to work and repeat the next day kind of life.


The most significant challenge you will be dealing with for the rest of your life if you want to understand reality and yourself is the epistemic challenge of figuring out what is true and what isn't and deconstructing all of the programming that you received during the first 20 years of your life through your childhood and education... and that comes from your culture and any bottlenecks or falsehoods or deceptions or lies within your culture will be programmed into you but you don't know what all of those are and so in the process of discovering yourself you will have to shed layer upon layer of all the false conditioning you've been programmed with that is keeping you from living a free open life. So you'll have to overcome your culture's programming but also your own internal self-deceptions (see 3 part series on self-deception)

Greatest enemy/obstacle will be complacency, laziness, distractions, the taking life for granted and the fact that nobody around you is doing it ( and that is happening all around you among your peers. )

You will need a deep commitment to this process. A very long time horizon, a deep motivating vision and confidence in yourself that this is the kind of life that you wanna live

The #1 key to living a good life is to be more conscious and to raise your level of consciousness. 

Life is about 2 forces. Fear vs love. Selfishness vs selflessness. This is what all life boils down to at a metaphysical level. Your life is driven by fear or love. 

Most important core pillars (the engine that you use to drive your life, instead of going with the flow and getting the status quo, the default and the boring stuff, like a monotonous job):

  • Curiosity. Develop curiosity about everything. Constantly be learning. Be passionate about teaching yourself how life works. Through questioning, reading books that you're interested in. 
  • Passion. Find something you're ridiculously passionate about so you can pour 10000 of hours into it. 
  • Desire and ambition.
  • Maximum, radical self-honesty. Always be honest and truthful with yourself. 
  • Life is deeply counter-intuitive. 
  • Being proactive. Be in the drivers seat when setting the direction of your life. You have to be proactive and go out there and be learning, researching, looking for things that you're passionate about, setting goals for yourself, motivating yourself, 
  • Mastery. Pick one thing to develop mastery in and skill around that.
  • Radically open mind.


Most common traps people fall into (you gotta be careful):

  1. Ideology and falling into belief systems that other people have invented and taking them as dogma and defending those and fighting over those and debating over those. The number 1 trap is getting your mind locked into one of those belief systems because those beliefs are like the operating system upon which your life will hinge, the operating system then dictates what software can run in that environment. You need to make sure that you're not working on the surface level (changing the apps) but that you're working on deeper level of looking at the internal working of your operating system and making sure that you're not limited or straight jacked by some operating system, some ideology, paradigm, belief system and even going deeper to the heart of the OS and that takes into metaphysics and spirituality. 
  2. Laziness
  3. There will be a lot of people that will try to tell you the answers, but you have to discover the answers for yourself. 
  4. Treating reality as though logic is the ultimate lens through which to understand reality. Being hyper logical and analyzing everything. 
  5. "I want the positive emotions and I don't want the negative ones, so what I'm gonna do is feel the positive ones and then suppress, deny, ignore and numb out the negative ones. " Huge mistake. 
  6. Deceiving and bullshitting yourself (stems from a lack of self-honesty)
  7. Eating the mainstream diet. Culture feeds you poison, so you will have a hard time using your mind and feel into your body.
  8. Judging what is being created around you. 
  9. Not taking life seriously. Most people don't take life seriously. There are many people that are completely not serious and work at star bucks and watch netflix, then there are a little more serious people who start businesses and become doctors and lawyers, and then there are the really serious people, these are the people who are metaphysically serious. This means they are serious about questioning consciousness itself and how you got here and what you're  doing here and actually trying to figure out life. 
  10. Squandering your youth. .. where you are doing the bare minimum to survive.  Playing video games, letting parents to pay everything for you, partying all the time, spending time in immature relationships which go around in circles and don't go anywhere, using too much social media, watching too much TV, masturbating to porn
  11. Settling for mediocrity by having low standards. 
  12. Temptations to imitate others. DON'T. Notice when you're imitating others and force yourself to be authentically you.
  13. Falling into temptations to take shortcuts. Looking for shortcuts and immitating people who take shortcuts and most people like to take shortcuts because they don't think long-term.
  14. Settling for a meaningless job instead of seeing it as a stepping stone toward something larger. (a job, or business that actually contributes to the advancement of mankind)
  15. Not outgrowing desires. 
  16. Being distracted by petty human shit. (Imagine you're the only human on earth and notice how that cuts out so much bullshit). Society will always try to distract you and convince you that this stuff is important. Focus on your vision and what you want to create and focus on becoming a strong human being . So when most people are talking about politics, gossip.... you're at home working on yourself, focusing on creating,  reading books, meditating,  contemplating and introspecting...
  17. Trying to control other people. (see lesson 68)
  18. Feeling weird for not doing the stuff that most people do (engaging in complacency, distractions and laziness) and then doing the things that most people do when they nay say you and discourage you and drag you down like crabs in a bucket (when one crabs try to exit the bucket the rest of the crabs try to pull it down)
  19. living life on the surface, not going deep
  20. being deceived by other people
  21. believing that other people around you are more developed than they are. Most people are mediocre and they have never seriously developed themselves.
  22. clinging to your perspective and trying to denounce the perspectives of others (this comes from believing that reality is an one objective material thing – how can then be possible that people have such different perspectives on reality...it's that there is no one thing there, there is only perspectives)


Core values you need to follow to live a good life:

  • Creativity
  • Heart
  • Love
  • Intuition
  • Independence of mind
  • Clarity of mind
  • Life long learning
  • Reading
  • Authenticity
  • Radical open-mindedness
  • Passion
  • Vision
  • Ambition
  • Purpose
  • Spirituality
  • Fearlessness
  • Truth
  • Raising your consciosness
  • Work ethic
  • Focus (The ability to concentrate your mind)
  • Wisdom
  • Service to others
  • Selflessness
  • Solitude and self-reflection
  • Questioning everything
  • Curiosity
  • Going beyond materialism and survival

There are many degrees to all of this is not either you are ambitious or you're not. Commit to following on this every single day and keep reminding yourself that this is what you're doing in this life. This is the back bone of your life and everything else is secondary (entertainment, socializing, games, fun)

Fundamentals are simple but executing on this is difficult because it takes commitment and you have to do it day after day, year after year and not get distracted by all sorts of silliness that is happening around you in society. It takes vision, courage and the willingness to go it alone. This is a journey that is done in one in a million if not less. You can find like minded people, but if you want to go to the super human levels, don't expect anybody to come along on your journey, you're gonna do it all alone or you're not gonna do it at all.

The ultimate questions: How much are you willing to invest in your life. How much do you want out of life. What are you willing to settle for, are you willing to settling for nothing less than super human? Are you going to honor your life and acknowledge the miracle that it is by working on actualizing your full super human potential. Are you willing to sacrifice and to work and to pay the price for that? To invest in yourself, every single day. To push your comfort zone, to ascend every stage that we have mapped and that we know that humans are capable of ascending up, are you willing to go to the very top


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@AleksM Thanks, for finishing the written summary and also summarising it in a nice way for readability on 8 pages. I'll keep that in mind if I attempt posting something here in the future, unfortunately, I went into a lazy slob, distraction stimulation mode afterward, fell into some heavy self-induced emotional and life purpose problems, and couldn't will myself to finish it. So thanks for stepping up and doing the committed work to finish it, and share it for all of us that can really have an opportunity to benefit from it, in this format apart from watching the series.

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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Thank you ❤️

Edited by Nathandrew

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9 minutes ago, Nathandrew said:

If any of you have Suggestions for me then let me know :)

Edited by Nathandrew

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Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days


There are infinite variables that influenced the formation of this thing, this door is the start and also the end of the universe.

When we look at a door we can think of what was before that door, how this door came here and what will happen in this place where the door is at the moment in 20 years

All parts/components are connected to each other but don't necessarily communicate between each other. With higher consciousness these parts communicate with each other more and more and with that comes more knowing of oneself.

We can't rely of language, other people and experiences. 

All desires are biased, we would you want a women instead of a man, why beautiful ones instead of ugly ones...God has only one desire and this is knowing his real self...the majority wants this or that and what they get with want a particular thing is a limited aspect of God and not infinity.

the purpose of life, reality is a contest who can love who more, true love is not receiving love, true love is giving love, true love is being love

infinity is this, echo of who loves who more, I love you more, no I love you more....to infinity

God's love is always bigger than our love, each time we receive God's love it transforms us and reveals blockages. Are you willing to love hate, murder, 9/10, ex girlfriend who cheated on you, your father who abused you, your mother who criticized you all your life and never gave you the love that you deserve, kids in school who bullied you, cristians, atheists, devil worshippers, ... How deep is your love really...God is able to love all of that without any hesitation. But you are not. So, you have to surrender and go true a phase of integration and acceptance.  And then bounce that love back to God. This means as you embrace more of who you are and love really deeper, that is your love for God. 

The hardest thing to love is your own self-hatred, it's all the things that you don't love your self for.

The function of love is transformation. Love opens us. When it opens us, love shows us our internal blockades. These are the obstacles that limit out love. Love is forgiving, tolerating and accepting of our devil patters and sins. This kills our ego. And that's what triggers transformation. This is what makes us humble. This is what heals us

Healing is love and truth. If there is anybody that you know that is dysfunctional (even yourself), that is suffering, sick, in need of healing.. it is really fucking simple, what they need is love. If you are addicted to drugs, it's because you lack love.  If you get into fights all the time with parents, it's because that relationship lacks love (you lack the love to love them and vice versa). If you're insecure about your looks you lack love. If you are over weight, you lack love. If you have physical health problems you lack love. 

growing up lack of love manifests

The thing that will heal you is giving up all your lies, selfishness...Truth and love is the answer

What you need is love and truth. The acceptance of reality as it is. That is love

when you lack love, you don't radiate love, you are like a black hole sucking in love. God is like a white hole, radiating love all the time

I'm sorry - for not loving more. This is the only thing you should apologize for.  This is the only thing you should regret in life. Being selfish instead of loving. for not loving your family, friends enough, people in school enough, 

I give you love and I want nothing from you. 

I accept you as you are - i accept the fact that you hate yourself, I accept the fact that you were not strong enough to love, I accept the fact that you are limited and that you are weak, petty, selfish, ignorant and I love it. And I don't need you to change at all. So it's not like God is loving you to trick you into changing yourself to improve yourself. Real love is I love you as you are. And I don't need anything from you. And all those things you think I think you need to change for me, I don't need you to change. I can accept them all, exactly as they are, because that's love.  God does no only say he loves you, he demonstrates you and that transforms you. 

thank you for love you say to God (you truly mean it )

I love you  (when you truly mean it )

MY only job is to love. God shows you how he is able to love, and that is an invitation for you to see how much you love. Can you love, rape, abuse, your parents who said something bad to yourself that made you depressed for years, the guy who stole your car... of course I can love it all!!!! and then you say I can't love that, and God says to you "Its okay, I love you".


when you see murder on TV, God lived through that, God is willing to experience it, God loves it all.

If you loved as much as God, this duality would completely collapse and you would become God, so what is separating you from God is only your capacity to love. Which is only a function of how selfless you are. The only reason you are not able to love is because you have selfish biases and attachments, so are you willing to surrender all of those? Including your life?

1h 47min - too deep to write it here, must watch

Everything is love. Reality is love. 

Edited by AleksM

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What is Art?

(from user:StandardProceduree in youtube comments)


- In Essense, Art has alot to do with attaching Meaning and Significance to something in Existence.

- Its a process of Projection.

- 'Everything is Art, and nothing is Art.'

- Objective Vs Subjective Art? Relative Art. Art is relative to your Species, Culture and Era.

- Try to imagine what our standards of Art will be 10000 years from now!

- There is a deeper level at which you can view Art;

Don't look at Art as something a human being constructs, look at art as becoming conscious of the Innate Creativity and Beauty of all of Reality.

        Example: Looking at a dead bird on the side walk;

        one person sees just a dead bird, or more likely, doesn't even see it.

        While another person viewing the exact same dead bird,

        sees vast inter-correlated DEPTH and experiences deep PROFUNDITY from the

        Context and Perspective of the situation.

- What context are you putting it into?

- What context are you choosing to view it from?

        (Also.. How would you need to grow Internally to Increase your Level of Context

         from which to experiance infinite Beauty in the seemingly mundane?)

- The higher your Level of Consciousness rises, the more of your Reality you are able to see the Infinite Beauty in, you see the beauty in all of it.



- What is the Ultimate Purpose of Art? TO DELIGHT IN INFINITE CREATION.

        To widen your Scope of Awareness to facets of reality which are infinitely beautiful.

        What moves you with deep Emotion and Awe internally?

        To Highlight of facets of reality you find beautiful, which you can Encapsulate

        the Essense of, and can share with others.



- Playing God Yourself - Tapping into Infinite Creation, notice there is constant Perpetual Creation;

        'Out of Formlessness, Form Arises.'

- The Creative Force is at the Heart of Evolution;

        Everything is Evolving, Planets, Star Systems, Reality as a whole, Societies, Art,

        Cultures, Technologies, Belief Systems, Religion, Economies, Humans.


- The Intelligence we ascribe to ourselves is a Hair compared with Infinite Intelligence

- The Purpose of Art is to tap into that Infinite Intelligence and participate in that - To participate in the Maya; the massive Dream State Illusion of Reality; You Create within that consciously

- People wake up and realise they have the Force of Creation within themselves; Its Enjoyable to participate, and add uniquely to the process at play - you become a Vehicle a Vessel for Creation and that is very enjoyable - as it produces a deep Spiritual Connection with Life.

- Art's job is to Pedestalize Beauty, and to Glorify it, Add to it, and Magnify it!

- The real joy as an Artist is when you have a new Creative Insight of taking multiple elements that struck a cord in you, and combine them together, and then have some new Epiphany of how you can combine these things in an even more Beautiful way, and then produce something that is even more newer and even more awesome!

- The Creative Force is almost like Gravity, its a Force of Nature - The Force of Maya, the ever evolving and unfolding Illusion of Creation

- Emotions purpose is to initiate action; Most people live life in a pragmatic daze!

They are stuck in the engagement with Self-Survival & Reproduction. And their consciousness reflects that.

There is no Heart in it; Where is the Joy, Happiness, Love in perpetuating that?

- Art can AWAKEN you Internally; enabling one to recognize the Cosmic Work of Art; In both the Macrocosm and the Microcosm of Life.

It can remind you of the the Beauty of Life - It can SLAP YOU AWAKE!

- The Creative Process is a Spontaneous Process - You cannot produce it on Will.

You can however... Set your Environment,

                                   Train yourself in other ways that help to increase the odds of these

                                   connections occurring;

                                   One of the ways to increase these odds is by being Emotionally moved

                                   by lots of stuff, and by studying lots of different stuff; The more stuff

                                   you study the more stuff you Observe, and the more Interconnections

                                   you can make; So that ultimately - The Creative Process becomes a

                                   Spiritual Process.

- Art involves Right-Brain Thinking.

- The Creation of Art by its very nature results in the desire to Share it with the Whole World;

We are programmed to enjoy sharing anything which is Beautiful & Meaningful to us with other people;

Thats why one of the best things you can do in your life is to make your career about sharing the things that you love the most with other people.



- As with anything in society... Art is State of Consciousness Dependant - both in its creation and in the viewing of it.

The viewers of Art get Infected with Higher Conciousness. (- WOW. EPIPHANY BOMBSHELL.)

- Viewing Art is the 'Lubrication in the Engine of Humanity'

- Spiritual Connection Vs Approval:: An obstacle to artists is to try and maintain the Spiritual Connection to the Art while negating becoming hooked on the Approval they get from Making the Art.

- Shaping Culture without letting, IT, Shape You.

- Understanding both the Macroeconomics of Art and Culture::

How well your art does will depend on how well it aligns with Economics and your Culture at the time.

The challenge for an artist is to find a way to stay true to what you find beautiful,

without being overcome by the Suduction of Success;

Success seduces the artist to seek more Success, sacrificing the Spiritual Connection they once had to the Art in the process.

Also, as an Artist you must learn Business & Marketing and Learn Psychology.

- The Deepening of Spiritual Connection, to Beauty both outside of you and Inside of you.

- Becoming Masterful at putting Beauty on a Pedestal

- Every single day becoming a more Pure Vehicle for the Universal Creative Force

        NB how this relates to your Ego, and Personal Development!! The Ego and Art are Inversely related: The Less Ego you have = Less Obstructions in the Spontaneous Creative Process = Better Art!



Cure all your neuroticism, fears, anxieties, depression, nihilism, chemical addictions, negative thinking, need of approval, attachments;

And your Art will become Super-Charged!!

- Enjoy the Process! - Dont let Maya use you as a Tool or a Puppet which just grinds you up burns you out, and then spits you out. Enjoy the Process.

- Beware of Art as Medication - Build Art on the Right Foundation. Hit two birds with one stone: Combine Personal Development + Art together in a conscious way.

- THE VISION:: The Vision to work towards is to note that: At the Highest Level of Personal Development - The Process of Art is Effortless.

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Division vs unity - The engine that runs reality

"...to form a more perfect Union..." - Preamble to the US Constitution

Division and Unity is the engine that runs the entire reality. Everything that you see is an example of this. There is a purpose, a point, a goal and a logic to the mechanism. 

Everything is an interplay between division and Re-Union. (includes social level, personal life, relationships, birth and death, biology, chemistry, physics...)

It's very profound when you start to see how this shapes everything that is happening in your life at a practical level, it puts everything into context, it allows you to take a step back and kinda see what is the reason of reality and how intelligent it is.

The history of mankind is a series of divisions and re-unions and it unfolds like a fractal. .

re-union is love (45min)

consciousness going through a process of polarization and de-polarization, division and re-union, it expands and it contracts back, it converges and re-converges. Disintegrates and re-integrates. And it keeps doing this forever. 



  • hydrological cycle (it starts in the ocean (unity), evaporates through heating into particles, then form individual clouds and then some clouds re-unite and when enough divided clouds unite, there is enough re-union, starts to rain - it divides into separate rain droplets and then form paddles on the ground, they start as divided paddles and then start to merge together into streams, rivers, and then back into ocean, back to its source
  • Morning smoothie - starts with elements, starts with earth, water and sun, then these elements grow into plants,  (the plants has to unite different elements earth, sun, sunlight), then this plant can bear fruit, fruits separate from the plant (division), then you add different fruits, blend them and get a smoothie. Then your body has to un-do that process, digest them, separate them into individual molecules that your body can then use for nutrients, minerals, vitamins to nourish your cells, every cell  has it's own requirements and needs
  • Cells(division) Organism (unity)
  • Body is a division within consciousness
  • Species - one species, then geological things happen, a mountain range emerges, one species now lives in two different areas, one area gets more rain, the other is more dry and now the species have to adapt to different environments and then over time you get different species then these two species meet, you get a hybrid (re-union) and then the same process will happen again and through this process we got all the plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, birds...
  • human race (unity), started in Africa, then wen to populate the world and got different human races (division), then they started inter breeding and got a third one (unity)
  • Good and bad is a division and need to be re-united
  • War - world war 2 - hiter wanter to create unity by division which is insanity (but he did it out of love) but in the process 50 million people died, and that created a need to unite - european union (easier to defend against China, America, Russia if EU united).  so there is deeper intelligence to it. If bad violent aliens tried to conquer the world (independence day style), then all of the cultural differences would not be important anymore and we would unite to fight this common enemy in order for us to survive.
  • clan warfare - Saddam Hussein who tried to unite tribes into larger nation states, the middle east is still a very tribal culture (stage purple)
  • 13 colonies (division), created USA (unity - unity of divided things) and that's how it made it easier to defend against attacks. USA has now different states so it's not a total unity, even thought it functions as a unity, states merge together but still remain individual and autonomous.
  • Soviet Union - it divided, couldn't be maintained
  • EU, now brexit and the rise of some nationalist from stage blue people who want to maintain their individual identity, their German, Italian identity... but the EU is so beneficial so it's difficult to leave it. 
  • sometimes the unity has to divide (soviet union)
  • roman empire - grew so big that it was difficult to maintain (internal corruptions..) and then they fell apart
  • kriya yoga - probably hundreds of versions
  • religion - judaision - divided into chrictianity, then cristianity into catholic church then into protestants and catholics....
  • internet - first small shops, video sharing sites...(division), then 1 social media (FB), one video sharing (youtube), one search engine (google), one that dominates ecomerce (Amazon ) - unification monopolization - what is being provided by this unification, you have one place where you find everything the downside is that it's much harder to start something new and revolutionary like in the beginning . One social media, benefit is that all your friends are in one place, the downside is that all get milked by facebook
  • businesses - big businesses buy small ones, small ones can't compete with the big ones, small ones are searching for ways to differentiate (to divide from the big ones) and then big ones buy them (unification) , there is a lot of monopolization going on in business. The big ones buy smaller ones until they get so big and need to divide into smaller ones, this is especially a problem in America because of unenforced laws, and then the problem is that corporations get bigger than the government and start to manipulate it, which is a problem for maintaining democracy. 
  • You eat something - unification, you shit something that  you don't need - division
  • even spiritual people cannot keep their shit together and have to divide
  • process of birth and life - birth is a division or polarization within consciousness, consciousness splits itself into two different organisms, creating a sharp distinction between two parts of itself, then this organism grows and eats other organisms, the process or eating is a process of reunion, you are using to to fuel you then you are excreting those parts that you can't utilize and this process is a process of division. Male female division happens so later a reunion through Sex and in this process a new birth happens, at the moment of maximum union is the very moment when the next division is created, a new birth.  One cell at first, then this cell divides into two and then next into two, through the process of division, until there is one unified baby, then the baby comes out, division, then get soon back to suck mums tits - reunion, function as a family unit, then grows up separates from parents division, the grows old, dies and merges with infinite consciousness-reunion
  • atoms unify to create a molecule then molecules unify to create a protein, then those protein unify to create a cell, then cells unify further to create an organ, then organs to create an organism, then a family, a tribe, a nation,
  • mathematics (unity) - sub-field (division)
  • physicism (unity) - sub-field (division)
  • integrating different fields- unity - holism (leo's work)... there are so many sub-field that you can spend 50 years in one and that's why there is more interest in bringing stuff together to understand what human life is about
  • social justice warriors (want more unity) vs anti-social justice warriors (want more individualism and less collectivism, more division)
  • reunion of science and mysticism will happen in the next hundred years
  • intimacy and space - you are first divided, then start dating, having sex, united, but then you want space and that space creates more desire to unite, and then you want your autonomy and sense of self hood again
  • how stars are made - a bunch of gas united by the force of gravity (unification), then when there is too much unification the star explodes(division)
  • black hole (strong unification force) and if you come close it kills you, that's why the ego is terrified of love
  • marriage (unity), divorce(division)
  • entropy - a measure of unity or division, high entropy is high unity, a lack of distinction, a lack of division. Life is about division. This is a concept in thermodynamics that tells us how life spreads through the universe, what molecules are doing is that they are moving to greater and greater levels of unity, everything is run by fluctuations in entropy. To have motion at all is through a division, need to create one position here and one position  there, so it needs be a a difference between positions and only now we can have a sense of motion and then to fuel that motion with energy there needs to be an energy gradient, there needs to be high energy here and low energy there so they equalize out, and when they equalize out of all energies and positions through the whole universe and there is no difference and distinctions between anything anymore we are in total unity, total non-duality, total oneness and here you cannot have anything distinct, specific or any forms, you cannot have any motion, there isn't a sense of time.  If you want motion, division, space, time you have to divide consciousness (it's not like a physical system like scientists think just some random stuff).


The world is starting to globalize because of techonology and because people want peace, they want an interconnected globalized world where people can travel and trade around the world, where we have internet everywhere, we want unified laws, so we have to interconnect different nations... you want to travel to some place in Africa and not get your head chopped off and the only way that's gonna be possible is through globalization. That if someone from Nigeria hacks your bank account that you can sue them in court, that would be difficult to do now. 


There is a trade off when you unite things and also when you divide things. 

Reality is a unity of divided individual things. 

When you see this bigger pattern and start to understand what all of life and consciousness is doing then you stop resisting the re-union.

It is not simply that re-union is good and division being bad, it is just a dance of consciousness. 


The balance of division and unity changes upon what is needed at the time, when this is not understood, this only deepens our problem. because people get ideological about "ohh taxation is evil, socialism is evil, redistribution of wealth is evil - not it's not and neither is capitalism evil, "if capitalism is good then socialism must be evil" that is not right lol, both extremes are wrong which is not to say that we take the middle point between the two, it's a dynamic equilibrium, it depends - for example in America the pendulum has swing so far to the right with neo-liberalism, rampid capitalism and libertarianism that now it needs to swing back to democratic socialism, redistribution of wealth and higher taxation then when this goes to far we have to swing it back to the opposite end . 

There is no black and white answers to how much we should be united and how much should we be divided. It is a combination, it's division within unity within division, within unity, within division, within unity... it's a fractal. 

Imagine how your body would work if every cell would want to maintain it's independence and autonomy for itself.  Let's say even if each organ in your body didn't want to unite and coordinate but it wanted to be arrogant and just do what it wanted to do.  Like your heart pumping blood only to places it wanted to. 

This is what libertarians and right winders don't understand how society and civilization works because they only taut individualism and freedom as if it some absolute good, and it is not, reality is deeply interconnected and no part of reality is totally free or totally independent from the other parts. Especially in biological beings, your cells have to be very selfless and participate in some larger cause or purpose in order for your body to function. Libertarians doesn't understand how human life and survival hinges upon collectivism/collective organization - you have to appreciate your role in that, it's the height of arrogance to think how you're entitled to freedom and individualism, this is a benefit you earn through lot's of coordination and cooperation.

The opposite of that is also a danger of becoming too integrated and neglect individual rights. (like china's treatment of Muslims minorities and the Tibetans -- too collectivist and neglecting individual rights)

So how to build a society is not through one of these ideologies but with an interplay between the details of this.  

the problem is how do we get multiple diverse entities, with different, needs, interest to unite (common currenty...), to unite is for the benefit of all

Even the most spiritual people cannot keep their shit together, they divide.

 Contemplate why does this keep happening? If there is one God and one Truth, why does this happen? Why all the ward, different sects, countries, why do we care about maintaining boundaries between countries, why do we form different alliances, why do we have different tribes that fight each other, why do people have a problem with globalism and nationalism, why do we have different races, why do people have a problem with marrying different races.... find the larger pattern here, look at it from the God's eye view. 

Sometimes things get so divided that it get untenable and unsustainable and a re-union is deeply craved and needed. 

open mindedness - not being attached to anything, (beliefs, ideologies) you are open to everything (maintaining the purity of a dish without mixing it with other stuff because of being closed, can miss on a lot. The other side is also true, if you are too open and mix everything with it, the purity of a dish will be gone)

ego is a division, ego came out of unity, so the ego is always struggling to maintain its division from its environment, and re-union is what the ego calls death.

the end is the begining, perfect loop

zero is infinite, if you have a circle and collapse it down to a point of zero dimensions, as soon as it has zero dimensions it simultaneously expands and has infinite radius .  beginning is the end, perfect strange loop

subject and object collapse into unity, space and time collapse in no time and no space

The universe started as this one undifferentiated "thing" but then wanted to differentiate and specialize, but then got frustrated with all division and limitation and had to re-unify. 

Total unity is God or Love or Truth, that point of singularity before the big bang we try to reach with awakening. 

you can't grasp totality with a part (like scientist try to grasp consciousness but to understand consciousness you have to be in the business of unifying consciousness and this is where mysticism, yoga(in sanskrit means union - subject and object, perceiver and perceived, life and death, matter and energy, mind and body) and meditation come into play)

snowman -to let him survive, we have to program it with fear for anything that will melt it, survival agenda, sense of self for it to maintain its snowman shape... but eventually will die and once it does it will unify with its surroundings and merge with infinite love. The snowman comes from love and goes back to an infinite love just like you. 

Unification comes with costs and benefits. It's not an absolute good. 

Even the ultimate unification of death comes with costs (totally indistinct, you are not any particular way, so you cannot enjoy an ice cream, enjoy having a dog, having sex,..)  and benefits (total peace, bliss and no more problems, no more survival, no more worry ). 

If you want to know what re-union feels like you have to divide yourself. If you want to know what it feels like to become God you have to create the illusion of not being God,. 

God is nothing and so totally indistinct that it can't even really know itself because even the process of knowing oneself requires there to be a knower and a known, god can't really know itself because it is itself.  God can't reveal itself to you because God is nothing. Seeing Jezus, Buddha, Ganesha...these are all just manifestations of God and actually God is totally infinite and indistinct, which means you can't grasp it, define it and draw a picture of it... Muslims are smart for not drawing pictures of God Allah and Mohammed, because they think that to draw any picture of them is to diminish Allah (and then the scientists make the mistake "Ohh if you can't draw God, then God doesn't exist" lol).

people resist unification and sometimes think of it as oppression, but sometimes unification happens only through great pressure, sometimes it requires war, death, cruelty, turture, murder, rape... to understand this helps you to come to peace with all the evil that happens in the world because all the evil in the world is often just the pressure to unify. 

There is no such thing as evil, just love and intelligence.  (hitler did war out of love) this is not about justifying behavior it's about understanding how god works...it's about understanding the structure of all of reality and why it unfolds exactly as it unfolds. 

the fundamental rule of reality is that all divided entities will unite and all unified entities will divide

another rule is that no part can get a monopoly over the whole, because the whole is unlimited and a a part is limited, the limited will never conquer the unlimited so it is futile.

god seeks to maximize diversity of form, infinity is the maximum diversity of form, so God is the ultimate unity of all diversity, diversity is not the opposite of unity it is the very definition of unity. 

division and unity -- both are impermanent and important. 

imagined distintions and then unimagining them to unite

infinity is not a number, it is every number all at once, 1 if infinite, 2 is infinite.God and infinity is every possible form

God wants diversity because it is an expression of its infinite creative potential . Nothing gives God greater joy than expressing its own true nature and spawn infinite diversity to share it with, who, who, YOURSELF, cause there is nothing but yourself, when you are infinite, you are one, so you can't share yourself with anybody but yourself, so you fragment into a million pieces and then you share the joy of God with all those pieces by having them to re-unite and re-create you and this process goes on forever .

Evolution is a universal process of differentiation and re-union and it is driven by love and intelligence and the key to evolution is maintaining this balance between division and unity.  If you get too much division, you get hell, if you get too much unity you get hell and there is way to know how to balance this, it has to unfold. 

Be ware of ideological people who hold the unity as the absolute good or who make a duality out of division and unity as if these are separate things, they are not, they are like two types of unity.  

There is unity with a lower case you and there is unity with a upper case You.  Absolute unity vs relative unity. 

there cannot be a unity if there is no division. unity has to include division.

Life and reality is one giant fractal of infinite consciousness, this fractal is God, You, Love, division and unity. 

Your birth was a division, your death will be a re-union and everything that happens in between will just be a variation on that theme and nothing else can happen in reality because reality nothing more than differences and distinctions imagined by infinite mind and then unimagined by infinite mind by unimagining the distinction you unite what was distinct


For the next week when you walk around notice how every object and situation around you is an example of division and unity


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Understanding Resistance

It’s easy to identify the feeling of resistance.

Resistance happens when:

you create imperatives for yourself,  things that MUST be done, when you force yourself to do anything, it's like pressing the gas and brake pedals on your car at the same time....  Life should flow. But, insidiously, we tend to resist the things we want most. (Not wanting to go to the gym, read a book, meditate) 

you use excuses and reasons (I’ll go to the gym… Tomorrow for sure! I swear!.... I’ll call my Mom… But I wonder if anyone replied to my witty Facebook post. I better check now.)

Your higher self wants you to do one thing, but your lower self creates sabotage.

The Ultimate Technique for Releasing Resistance - Sedona Method

Counter-intuitively, the way out of resistance is to accept it.

Process for releasing resistance:

  1. Conjure up the feeling of resistance. Feel it. Let it flood your body and mind.
  2. Ask yourself, “Could I let go of this feeling?”
  3. Ask yourself, “Would I like to let go of it?”
  4. Ask yourself, “When can I let it go?”

Repeat steps 1-4 at least four times until the feeling disappears.


  • Step 1: There is a big difference between actually feeling a feeling, and merely thinking about it.
  • Step 2,3: Don’t force a “Yes” if you really believe “No.”
  • Step 4: Answer honestly. If you want to hold on to the feeling for 2 days, then say, “In two days.” If want the feeling gone right now, say “Right now!” Any answer is acceptable.

It might be subtle at first, but you’ll feel the heaviness lift, even if you answered “No!”, “No!”, and “Never!”

each cycle takes about 30 seconds. It takes 4 cycles to feel a lot better. So you can release resistance within 2 minutes

Allow Yourself to Feel Shitty

Simply ask yourself, “Could I allow myself to just feel bad right now?”

Surrender to the situation. Yes, the situation sucks, but it sucks x10 more simply because you’re resisting it.  When you stop trying to escape bad feelings, most of them simply disappear.

The “Just Do It” Method 

simply forcing action as thoughtlessly as possible.

Just take that first baby-step. Then the second baby-step. Then the third. Soon enough you’re on a roll and the resistance naturally melts away.


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How To Meditate Deeper


Stage 1: Beginner: Simple Observation


Allow everything to happen. And all you do is just watch it. You simply observe it. Whatever’s going on is ok. 

Your mind will wander. Let it wander and do whatever it wants to do without controlling it.

Let it think about tomorrow night. And let it think about the email you just got. 

But, as it goes there, your job is to watch it go there, and just be mindful of the fact that: “Oh, it’s going somewhere. It was here, and now it’s there. And now it’s here. And now it’s there."

You don’t want to take your thoughts within that meditation session seriously at all. 

Not just thoughts, but also feelings.You can either buy into those and take them seriously, or you can just watch them. So, your objective here is just simply watch them.


Stage 2: Inermediate: Active Detachment


You try to drop the thought, release it. 

Actively try to release every thought that comes into your mind. So, it’s just like the first stage, except now you’re actually doing a little bit of manipulation. 

You always have to go meta, see what’s happening and then release, alright? And if it fails, don’t worry about it. Try it again.

don’t resist thoughts arising. Because thoughts will arise.

What you do is say: “Oh, that’s a thought. Let me just let it go.” And you let it go.


Stage 3: Advanced: Awareness Focus

you put your awareness on awareness itself. 

here what you’re doing is — you’re kind of working on this problem of understanding what awareness is. And the way that you do that is that you notice that everything that comes up is just content that fills this space of awareness.

The field of awareness is filled with content. An emotion is a piece of content. A thought is a piece of content. An itch on your ass is a piece of content.

Now, usually what we do is we get sucked into this content. And we get sucked into our thought stories and into our emotions. Your job here is just to become aware that all this stuff actually is content and it’s happening within this field of awareness. And that awareness itself is not the content. focus your awareness on the fact that content is arising. And you try not to get sucked into the content. And you keep your awareness on the fact that you’re aware.

Notice that things enter awareness and then they disappear from awareness. So, they arise and then they die. And then they rise again. And then they die again. And this is happening constantly.

What you need to do is focus your awareness not on the content, but kind of, like you zoom out.

 And you try to maintain that as consistently as possible without having your mind wander off course


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