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Hero in progress

A few of good sources.

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If your interested in body awareness and essentially making your body feel better bioenergetics is maybe something to Google. Thanks for mentioning that Leo on the episode about the different fields of self actualization. The most convenient (easily accessible) source I have found is a guy going by the name of Devaraj. Seems like a cool guy, he has his own YouTube channel, and he has loads of videos, with a diverse range of different techniques and videos. Check it out if you like. Body based therapy with Devaraj

And I also have another recommendation on YouTube. 

This young fella seems like a cool guy too, he goes by the name "Master of earth" and although he hasn't posted for a fair amount of time the videos that are still up could be of interest. He posted a lot of techniques, and information you might not find easily  elsewhere, so check him out too if you like. PS Thankyou to whoever recommended him before on this very forum.

And finally A book recommendation that you might not be exposed to otherwise. Its called natural Perfection by Keith dowman its a English translation of a Tibetan monk "longchenpa" who lived hundreds of years ago. Its free as a downloadable PDF. Just type it in, I tryed to attach it to this post but the file was too large. 

Hope this helps out all those non dual actualizers in there.



Love you

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