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Spontaneous Realisation About Time (Once Again)

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Exactly because time in the commonly understood way which implies that there is a particular "past" that we come from and that there is a "future" we will go to doesn't exist, and there will only ever be this very eternal and unfading NOW, the way you feel right now is the way you will always feel like. The words with which this information is written are very simple indeed but I encourage you to try to grasp the deeper meaning behind them and to fully let the message/insight hit you.

There really just isn't any time... not at all. All there is, is NOW. To me, this has been very clear on a conceptual level for quite some time now but keeping myself reminded and aware of this fact on a constant basis definitely turns out to be more challenging than one might expect it to be, always having to go against one's programming and hardwiring.

Perhaps "seductive" isn't quite the right word to describe it properly but it surely is fairly easy and also relatively automatic to a certain degree to fall into the usual thinking patterns along the lines of "soon you will feel better/different" "tomorrow's another day and everything will be different again" "just wait until [this or that] happens and then everything's gonna be just fine" etc. "TIME" is simply the exact same NOW "over and over again" if one might put it that way.

Therefore, it really is kinda futile to expect things or situations to feel better or different in the "future". You can have everything you want, everything you'd like to feel like right now ,essentially, because there just isn't anything else than NOW. You see, there is no seperation between "back then, and now" or "later/in the future and now". Regarding past and future as something real contrary to regarding them them as just another slice or point of consciousness that always happens Now and simultaneously never even happened (because it has nothing to hang on to - it can't ultimately be defined in the infinite flow of NOWs / consciousness) is really very much like looking at a two-dimensional cube or any other geometrical shape and suddenly seeing it from it's "second" perspective/angle.

As a possible conclusion: don't wait for things/events/people to make you feel different or better but start to see how everything that you seemingly experience "in time" is simply just the same NOWness every time again and again. It could also be described as the recognition of one's perpetual I-Am-ness as Ken Wilber likes to call it. The way you "experienced" self-consciousness when you were 10 years old is the exatly the same way as you're experiencing it right now, with the only exception that you now have different dominating thought-patterns and a different baseline of a feeling or 2-3 predominant feelings combined that you like to refer to as your "character". So, the self-image that you have of yourself is actually more defined by the emotions and feelings that you go through the most on a daily basis, more than anything else. But, to not digress any further into another topic I might just stop here, I guess... As always, let me/us know what you think of this. 

Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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