
I Can't Comprehend Non-Duality

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I was watching Leo's video about "What Is Spirituality?" and in the video he talks about Non-Duality and I don't think I really understand it. In the video Leo talks about how science has never proved you are a physical biological organism and that science has never proven you are your body. Leo also says that science cannot prove that you are not the table you are looking at. Also that science has never proven the idea of a separate self because the idea of a separate self is just an illusion. He then goes on to say that it is a conceptual creation. Leo also tells us to construct an experiment to see if you are separate from your coffee table. To this I would say that i'm not the table because I don't experience things through the table. I know this isn't scientific but this is my line of thinking because I think i'm me because I experience things through my body. I perceive myself as being my experiences and the mind stores these experiences making me who I am and a table cannot do this. On the other hand I have had thoughts about dreams and Non-Duality. Because in dreams I have a perception like normal involving senses like sight and feeling. The dreams do have different people or beings in them though and I don't directly experience what they experience but I am creating the dreams in my mind. In this case I think it would be like Non-Duality because it is all one within the dream as i'm controlling it even though I don't perceive myself as unless I am lucid dreaming. So would lucid dreaming be like waking up to the nature of Non-Duality? How can I go about understanding Non-Duality as well? Is it like a conceptual thing or does it alter the state of ones perception in like a lucid dream when you realize you're in control? 


Why am I so differently wired? Am I a martian?

What kind of twisted experiment am I involved in?

Because I don't belong in this world. -Eminem

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It's just babble, if you're watching Leo's videos it's because you're vibrating on a certain vibration, remember you don't have free will. Language is not what you think it is, think of his entire video's like mathematical equations being sent towards you like a packet and you download it & process it, each one of us process his videos differently.

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38 minutes ago, Finland3286 said:

How can I go about understanding Non-Duality as well? Is it like a conceptual thing or does it alter the state of ones perception in like a lucid dream when you realize you're in control? 

there's only so much intellectual/conceptual understanding one can have


the real fact is that the mind CANNOT grasp or understand this fully. you have to still the mind and what remains is what recognizes and understands this all

Love Is The Answer

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The veil that blankets BE-ING 



 Are we aware that “the i” is a veil of conceptualizations, or the accumulated(experience, knowledge, memory), that responds to the now with that content-movement of the past??


 That being one and the same movement as “the i”, or “the knower-known”, that seeks security in time, which prevents actual timeless be-ing.


 All this being a movement of fear with the agenda of self preservation. To evade the fact to the abstraction in order to capture and maintain a sense of psychological security-psychological permanence. 


 Do we see that as long as there is this neurotic compulsion to adhere, and project, that which has been accumulated through the movement of thought, (experience, knowledge, memory), that in so doing, we are preventing actual present moment be-ing??


 Do we see that we meet the dynamic happening of “the now”, with that accumulation of the past,(thought as the i)??


 The alive and dynamic action of be-ing, is then blanketed with all that movement of the i, (memory), which projects itself in place of “what is” in accordance to its own static content of what should be. 


 In this movement of time as the i, there is then an interpretation of that static content, which influences the projection, which then follows an action in accordance to that projected image. 


 Again, that action is the response of an interpreted-projection, which is the response of memory, registering, recollecting from the past-thought. We then apply that finite veil of experience to meet the challenge of the infinite -active dynamic now. 


 In the actual “action of be-ing”, there is no choosing between the opposites. Actual be-ing implies the absence of choice as the chooser, who chooses between two opposing concepts, or any content-movement from the past whatsoever...Choosing, or deciding between, is one and the same movement as the past that acts according to the false notion, that ‘the chooser’ is different from that which it chooses. 


 This is an example of the dualistic nature of thinking, when “the thinker”, thinks, it is separate from that which it thinks. 


 Even, “present movement be-ing”, can be the product of conceptualization if this accumulated movement-contents, as the i, which is the past, meets the present active and elusive now. 


 In that, the active happening of now is then deduced by the deadness of the past, (memory), and (thought as the i), then becomes projected again as a future barrier to “the be-ingness of now” 


 Here I have utilized thought, (a conceptual expression), that points to a fact that is common to the conditioned consciousness of human kind. Pointing to the actuality that the psychological accumulation of “the i” distorts, and makes for this (deduction), that diminishes the beauty, joy, and creativity of the dynamic, aliveness, of now. 


 When we can observe without the observer, which is void of (experience, knowledge, memory), or time as the i, only then is there a timeless dynamic/stillness of be-ing. 


 This is what I have been exploring over the last  four months or so. How to explain this “ending of experience”, more efficiently....What it boils down to is the ending of experience in and of itself. Freedom to me, implies the absence of experience, or(measure), acting as a veil to that which is immeasurable. Experience has its place in practical affairs, but psychologically it has none.  


 When all psychological experience as the i ceases to be carried over onto the living movement of now, only then that which is mysterious, (THE SACRED), is actualized. This is what I would refer to as BE-ING, or consciousness empty of its conditioned movement-content of time as the i. Or what I refer to as headlessness. 


 As I have said before, to me, this is the most creative movement that can take place. This movement is not found within the realm of time. 


 Nor is this the invention of thought, but an actualized emptiness void of the conditioned nature of thought, consciousness empty of its contents-movement so that there can be communion with WHAT IS. 


From my bro Faceless 



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perhaps you've fallen in love with someone, perhaps you remember when you were a little kid and how you looked at your parents , or how you look at your brother and sister

in love we see that a body is not just a body, what you see, the body of your loved ones means so much more, means the sky, the universe, the human form dissolves and divinity is revealed

do you see just another person, just another body in your loved ones?

can you feel the gentle love where you cannot distinguish where you begin and where another ends?

how does a mother or a father feel when they hold their newborns? is there space between them? air, skin? 

or is there boundless love

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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59 minutes ago, Feel Good said:

@SoonHei Is that like, don't quote the Buddha, be the Buddha, kind of thing? 

lol @Feel Good 

dunno... i was just talking about the fact that THE MIND cannot understand it. as Leo/all else say. because mind is finite . and absolute is infinite 

Edited by SoonHei
grammar error

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@Finland3286 As I see it, it becomes quite easy to understand if you just drop the notion of physical reality entirely. 

5 hours ago, Finland3286 said:

 To this I would say that i'm not the table because I don't experience things through the table. 

What does "experience something through something" mean? If you think you experience sights through your eyes, it's just a concept: you think you are a material body with material eyes perceiving material things. You can see a coffee table. You can experience bodily sensations. You can see a body in the mirror. Where do you see that you experience all this "through" something? There are just experiences. And there is nothing that can prove that the sight of your hand is you and the sight of a coffee table is not you.

Edited by GreenDragon

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No one can. That's the whole point

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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6 hours ago, Finland3286 said:

I know this isn't scientific but this is my line of thinking because I think i'm me because I experience things through my body

You see that's the myopia of Science. It can't see or does not want to admit that it is only it's own line of thinking and not some objective Truth :P

Because the moment it is aware of it, the whole paradigm dissolves. There is hardly anything 'scientific' about how science is done. Maybe some pun is intended :P 

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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7 minutes ago, Preetom said:

You see that's the myopia of Science. It can't see or does not want to admit that it is only it's own line of thinking and not some objective Truth :P

Because the moment it is aware of it, the whole paradigm dissolves. There is hardly anything 'scientific' about how science is done. Maybe some pun is intended :P 

Lol well said.

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5 hours ago, Feel Good said:

Is that like, don't quote the Buddha, be the Buddha, kind of thing? 

You just might be onto something there Feel Good. :D

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I Can't Comprehend Non-Duality?


“The i”, and this response of thought, (comprehension), both being one and the same..(CONDITIONED MOVEMENT)



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@Finland3286 Watch my video: Guided Self Inquiry: Neti Neti Method.

You are a thought.

It is possible to stop thinking this thought. If you succeed in doing so, you will die. And that is nonduality. When you realize your birth was just an idea. What remains after your death is a nondual field of pure consciousness. You become the entire universe.

The truth is, you have always been the entire universe. But you've managed to convince yourself otherwise with stories.

Awakening is not an idea. And it is way more radical than lucid dreaming. It is a radical change in your perceptual system.

See all my videos about enlightenment. There is an enlightenment category on my website.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, Feel Good said:

@SoonHei Is that like, don't quote the Buddha, be the Buddha, kind of thing? 

Quote the Buddha all you want, that's won't make you Enlightened.  You're not gonna become Enlightened by copying someone else.  Enlightenment is about self-observation much more so than about seeking external authorities.  You need to focus inward.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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10 minutes ago, Feel Good said:

Absolutely. But he's just regurgitating the latest of his personal insights and in the effort to spread it all around he forum he completely misses where the other is at. Projecting his unwanted insights onto people who really couldn't give a rats ads about his insight. 

A person with clear vision will see the other person and be intuitively sensitive to their needs.

This guy is just a bull in a China shop knocking anything over in his way so he can blurt out whatever crap he needs to say this week.

I think Joseph maynor should leave his insights to his 45000 text masterpiece of absolute self contradictory subjective clap trap and leave the rest of us to work on ourselves.


Now you're doing the real work ironically.  Examine what you just did there.  What concerns me is there doesn't seem to be any substantial takeaway after you put your real cards on the table.  You can't cover up doing the real work by focusing externally or by staying in the mind.  You must confront you -- no one else can.  All we can do is try to help you gain keener awareness of the problem that we all have.  But at some point in your Enlightenment Work, you gotta actually do some self-observation.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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“If you see the Buddha in the road, kill him”

The buddha knows that to you, he is an illusion, so it’s a pointer to return to the inquiry of self, rather than follow what is being told, or a person it is told by, which can feed into more delusion that the buddha was separate to begin with. 



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12 minutes ago, Feel Good said:

This guy is just a bull in a China shop

Who owns this china shop?

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