
being mindful/aware whilst studying

29 posts in this topic

13 hours ago, Martin123 said:

@phoenix666 yeah, it’s more and more. I feel like it’s a process that’s gonna put me into the body very very soon. Like within weeks/months, able to ground the light into form.

And it was actually in a sense not that profound. I say that because I sometimes get this imagery just to get a feel for what my inner child is going through, so it wasn’t too trippy, but most certainly significant.


And the books I really recommend. Since you’re an empath, I can tell from personal experience no teachings quite make sense like Matts do. I have to say personally there are very rarely things he shares that don’t resonate with me, because there is a very specific way empaths wake up and transform, and most teachers out there actually can’t relate to our experience because it’s so different.


It also makes sense that Matt went through his awakening being guided by spirit guides, because if you as an empath followed a different path of awakening (the ones that are common, like self-realisation and that type of stuff) the awakening would be fragmented. 

That being said you don’t actually need to follow anyone because the awakening is an unstoppable force that’s gonna devour you piece by piece and say Yumm Yumm ? Because it’s in the dna. 


Actually to bring it back to being in the body (and I think this can be sort of generalised to all empaths but I specifically had this as such a deep personal dharma, to make peace with being here), we enter the body fully once the dna transforms and nervous system relaxes.

OMG you know what happened today? I was swimming and after a while I entered a meditative state, like some days ago. but this time I suddenly realized, oh, I'm fully in my body now. so in, that it almost felt like being outside of it. do you know what I mean? it was one of those everything goes full-circle things:o and I actually realized that in my past I really felt disconnected from my body...and that I always tried to distract myself and to run away from being 'me' and in my body. I think it's linked to self hate. OMG I realized this because of your posts... thank you so much. 

it feels like the realizations I get during and after listening to Matt. it's like 'oh, yeah of course. I knew that subconsciously. it's like a door opening, to wisdom I already have in me, but I'm not aware of it.'

how can you say that I'm an empath? because Matt's teachings resonate so much with me?

sometimes it feels like he is talking directly to my heart <3

I really want to read his books, yeah.:x

thank you, Martin

whatever arises, love that

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thank you so much for sharing,@Sbilko  

I'm so glad you're studying something you have such deep passion for. wonderful <3

I always try to keep in mind what I study for; helping and healing people. that helps a lot. but motivation isn't really a problem right now. the thing is that I manage to stay mindful for the most part of the day now. only when studying, there you go, awareness flying out the window¬¬

but it's actually getting better. admitting it is already a first step. becoming aware of unawareness :ph34r: hahah I love this xD

whatever arises, love that

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@phoenix666 You can focus on your heart while you do anything. In fact you’ll do it more effectively because you will be closer to infinite intelligence, and instant knowing ✌️

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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21 minutes ago, phoenix666 said:

OMG you know what happened today? I was swimming and after a while I entered a meditative state, like some days ago. but this time I suddenly realized, oh, I'm fully in my body now. so in, that it almost felt like being outside of it. do you know what I mean? it was one of those everything goes full-circle things:o and I actually realized that in my past I really felt disconnected from my body...and that I always tried to distract myself and to run away from being 'me' and in my body. I think it's linked to self hate. OMG I realized this because of your posts... thank you so much. 

it feels like the realizations I get during and after listening to Matt. it's like 'oh, yeah of course. I knew that subconsciously. it's like a door opening, to wisdom I already have in me, but I'm not aware of it.'

how can you say that I'm an empath? because Matt's teachings resonate so much with me?

sometimes it feels like he is talking directly to my heart <3

I really want to read his books, yeah.:x

thank you, Martin

Oh it just felt obvious. After you heal a lot of the debris in the body, you become more sensitive and can feel really clearly where is who at. I love sometimes meeting empaths without saying anything and making eye contact xD it’s like you look at them, and they look at you, and you know that they know that you know that they know:D and it’s like a telepathic yep, I see you, gotcha, you are badass like me. It’s a telepathic highfive! :D 

Also you’re really polite and your signature gave out a lot ❤️

I am so glad that I helped you out, I love that! And awesome swimming that’s really good for you. One of these days I really gotta learn how to swim properly! One of those things that I never really could do as a child. :D 


Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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4 hours ago, Solace said:

@phoenix666 You can focus on your heart while you do anything. In fact you’ll do it more effectively because you will be closer to infinite intelligence, and instant knowing ✌️

still trying to do that throughout the day.. it's quite ok and feels awesome during most activities. but it's kind of challenging during intense mental activity like studying xD

I actually started focusing on my heart naturally towards the end of meditation today. it did things to me:x it felt like every cell in my body started unfolding into something much bigger, like a million empty spaces opening and expanding ..and in the center, around my heart area there was a light 

huh, I don't know what that was, but it felt so, so good:x

whatever arises, love that

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4 hours ago, Martin123 said:

Oh it just felt obvious. After you heal a lot of the debris in the body, you become more sensitive and can feel really clearly where is who at. I love sometimes meeting empaths without saying anything and making eye contact xD it’s like you look at them, and they look at you, and you know that they know that you know that they know:D and it’s like a telepathic yep, I see you, gotcha, you are badass like me. It’s a telepathic highfive! :D 

Also you’re really polite and your signature gave out a lot ❤️

I am so glad that I helped you out, I love that! And awesome swimming that’s really good for you. One of these days I really gotta learn how to swim properly! One of those things that I never really could do as a child. :D 


oh, that's so lovely. I'd like to meet such people too.. I know what you mean, I've met some during my stay at a Zen monastery and at a meditation retreat. still looking for them here in my hometown and daily life though:ph34r:xD

haha, of course, my signature, truexD

yeah, it was a huge insight. I only realized how much I've been living outside my body after really, really grounding into it. your words opened the door <3 swimming is wonderful, it can bring you into a meditative state rather quickly:x

whatever arises, love that

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@phoenix666 That’s fantastic! The heart will show you that it is trustworthy, and that experience is just the beginning.

When you are so focused on something you become it. The heart means you become unconditional love, at school it means you become one with the test paper ?


Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@phoenix666 You're welcome! ^_^

And yeah, becoming aware of me getting distracted has helped me too! Developing mindfulness is such an useful skill. 

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9 hours ago, Solace said:

The heart will show you that it is trustworthy, and that experience is just the beginning.

When you are so focused on something you become it. The heart means you become unconditional love, at school it means you become one with the test paper ?


hahaha I love it <3


7 hours ago, Sbilko said:

becoming aware of me getting distracted has helped me too! Developing mindfulness is such an useful skill. 

yeah, awareness is like the sun. when it shines on things, they are transformed <3

whatever arises, love that

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