
Where can I learn Mevlevi Turning?

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Hi folks,

for those of you, that don't know what I am talking about, Turning is a spiritual practice of the Mevlevi branch of sufi islam. It was discovered by the persian mystic Dschalal ad-Din ar-Rumi and passed on by the mevlevi brotherhood.

Side fact: Rupert Spira learned this technique and I think it is one of the main factors, that contributed to the depth of his realization.

I wanted to ask if anyone is aware of people, that teach the turning, preferabely in continental europe?

I am aware of The Study Society that teaches turning in London, but I'd appreciate any other tips, as well as any discussion on the topic.

Has anyone of you tried it? How was it?

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Here is an interview with poeple, that tried it:


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It's super simple. Watch this and do it yourself.

I tried it once. It's pretty nice, in a short while I realized that even though the body and the world are wirrling, I am still. It made me pretty sick though, so I never did it again.

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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Update: I found another great documentary about a israeli sufi.


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