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Crying whilst meditating/self-Inquiry

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I have a reoccurding phenomena whilst meditation for a month or two; I meditate and usually end up doing self-inquiry and when I investigate onto the question - Who am I, Who is the one feeling this etc. tears start forming. I do not feel sad or happy but the tears start forming every single time. I don't really mind it, but I'm wondering why is this and could there be anything else I could do rather than just sit with it as sitting with it doesn't seem to give me further insight to sit with it.

Another occurance is after doing self-inquiry I start doing a sort of a loving-kindness meditation. Thoughts of all that I love arise (nature, people etc.) I feel grateful and loving and it is very beautiful. But I'm wondering whether it is a distraction of going even deeper? Although my last awekening experience came after this loving feeling as it led to myself.

Any advice?

Thanks for the help :)

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@shamaanitar  Same here in some deep meditation sessions..Warm feeling in the chest like tickle and tears. Also it happens when i see movies more spiritual like i origins or the fountain.

I do not know yet, i am suspect that for me is the thrill that we are all connected, like a i found my roots after all this egoistic journey of suc 

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@George Fil  haha, I can definitely relate to the movies part as well. Also happens when I look at trees, dogs, flowers etc. And it isn't like "normal" crying (i.e. sobbing) it's more happy tears.

Yes, the feeling of warmth I also experience usually after I feel as if my hands dissapper.

@Nahm Thank you for the encouragement :x Love feels like the natural path/way yet sometimes I must check whether I'm fooling myself or not. :P Perhaps I need just to trust love.

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