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The present is not the Future

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There cannot be any other way other than the way of the universe. 

If God is different than the universe then we will be left confused and divided not knowing who to follow, God or universe. 

This becomes simplified if we realize that God also has to be in sync with the universe. Then it's solved. 

When we are in sync with the universe we are in sync with God. This means we can put two and two together and come to the conclusion that God is the universe itself and the nature of God is the nature of the universe. Following God means following universal principles and being in harmony with it. 

How can we connect with God 


By connecting with the universe 

2 . By aligning our intention and purpose with the intention of the universe. 

3 By learning about the universe. 

4. By working together with the universe towards a common goal for all creations. 

5. By prayer. 

There can be 3 types of prayer offered to the universe. 

1. Desire and needs 

Your own personal problems or troubles or deepest desires that are yet to be fulfilled, ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened for you, trust that your voice will be heard, justice will be done, your pain will be resolved and your dreams will come true. 

2. gratefulness 

 praise and devotion 

Praise the power of God and be grateful for what you have. Show your devotion and love of God to the universe. Show your love to the universe. 

3. Intention 

Express your love for the world and wish that everyone along with you attains peace. Let there be peace in the world. This is compassion based. Like a universal prayer (intercessory). 

This way you convey to the universe that your intentions are noble and you are in sync with what it wants. 

Take time out to connect to God (Sabbath) 

Godforce and soulforce. 


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Godforce and soulforce. 

Soulforce is the will power of a person. How badly you want something, especially when it's not something trivial you want but something meaningful and purposeful, then your soulforce is behind it and the desire is deep in your soul. 

Godforce is the will power of the universe. 

When the universe recognizes that your desires are not cheap but genuine, authentic, noble and sincere and deep or strong, that's when even Godforce stands with you and not just soulforce. That's where both the godforce and soulforce work together and get stronger and then your desire will definitely get fulfilled someday. But for that your intentions have to be Nobel and genuine. And you have to be passionate and deeply committed and emotional about what you want. Only then godforce will be with you to create something grander and worth achieving. 



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The incas and the Aztecs, the Mayas realized this and worshipped forces of nature. So did the Egyptian and other Asian ancient cultures. 


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Observe the universe. The universe already has written the book of life, that is it has already shown how to live. There is no other manual on life. Universe shows it to us through its laws and creation. We uncover and study the laws through science and these laws can help us to understand the nature of life and how to live. 

So everything you wanted the universe has already given to you. You need not look elsewhere and even if you did you will only get half hearted answers. 

The universe is the key. 



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Some factors required to get a flow in life :

  1. Connection to self........ authentic you are and to be yourself completely. No fakery, no dishonesty  no pretending. Just true to yourself. 
  2. Gut instinct and intuition. Something you need to sharpen with time by being more innate, emotional and sensitive to how you feel about everything 
  3. Connection to the universe and God.- being in sync with what the universe wants you to do and how the universe wants you to be 

What is a flow 

A free flow or just flow means your life  has a rhythm and it flows as you want, your needs are met, your frustration is less, it moves as you want, you feel a sense of power and control and there is less chaos, more stability and less chances of being sabotaged. 

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The universe has all the resources and the power to heal you, cure you, restore and renew your body and also your mind and spirit. It can change your body and mind only if you allow it. 

Show your admiration and love to the universe and jn turn the universe will reflect the love back to you. 

Let the universe heal you. 

Make a sincere request, a sincere prayer to God to give you peace and sustainenance and help you thrive. 

Love is the most powerful fuel and catalyst used by the universe for growth. 

Faith is what it lives by. 

Hope courage strength endurance patience logic perseverance devotion peace joy happiness truth love honesty purity authenticity grace beauty freedom liberation faith tranquility equilibrium balance. 

Are qualities that make up the beautiful universe. 


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A poem to the universe. More like a prayer 

Let me live and thrive in peace 

Give this day our daily bread 

Let us live in love togetherness and be happy

Give us [me] faith so that we walk with it as our companion 

Show us the ray of hope 

Teach us how to live

May our actions and intentions be how you want them

Let there be peace and love in the world 

Help us to accept reality and truth meanwhile trusting in your absolute love to protect us

Let us move in joy, happiness and grace. 

Let we grow beautifully and thrive wonderfully 

Let we be liberated from all illusions and set free from pain 

Let we find calm balance and tranquility 

Let we rest in peace 

This is my only prayer to you. 

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The universe says "let my love heal you, my love will heal you." 

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Allow the universe to heal you. 

Deflect all sorts of negative energies of negative people. They are not in tandem with the universe. Hence they will be of no use to you or the universe and they will bring you down or sabotage you. So avoid them. 

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Ways to connect to God

  1. Prayer..    3 types of prayer ..... Seeking prayer, love,devotion praise, gratefulness prayer and higher intentions or compassion prayer 
  2. Charity altruism


1. Pray with somebody.

Read Mark 14:38—even Jesus realized prayer took some effort. And while we need private prayer times, we also need the prayerful support of others. So, ask a friend to meet with you once a week during lunch or after school. Share issues in your life and pray for one another. It might feel a little awkward at first, but it will get better with time—and you'll get closer to God and to each other.

2. Take a day off.

Even though Jesus didn't want "honoring the Sabbath" (Exodus 20:8) to become a mindless ritual (Mark 2:27), he believed getting away and focusing on God is really important (Luke 5:16). So, what should honoring the Sabbath look like? Well, it should be one day every week—usually on Sunday—when you take time out of your regular schedule to rest and connect with God with your Christian community. No homework, no work, nada. When you get away from schoolwork and other things that distract you, there's a lot of space to rest and think and pray about what really matters. For more insights into honoring the Sabbath, see our article "Give It a Rest".

3. Unplug.

Every once in a while, unplug all your tech toys. Video games, TVs, cell phones, internet—everything. (The world won't end, I promise.) Use this unplugged time to talk with a friend, face-to-face. Go on a walk or play guitar. Read a good novel. Hey, read the Bible. Or just sit quietly, allowing God to speak to your heart without all the normal distractions.

4. Eat temple food.

Sound weird? Well, the Bible says your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. What does this mean practically? Let's say you're standing in front of the vending machines at school. Pretzels or cheesy puffs? Soda or water? Now, this isn't to say we can't enjoy a sweet soft drink or a nice chunk of chocolate cake once in a while. But the important thing is to not always fill God's temple with junk—or junk food. And when you do eat, whether it's a Snickers or a carrot stick, thank God for tasty snacks and good food that nourishes your body—his holy temple.

5. Go green.

Taking care of the earth is "in" right now. But God was into the planet long before hybrid cars and recycling. God created the heavens and the earth, and he said his creation was good. When he made humans, he told them to care for his creation (Genesis 2:15). We still have that responsibility. When there's enough natural light, leave the lights off. Recycle. Carpool. Ride a bike instead of driving. Thank God for the earth he created and treat it as the beautiful masterpiece it is.

6. Memorize Bible verses.

Why? Because God's Word "exposes our innermost thoughts and desires" (Hebrews 4:12). And Psalm 119:9 says we can keep ourselves pure by obeying God's Word. When we memorize Scripture, we have it ready when we need it. It's in our heads, helping us make good decisions and helping us reflect on God's promises. Pick a favorite verse and write it on your mirror with a dry-erase marker. Whenever you look in the mirror, repeat the verse in your head. When you've memorized it, put up a new verse. Where to start: Why not Hebrews 4:12 and Psalm 119:9?


Stay Connected to God by Stopping All Compromise

Refuse to allow the things of the world—material possessions, career position, sinful pursuits, ungodly relationships or social standing—to eat away at your time with God. Get His Word into your heart so deeply that no one else’s opinion is important.


Stay Connected to God by Praying

It’s time to talk directly to God. Instead of relying on anyone else to tell you what God wants for your life, start a direct conversation with Him. Tell Him what is on your mind. Tell Him your concerns. Ask for what you need and even what you want. Pray for the needs of others. And, believe that what you ask will be answered (Matthew 21:22). If you need to learn more about prayer, check out Kenneth Copeland’s series on prayer in Believers’ Academy.


Stay Connected to God by Accepting Jesus’ Love

John 14:21 says, “Whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him.” You don’t have to be shy about your relationship with the Father. You can be confident of God’s love for you and His desire to bless you.

Rufus Moseley, a great man of God who went to heaven some years ago, once said, “Life in Jesus is gloriously easy. It has one responsibility: the responsibility of remaining in union. If you stay in union with Him, He’ll take care of everything else.”

When you incorporate these steps into your life, staying connected to God is delightfully simple. You’re able to keep that vital connection and trust Him to take care of everything else.




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From his side of the looking glass. Com

Six Ways to Grow Spiritually, Connect with God, and Increase Confidence

By Kristen Clark

Our ability to grow spiritually requires an intentional and intimate relationship with God.  In connecting with Him on a deeper level, we learn to trust Him to do what we cannot do ourselves.   In essence, we increase our confidence – in Him and in us.  Use the suggested approaches below to develop your faith and increase your confidence in God.

Faith is the key to spiritual growth and requires a deep and personal connection with God.  He wants to be the head of our hearts, king of our souls, and guide to our spirits.  By allowing Him free reign in these areas we create an opportunity for lasting intimacy with the Creator.  From intimacy comes confidence – in Him and in us.  Here are six ways I increase my faith and confidence.  You might also find them helpful.

1.  Pray.  Reach out to God through prayer and surrender to him everything that makes you anxious and worried; let go of those things you are powerless over and let God meet your needs with His grand and divine solutions.   Present to Him your heart-felt concerns and listen for His wisdom and guidance.  Don’t forget to praise Him in the process, showing your gratitude and thanksgiving for all He has done for you.  Connect with God through prayer and feel the unexplainable peace that will protect your heart and mind through all situations.

2.  Read the Scriptures.  The scriptures are the foundation for our success.  They direct our paths and encourage our efforts.  They offer life lessons and suggest compelling principles to live by.  Make time every day to read the scriptures in your effort to understand God’s plan for you and apply His teachings to your life.  Read a Study Bible for additional context and clarity, and any other scriptures referenced.  Let God’s Word be your compass.

3.  Fellowship with God and Others.  Keep company with God and those who also want to grow spiritually.  Learn from the experience, strength, and hope of those who have gone before you.  Listen to and apply their wisdom and truth to your own life circumstances.  Pray together.  Dine together.  Praise God together.  Read the Bible together.  This is how we hold each other accountable and invite help where we need it most.

4.  Embrace Suffering and Adversity. Life happens and nowhere does it say that life with God makes us immune to or free from trials and tribulations.  Stretch yourself by pressing through hardship and adversity.  Experience suffering in all aspects.  It is through difficulties that we develop talents and skills that God will use later.  It is through hard times that we grow – in faith, confidence, and strength. Experience the pain and celebrate the progress.

5.  Rest and Rejuvenate.  We often make things harder because we don’t take the time to nurture and care for ourselves.  We are not Super Heroes.  We are human beings with limitations.   It is critical that we recognize our limits and tend to our needs in order for us to be our best, reach our highest potential, fulfill our noble purpose, and be the very person God created us to be.  Make time for quiet and peace, and listen for God’s personal message for you.  Be still and know that He is God.

6.  Participate in Service Work.  Find opportunities to help others.  Serve in ministry at your church.  Serve in community at your local library or hospital.  Volunteer your time and talents to help someone else.  When we help others we get out of self and become an instrument God can use.  Be a good steward of opportunities for assistance; don’t hesitate when the need arises and serve with a heart of willingness and humility.

Spiritual growth takes time.  Not unlike any other relationship, developing an intimate and personal relationship with God requires an effort on our part.  It requires us to be willing, present, and vulnerable.  When we offer ourselves in this regard, and follow the steps outlined above, we mature spiritually and connect with God on deeper levels.  In essence, we grow in confidence – in Him and in ourselves.


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 Pain and pleasure receptors in the brain. 

We mostly try to cater to or appease the pleasure receptors that give us the feel good feeling and this becomes a vicious cycle because the feel good becomes a high or a drug that is constantly needed to fix the fix. You keep craving for more when the effect wears off thus leading to an addiction. This feel good is nothing but a dopamine kick that needed for instant relief and motivation. 

It keeps you away from real goals and real results. 

Soon you get tired and bored of the mundane task because the pleasure becomes routine. 

It doesn't give you lasting relief only motivation and a push that is enough to last a day but not more. 

Whereas pain is unpleasant in the short term but long term struggle yields positive results with enough patience. 

It doesn't give the feel good dopamine kick and is generally very unpleasant boring dissatisfying and tedious but eventually gives permanent long lasting results or effects. 

You have to remember that you don't need to have a perfect day or perfect everything. That's an erroneous need of the brain to feel OK all the time. You should accept and feel happy with your imperfections. To expect perfection is ridiculous unnecessary and is born out of obsession and is unhealthy. Almost Narcissistic. 

The natural way is being imperfect and living through struggles and being real. 

So it's completely alright if you are falling behind on your schedule and not able to keep or had a lazy unproductive day. It's called life and life should never have to be perfect. 

An expectation of perfection will make you push yourself too hard or to unnatural things or get dissatisfied or disappointed easily leading to decline in motivation or feeling exhausted or obsessed and unable to deal with imperfections of even the slightest nature. 


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Using the word perfect at least for the short term does have positive psychological effects of dopamine and pleasure. But be aware that it's just a word used for aesthetic purposes and should not fool you into believing that everything is perfect or has to be. 

How to have a perfect flow of your life right now? Jot down three things you can do right now to have a perfect flow. 


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Lol I discovered the secret of success at least in my mind. Haha

It is this

Lots of positive energy. 

A vehicle needs fuel to run and speed to reach the destination. [my English lol] 

This speed is attained by the energy derived from the fuel. 

In life we need positive momentum or speed to move. This positive momentum only comes from positive energy which in turn comes from Positivity. 

This momentum makes it possible to get speed and to move at a faster rate towards the goals. 

Now if there's a hurdle in the road, the momentum or speed causes you to crash against that hurdle and overcome it and pass over it. This point where you cross the hurdle is the breakthrough point. Once you have crossed many hurdles, the journey becomes smoother and easier and then begins the process of transformation. 

Before the hurdle you are person A and after you have crossed the hurdle you are person B. And this is success. 

Remember that real success is only that which is defined by the universe and not by humanity. 

What happens when you are negative. 

Negativity causes negative momentum or zero speed or even backward movement. This means the distance between you and the hurdle increases and then the hurdle gets bigger and you get trapped in your hurdles and problems and you slowly start to degrade. 

Whereas when you are closer to the hurdle, the hurdle gets smaller and it's easier to cross over it. 

9 out of 10 people you are going to interact with are going to make you feel negative. 

Much of the world is stuck and mired in negativity and this is the major cause of the problems, chaos, suffering, entropy in the world. We have so much money, technology, resources, ability, knowledge and so many people almost 7 billion or more and still we cannot achieve progress and in fact the burden of problems is increasing and we are going backwards instead of progressing forward. 

We can choose to work synergistically and make it possible for each one of us to  have a good life but instead we choose to create antagonism and discord and act parasitic to each other and feed on each other and create negativity and ultimately destruction. 

Positivity is the ultimate secret to the success defined by the universe. Universe defines success as vitality, growth, flourishing, sustainance, survival and beauty, order, flow, equilibrium, rhythm and perfection. It's already seen in nature which is perfectly designed by God with intelligent design in mind. God has already shown what success should be. Yet man has created his own definition of success and its all about making money and ruling others and achieving fame. 

Edited by Preety_India

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The other definition of success can be balance. When everything is in balance its success. Nature has an immense capacity for balance and it always tries to restore balance even I the worst circumstances. 

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Flow tasks 


Situation appropriate 




Context tasks 

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3 reasons for my irrational behavior 

  1. Lack of freedom. Feeling like I will be constantly criticized, judged, and that I will end up offending and make myself appear weird. This brings or cause pretentious behavior in me. 
  2. Stress. Emotional, physical, mental stress in the environment. Noise, work, tension buildup. Conflict and dysfunction at home. 
  3. Lack of love and affection. Feeling neglected. Not getting emotional love and mental affection and physical affection 


That' causes me to lie a lot, to hide, to act out, to act weird, to manipulate, to be very defensive and belligerent and suddenly flying in rage and not showing self control or maturity. Showing compulsive behavior [feeling the need to do something despite knowing inside that it's wrong], and impulsive behavior [getting a fit to do something without restraint and thought of consequences] 



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