
The World Hears the Message of Love (2 billion people!!)

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I was watching the royal wedding last night and was deeply moved when a priest started a 10 minute speech on the power of love which 2 billion people saw and heared. I am so grateful that this sermon was delivered backed by the respect of the royal family. Resistance to love is futile beautiful souls.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Can there be LOVE when the movement of division/duality is in perpetual motion??? 

Thats for you to consider. Not looking for a response:)


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4 minutes ago, Charlotte said:

@Solace do you respect the royal family because of their status quo? 

ITs funny because when I woke up at 6 am, I saw a documentary about these two

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@Charlotte Thank you for the question.

I believe their high status gives them a great ability to deliver empowering messages to the world to spark key changes in the most powerful beliefs held by the collective. And what I really respect about them is that they have used their influence to help children in need, promote greater universal love, and give general aid to inspiring movements such as women empowerment. So the answer is yes, which has helped them do good things for the world. But a good moral foundation on their part was also an essential component of which I also admire in them.

What do you think Charlotte?


Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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9 hours ago, Solace said:

I was watching the royal wedding last night and was deeply moved when a priest started a 10 minute speech on the power of love which 2 billion people saw and heared. I am so grateful that this sermon was delivered backed by the respect of the royal family. Resistance to love is futile beautiful souls.



🌟  Star ☀ Power 🌟


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@Solace Thanks for responding. 

To be perfectly honest, I think patriotism is ego fulled behaviour. Do you not feel as people in their position they have a duty to...

8 minutes ago, Solace said:

influence to help children in need, promote greater universal love, and give general aid to inspiring movements such as women empowerment.

I'm on the fence about the royal family because I do admire what they've done but the whole 'hierarchy' aspect of things keeps me on the fence. I don't know that much about them to be honest so I can't really say. I don't really tend to take any notice because I think they are generally over hyped ? and I honestly don't believe in status/power.

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Love implies balance, meaning Holy.

Balance implies cutting the old dried branches of the tree, this includes egos and persons.

Holy means one has to know the darkness and the light.


The dormant ones don't know what Love is in reality, only the awakened. 

The spiritual children out there reject true LOVE, they only have concepts like loving and forgiving, but they don't know that when you love another human being you become what you love, and if that human being is dormant and un-awakened, you tell me.


There are 2 type of awakenings. 1 going alone in pure selfishness and 2 being with the humanity as a whole, which never happens. So in conclusion only the 1 way is the way. 

Edited by Quanty

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That is perfect what you said. Status is just an illusion, because we are all just beautiful souls decorated in a human body which means no one is more important. Think of it like a play, the royal family are just characters in it right now, without much financial/military power as this is determined by the prime minister I believe. Until everyone wakes up there will be this hierarchy, but as you see with equal rights for women movements, this illusion is crumbling. We first need to raise the vibration of the planet by becoming enlightened on a individual level, because this will inspire more people to raise their vibration around you creating a ripple effect so that the social structure can be sustainable changed, whereby 3rd world countries can receive the education, and nutrition that western countries have in abundance.

If the middle east had abundant food, shelter, water and education there would be no wars there. Why would they need to fight if they were well fed and living in comfortable homes? That is the solution the world needs plus an education of love courtesy today of the royal family :)

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@Solace whilst I completely agree with what you've said, we both know that unfortunately that isn't going to happen any time soon ?. Although if the middle east did have water food shelter etc I still do believe there would be wars, humans always find some reason to fight.

I've noticed if it's not one thing, it's another. Until they wake up there will always be conflict. 

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I'll keep blessing 24/7 until that happens, it's a privilege to help in this way :) Who knows what I'll become

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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40 minutes ago, Charlotte said:

@Ether they're everywhere at the moment ?

They got married?

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6 hours ago, Solace said:

Status is just an illusion, because we are all just beautiful souls decorated in a human body which means no one is more important.

Actually implies the opposite. Implies isolation, alienation to the world, division/duality. Seeing yourself as an isolated soul is the same as seeing yourself as an isolated ego. It implies that the independent/isolated ego/souls are separate from another. 

 If you feel isolated, alienated from the world do you feel deeply connected with it and others in it. If you feel isolated doesn’t this imply fear. Fear that you are all alone and have to fend for yourself. If you feel truly separate from one another can there be Love? We all see that this seperate soul idea stems from the religious beliefs don’t we. A deep misunderstanding of the nature of duality. This is the type of misunderstanding that has haunted man since the beginning. 

Where there is this sense of a separate independent entity there will always be ambition, competition, and therefore fear. There will always be social, political, and national division. As long as this continues there will always be war. This all stems from thought/ego. 

To see yourself as an independent entity seperate from one another and the world, is to invite division into the kingdom of heaven. Heaven being the world, and division being the dualistic contradictory nature of thought. All this seperate soul talk is the result of thought. And where thought is in movement there is never love. This is a fact. If I feel I am seperate from you, I become all important and my needs are place above yours. And that is not love. Seeing oneself as an independent entity means the “individual” actually has created a division between the observer and the observed. But there is no seperation at all. This is a false assumption and means that every movement that “entity” makes is a contradictory and confused movement. In this there will always be coflict and when conflict is brewing there is fear. With fear comes hate. And when there is hate love is not. Love is only in the absense of hate. 

Time to wake up. There is no isolated spirits. There is no division between the observer and that which they observe. And there is no actual division between “us” at all. 

When we all see that then things will be drastically improved. Until then all this talk of love is utter nonsense. 

Let’s be responsible. What do you say?:)


Edited by Faceless

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@Faceless Thank you for being a messenger from God, telling me to embody oneness instead of trying to talk about it. I'm scared of experiencing complete emptiness you know, I'm going in and out of it, deeper and deeper until nothing is left. I'm scared of becoming the formless.

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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One cannot truly love without being awakening to his/her love first. Without knowing love, you will merely express the "idea of love" not love itself. If you never experienced divine love, the love you give to others is illusory and not pure of heart because you lack the direct experience yourself to express it to self/others/everything else.



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20 hours ago, Martin123 said:

@Solace "We gotta get yall married."

That dude was rollin! <3 

Kkkk... He is so kool  ! Coolest priest alive ?

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