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 Swell I am curious as if anyone has ever thought of quitting society and having the choice of dealing with people on a regular basis. Not that I want to be homeless but I'm strong in who I've become and I just figure I might take this lapalooza to a self made cabin in the trees. Fish, cook, quiet in my own time. I will still probably use society more than I expect ie music. Other than that I believe it would take less than two months to become mostly self sufficient. After that I have no idea.


Anyone willing to put in their share for there own stuff I'd be willing to help.


Taking place within the month @&%

2018-04-24 00.49.41.jpg

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Go and try it, you don't have to live that way forever. Just please don't end up like the main character of "Into The Wild" ;)

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I was thinking of joining an amazonian tribe back a couple years ago! Haha been there lol. I've been homeless too it's not nice you should really prepare for this to avoid that. I think this is a great idea. There's a guy in alaska who lives with his wife in there far from any other people, just nature all around and he hunts for his food. You should probably learn to hunt and fish effectively and how to grow crops and make medicine and other things before you do this. Honestly, I think about this all the fucking time, but the only thing that is on my mind is I could die, and I would also need other people there too. If I was there by myself I would just get really lonely. But I think technology whilst it's making us survive really well, it's not making us happy and connected with nature, being around cities and cars and constant stimuli, it's a breeding ground for hell to manifest in the mind. How can we be one with god when we're always distracted by our thoughts and societal norms and constructs. I think a lot of people including me and you( i assume ) don't feel connected with everyone in their society because we are not connected to survival and don't see directly that we depend on each other, you can literally sit on your ass and smoke weed all day playing games living off government benefits in the uk. There are people who do that so no wonder everyone is depressed

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31 minutes ago, Applejuice said:

How can we be one with god when we're always distracted by our thoughts and societal norms and constructs.

Meditation every morning. Psychedelics once and a while. It’s a simple recipe. 



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