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Kriya and semen retention

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Recently i posten in the Kriya mega-thread to see if someone could awnser my question. I didn't get a reply so i thought doing it this way more people might see it. I posted the following:

"So i've been practicing Kriya for about a month now and i've been practicing the first part of pranayama for a week. Also i have been doing semen retention. Usually i would have a noctural emission at least every 14 days, but since is started Kriya i haven't had one. Many times i have read that the energy (or semen)  i'm keeping in stagnates at some point and has to release. Is there anyone that could share their knowledge about this ?

I definitely believe the practice is working already. I used to have this raging horny-like sensation in the lower part of my body while practicing semen retention, right now it feels more balanced out and my state of consciousness is just different than before, in a positive way although it's like waking up to both sides of the coin. My motivations are shifting too. I had this massive drive for doing everything for my education with excellence, but right now that drive has dissipated a bit and i value time to introspect a lot more, very interesting. It would be nice to hear other people's experiences, especially the ones who are into the first part of pranayama, because that stuff seems to have some intense effects." 

When i'm talking about the first part of pranayama, i'm talking about lesson 8 in the book. Would be nice to see some reply's and maybe share experiences. 

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Genesis 38:8-10

''8 Then Judah said to Onan, “Sleep with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother.” 9 But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death also.'' BIBLE niv.



The Buddha's interpretation of this in practicality:

One has to in-jaculate on the (ground/earth/red/muladhara)

This to be done you need use the reptilian parts of the body, no muscle, joints/ligaments/internal organs. 


In Transilvania we have the therm "budă'' to point at the wooden cabin outside in your country side yard (in other world, toilet/wc).

Practice: Go and sit on the Toilet, even if you don't need to, but just in case you accidentally excrete something from your body. Do this using the muscles of excretion and pee, release them using the anus and hara (2inch down the navel) while you imagine in-jaculation on muladhara while at the same time using the kidneys/adrenal glands to go down the hip/legs/talons, then everything goes up the spine until Vishuuda, and into the pumping heart.

All the above is done using the breath, with feelings and visualizations. 

Using the breath you arouse the sexual organs until multi-climax and follow the above :ph34r:

(the feeling is ejaculation like while you are with a woman, in my case)

Edited by Quanty

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