
What Is The Logic Behind the DEA's Drug Schedule?

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Please explain to me why cannabis is Schedule I, yet methamphetamine is Schedule II, and datura is unscheduled.  This is how the DEA defines Schedule I:

"Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse."


"You will soon be going about like the converted, and the revivalist, warning people against all the sins of which you have grown tired."- Oscar Wilde

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Do you think the ones how makes the law care about what’s true? Or what’s ethical?

They care about maintaining power way more than they care about your health.

It will become legal, but the process has to be slow, and the process will never go too fast. 

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Because the drug laws are based on outdated racist bigotry from the 20's.


Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@WildeChilde The logic is, if you let people have free access to psychedelics, mainstream capitalist society will soon collapse.

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@Elephant That makes sense.  I'm not a marijuana user (haven't even tried it actually), but I wonder how they can justify some of these categories.  Alcohol has  "no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse", so why isn' it Schedule I?

14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@WildeChilde The logic is, if you let people have free access to psychedelics, mainstream capitalist society will soon collapse.

@Leo Gura Wouldn't legalizing psychedelics help boost the economy though?  We have plenty of rich farmland in America; if they were to legalize cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms, we could start two brand-new, highly-profitable industries.  We already have the cheap labor and equipment. The government could tax it at a significantly higher rate, and people would still pay it.  The amount of foreign tourism and the money made from it would be unthinkable.  Wouldn't it seem like mainstream capitalist society would be healthier and stronger because of legalizing these substances?

"You will soon be going about like the converted, and the revivalist, warning people against all the sins of which you have grown tired."- Oscar Wilde

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Ha, they built this house of cards, and it's all sitting on a shaky platform. Pull the wrong card out and the whole cobbled structure comes tumbling down. They recognize the drug schedule as one of those potentially key cards, so they'd rather not touch it. Despite thinking to the contrary, our whole culture is precariously balanced and dependent on nothing changing. Entropy's a bitch, though, and there's a price to pay for getting too big for one's own britches. 

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3 hours ago, WildeChilde said:

@Elephant That makes sense.  I'm not a marijuana user (haven't even tried it actually), but I wonder how they can justify some of these categories.  Alcohol has  "no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse", so why isn' it Schedule I?

@Leo Gura Wouldn't legalizing psychedelics help boost the economy though?  We have plenty of rich farmland in America; if they were to legalize cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms, we could start two brand-new, highly-profitable industries.  We already have the cheap labor and equipment. The government could tax it at a significantly higher rate, and people would still pay it.  The amount of foreign tourism and the money made from it would be unthinkable.  Wouldn't it seem like mainstream capitalist society would be healthier and stronger because of legalizing these substances?

Our government has experimented with psychedelics; probably more than we 're told, so they know that mushrooms, DMT and LSD tend to make people re-ask the most fundamental questions of their existence. There's no cash-cow tax benefit imaginable on psychedelics that would make it worth (to them) upsetting the whole cultural apple cart. The last thing any government wants is a couple hundred thousand newly-awakened people squawking about peace, love, mind expansion and making your OWN choices in life. Keep that shit quiet, regardless of how much free money is involved in legalization.......

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9 hours ago, WildeChilde said:

@Elephant That makes sense.  I'm not a marijuana user (haven't even tried it actually), but I wonder how they can justify some of these categories.  Alcohol has  "no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse", so why isn' it Schedule I?

The more conscious people get, the harder it will be to manipulate  them. Alcohol makes you sick and unconscious. Again, it has nothing to do with honesty, it's about maintaining power.

Do you know what else you do when you are unconscious? You eat shitty food that will give you cancer, heart disease, diabetes, alzhiemerz, dementia etc. Who do you think will sell you the pills that will "help" your sickness?

When you eat shitty food, drink alcohol, your sleep and your relationships will get worse. Do you understand how hard it will be for you to get aware of how the goverment manipulates you when you have serious lack of these fundamental aspects in your life? 

And then they'll tell you that money will make you happy. And tell you to drink more milk to get strong bones... whch instead probably will give you prostate cancer or some other shit. 

That's just two lies, and that shapes the life of millions of people. They will not even think about it, and might even like it because they think it feels amazing to stay unconscious.

Just because you drick alcohol once or twice does'nt mean anything, but if you imagnie society at large, what a change that would happen if everybody stoped drinking alcohol? 

The goverment would not like it ;)

Edited by Elephant

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6 minutes ago, Outer said:

Nope. Capitalism will flourish with psychedelics. In fact, the evidence is that psychedelics decrease authoritarianism. Which is socialism, communism, mainstream conservatism and liberalism. More libertarian conservatism and liberalism is the result of free access of psychedelics. The government and its agencies has a direct monetary benefit in the criminalization of psychedelics. First it gives all the governments and its beneficaries a job, so survival, and second it legitimizes their organizations as more people stay authoritarian.

Just add up all the jobs in DEA, justice system, prison system, rehabilitation, which is where you might go if you smoke a Joint in certain states, police, lawyers, etc. It's all due to government. Government schools, so on. What a nice regime.

Imagine if you were on an island, and people are peacefully and voluntarily exchanging goods and services, that's capitalism. Now imagine if a dude is tripping balls on some 5-meo from a toad. Do you think the people on the island would put him in a cage for 15 years. No, he might be a productive member of the island. But if a bunch of thugs took control they might mandate that smoking toad secretions is illegal. That's modern day planet Earth, for a few exceptions. (extend the island analogy to the entire world)

I agree.  Let's look at the Netherlands and its economy for example.  It has some of the most liberal drug laws on the planet, and yet "The Netherlands, the sixth-largest economy in the European Union, plays an important role as a European transportation hub, with a consistently high trade surplus, stable industrial relations, and low unemployment." https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/nl.html. It also has one of the highest GDPs per capita.  If those psilocybin truffles are going to tank the economy soon, they sure haven't given us a warning.  


"You will soon be going about like the converted, and the revivalist, warning people against all the sins of which you have grown tired."- Oscar Wilde

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18 hours ago, WildeChilde said:


@Leo Gura Wouldn't legalizing psychedelics help boost the economy though?  We have plenty of rich farmland in America; if they were to legalize cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms, we could start two brand-new, highly-profitable industries.  We already have the cheap labor and equipment. The government could tax it at a significantly higher rate, and people would still pay it.  The amount of foreign tourism and the money made from it would be unthinkable.  Wouldn't it seem like mainstream capitalist society would be healthier and stronger because of legalizing these substances?

The issue isn't earning a bit more money. Any money psychedelics earned would be a drop in the bucket.

The collapse would come because psychedelics reveal that all of society and culture is built on lies of the grossest sort.

The entire military-industrial complex, Wall street, Big Pharma, entertainment industries, the medical industry, science, academia, the school system, factory farming, intelligence agencies, government surveillance programs, government torture programs, pollution, oil and gas industries, and all of religion would be debunked and undermined, shown to be evil and corrupt beyond repair.

If people actually knew how corrupt and false our culture/society is, they would stage a revolution.

11 hours ago, Outer said:

Nope. Capitalism will flourish with psychedelics. In fact, the evidence is that psychedelics decrease authoritarianism. Which is socialism, communism, mainstream conservatism and liberalism. More libertarian conservatism and liberalism is the result of free access of psychedelics.

That would only be AFTER the collapse of all the entrenched corrupt capitalist institutions mentioned above. They would created a bloody crackdown before they let that happen.

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19 hours ago, Rilles said:

Because the drug laws are based on outdated racist bigotry from the 20's.


Subliminal Conditioning at its finest ;) The more they advertise something the more it sinks into your subconscious mind thus becomes second nature by default.


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34 minutes ago, Geromekevin said:

Sounds like psychedelics could be another explanation for a great filter (Fermi Paradox)!


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