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a video on expertise and learning how to learn

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I think this could be a cool video it may be important to know about the science of expertise if you want to be world class at what you do there is also some benefits to getting world class like, passion/satisfaction, impact etc(which cal newport talks a bit about)

some of the things I have found my self so far is


deliberate practice

about stretching your skills at the edge of your comfort zone while getting feedback

deep work

about optimizing the intensity of your concentration the idea is the more intense your concentration is the more you are able to get done in less time and at a higher quality (an example cal newport who is the author of the concept/book talks about a person called Brian who was able to produce in 3 weeks what normally would take him a whole year by doing deep work and adding routines and rituals)

learning on how to learn:

ultra learning(Ultralearning is typified by tactics that dive straight into the hardest and most difficult part. Naturally, these tactics are mentally demanding and often uncomfortable, so many people who are choosing how to learn prefer a more casual approach.) (quoted from Scott h young on how is ultra learning different) it is hard but it can produce very good results in a shorter period of time and be rewarding  

total immersion(for language learning), active recall(for memory) 

Feynman technique, explain like i am 5

(similar ideas but really useful to improve your learning and to pinpoint the things you don't understand), practice testing,(one of the benefits of this is that you get feedback on your learning if you got the right answer or wrong answer which can be usefull so you can improve and it can help you eventually getting the right answer)  building a learning project(can be useful so you know exactly what to do and can just focus on what you need to learn),

spaced repetition (can help improving your memory and make it stick for a longer period of time), overlearning(can help making skills automatic so you can do them instantly as they were second nature)  

deconstruct skills(if i understood it correctly it's about, for example, to find a skill and then taking that skill into smaller parts and then focus on each of these smaller parts for example if you would draw faces instead of drawing the whole face every time maybe only focus on the eyes or the mouth)

some of the not so effective learning techniques where unfortenly, things like highlighting(some says it could be effective but its a bit narrow for example highlighting everything isn't that effective but highlighting important words could be however you may not learn that much from it as if you where trying to understand it) and rereading compared to other learning techniques

rereading can produce the fluency illusion which is the illusion of thinking you understand something but you are really recognizing the information which mean you don't really understand it(Feynman technique can be good to use to avoid this)

some other things are, attention residue, focus mode vs diffuse mode, single tasking instead of multi-tasking, plan your recovery to avoid burnout, plan where when and for how long you will be working, always try to get the insigt/aha moment etc 

at least that is some of the things i have found out so far sorry for the long post if there is going to be a video about it i hope it can be usefull would be an interesting video :) 

Edited by BjarkeT

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