
Secrets of concentration thread does not load

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11 hours ago, Speedscarlet said:

@herghly it was probably deleted by one of the moderators. They like deleting esoteric threads.

That's a shame . 

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There are thousands of articles in the internet on concentration, you can research how different school view it. For example, approach to concentration from a yogi; zen master; tantric man and so forth. Here is one of my favorite quotes about it:

"M started doing puja and meditation as instructed by Maharajji. Maharajji
had given him a mantra and told him to start any way he wanted; it didn’t
matter. After some time, when M and Maharajji were traveling by horse-drawn
carriage, M asked Maharajji about the wandering mind during
meditation: “It won’t stand on one point; but many ideas come in. What do I
do?” Then suddenly a small child ran across the road and the driver pulled the
reins to stop the horse just in time to save the child. Maharajji said, “Like
that,” pointing to the driver holding the reins. “As the mind will travel here,
there, and all directions, you should always try to pull it to one point. You
should center it with continuous practice, then automatically it will go to the
one point on which you want to meditate. Ultimately, after years, the mind
becomes quiet.”"

- Ram Dass "Miracle of Love"

Edited by Vytas

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Hmmmm... I'm not sure what happened to it.

We don't usually delete threads. Any offending threads are moved to a special Trash Bin sub-forum for archiving.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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