
What book helped you the most?

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I’ve read a few books from Leo’s life purpose course. Mastery, The One Thing, And right now I’m reading The Big Leap. Gary Keller’s book The One Thing is actually what started this whole life purpose journey for me. It made me realize that the career I was currently in at the time wasn't gonna cut it and that I needed to find my one thing in life where I could focus all of my passion. 

I’d really love to hear from you guys about the best book you’ve read that helped you discover your life purpose. 

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The best one would be The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco (I have heard that his new book, Unscripted, is just as good).

Ken Robinson's books are cool and hardly ever recommended, too.

Edited by Girzo

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Deep work by cal newport helped me how to approach my work most effectively 

so good they can't ignore you by cal newport helped me to get clarification on what to focus on to get passion and was like an inside look of how great people became great at what they did (same with peak performance by anderson erickson and deep work)

The road less traveled by scott m peck a long with some videos from leo helped me in a way to relise that to achieve your goals one must take intense massive action (giving your full willpower/attention) taking a little action here and there and not using all your will power on it won't get you very far if you continue doing it that way it's better to really go all in at least that what i found from experience (even if you face challenges otherwise it's likely you will make little progress or the kind of progress you want to make)

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The Way of The Superior Man!  Here are my two favorite quotes from the book. 

''A man must be prepared to give 100% to his purpose, fulfill his karma or dissolve it, and then let go of that specific form of living. He must be capable of not knowing what to do with his life, entering a period of unknowingness and waiting for a vision or a new form of purpose to emerge. These cycles of strong specific action followed by periods of not knowing what the hell is going on are natural for a man who is shedding layers of karma in his relaxation into truth.''

''It’s easy to feel disappointed by life; success is never as fulfilling as you think it is going to be. But there is a reason for this. Successfully completing a lesser purpose doesn’t feel very good for very long, because it is simply preparation for advancing toward a greater embodiment of your deeper purpose. Each purpose, each mission, is meant to be fully lived to the point where it becomes empty, boring, and useless. Then it should be discarded. This is a sign of growth, but you may mistake it for a sign of failure.''


Edited by martin_malin

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Sorry for being Mainstream but ''Awaken the Giant Within'' by Tony Robbins. Oh man...  i mean if you do all the assignments it includes every aspect of your life. All the examples and real stories Tony inspiring.

Maybe not advanced as others, but helped me build my self overall so i can be strong on the path to my purpose and stand with confidence. 

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The Road Less Travelled was the first self help book I read and even after all these years its still so poignant and clear! Really love it

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Impossible to choose but one book that comes to mind is Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis.

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Man, people have been telling me to read one thing, I am gonna get that now.  As I want to design my life around a life purpose. 

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9 minutes ago, mohdanas said:

Man, people have been telling me to read one thing, I am gonna get that now.  As I want to design my life around a life purpose. 

Who is the author of one thing?

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Anthony De Mello ,,Awareness''

I am little dissappointment that people dont know this book. Nobody even mention about this book !

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