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Where is all the Sleep gone?

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Hi guys!

I've been doing Do Nothing for a few months now. 1 week ago I started to combine it with SDS (1hour/day). 

And yes, I can feel the "meditation gainz" :D But have you guys experienced a reduction in sleep too? I sleep about 2-3 hours per night and that's it! I don't feel like sleeping for 7-9 hours anymore. At night I go to bed and wake up in 2-3 hours with full of energy, a feeling of calmness, and without any tension or stress.

Have you guys experienced a reduction in sleep too?

Edited by cena655
wrong spelling

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haha really? Maybe it's just for a short period of time, because I've never been a hardcore yogi :/

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@cena655 Yes, but I found it changes a lot. One week you don't have to sleep much, another you have insomnia, the other you feel exhausted and want to sleep for 12 hours. It isn't something that's static

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@Danielle  @cena655 I think in terms of the "staticness" of this, it varies with every person individually. I experience the exact same thing, that I always go to bed quite late (2-3am) and many times wake up at 6 or 7am completely rested and ready to go again and this hasn't changed since 8-10 months when it first occurred. But I have to admit, this can actually be just a short phase that you go through, as I've also experienced this many times prior to my current state of sleeping patterns.

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@DocHoliday @Danielle yes, it might just be a short phase, because today I've slept about 6 hours. 

Maybe I'll get to the consistent 2-3 hours of sleep after a few months of hardcore meditation. I'm very curious about it. I will meditate more, because this is so exciting :D

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@cena655 Meditation is not all singing and dancing. It is a deep psychological and physical cleansing machine at work.

Expect a jagged, erratic trajectory as you slowly clean out the body-mind system. 

But of course, celebrate the good times.

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