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Sahil Pandit

My Kundalini Awakening

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Hello all,

I am 20 years old, and two years ago I had the honor of having a Kundalini awakening that radically transformed the trajectory of my life. Let me tell you about it...

I have a friend named Aaron, and he had taken a job in Montana as a park ranger. He loved helping animals, and he loves being in nature. I had the privilege of getting to learn about things that were outside of my paradigm at the time. When I was 18, I was trapped in my mind and I was seething with low-self esteem. Having a friend who was so in tune with nature naturally brought forth the light in me. 

Anyways, his parents had paid me to take care of their house for a week while they traveled from California (Where we live) to Montana. I gladly took up the offer and off they went. This was super exciting for me, because I had the opportunity to do whatever I like, in a house, for 2 weeks ;) I believe it was the second night when the awakening happened.

This family was unlike any other family I had ever known. They didn't go outside much to talk to other people, but they were highly sensitive to nature and had spent years of their life in nature, connecting with it and aligning their life to be as nonjudgemental as possible. The house was a bit messy, but the energy of the house made it peaceful and serene. This is where things get interesting..

On the second night, I was locking up the house, and the last thing I had to do was shut the back door and lock it. No problem. HOWEVER, I walked up to the back door, and as I shut it.. BOOM. A massive vortex of energy was transferred from the door (it seemed like) up my spine and out my head. At this very moment, I completely lost my sense of Self. As soon as this surge of energy hit me, I looked around the house, and I was "No Thing" I was utterly speechless, I couldn't muster up the words to speak to myself, so I simply looked around in awe for about 20 seconds. As i was looking around, completely frozen and borderline in a panic. I saw my reflection in the mirror, and I had an Outer Body Experience with my reflection. I stopped seeing it as my reflection, and instead I saw it for exactly what it was. My brain registered it as a completely separate entity than anything I had ever experienced before, and I had felt that I had been shot into some other dimension. As I look at this reflection, I put my hand up to the door and felt the cold touch of the door, and there, the reflection had done the exact same..

In that moment, I had felt in touch with everything in life, yet there were no words to describe it. I had transcended time, and I was in the Now with all things. After about 20 seconds had passed, I walked to their couch and cried my eyes out, knowing full well that I would never be the same person ever again..

Looking back on it, I believe that I was punched in the mouth with a strong dose of higher consciousness. It worked out very well because I was stuck in a low frequency, yet was able to get into the household of a loving, nonjudgemental family, which caused my vibration to be raised exponentially in the moment. 

Since then, I have started meditating, doing yoga, and have slowed down my life 40%, as well as minimized all the things that don't matter in the grand scheme of things :) 

Thanks for reading :)

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did you have any side effects from that experience? like kundalini syndrome.  

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3 hours ago, daniel695 said:

kundalini syndrome.  

What is that?@Sahil Pandit Did this happen on September 2015? Because it did for me, and apparently it was like a global thing for many beings.

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@daniel695 Lots of side effects. Questioning reality on a very deep level, more open to experience. Loss of drive for superficial conversations. More interest in the Truth. Less rationalizing and more acceptance. Lately I have been doubling down on cleaning my mind and body so that I can have another one of these experiences using sexual energy.

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Sometimes words aren't enough.



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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