
Strong headaches because of meditation?

33 posts in this topic

@Petar have you tried just completely relaxing your body over and over, and completely surrendering... let go of anything that arises, and letting go even of letting go? Just disappearing. 

I understand, but also, in a way, it’s like you’re focusing on not thinking which is focusing on thinking. I had a tiny headache reading it. It strikes me as a perpetual push and pull in your mind. 

There is a healing that happens in those ‘deeper waves’ or ‘deeper consciousness without thought or focus’. I can’t prove that, but I am that. 




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@Nahm Hmm I understand. You are probably right. Maybe I focus too much on not focusing  just like you say and because of that I don't really relax. Come to think of it I don't think I have ever fully let go. I'll try that when I meditate next time. Thanks.

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@Nahm Hahaha yeah I am saving up for that in the future when I feel my mind is ready.

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Maybe related:

In the last 4/5 months, I also have been having headaches, specially after a week of a lot of meditation. I've been to the doctor because of this. However, I find that it is related to energy working through the body. It's mostly pressure above the head and around it. Some weeks it's really strong, others not as much and sometimes it's unbearable, other times it's just a tingling sensation.

I would say to reduce your practice intensity. Know that a lot of physical stuff will come up with the practice (not just mind-stuff). Your consciousness will be elevating in the process. Be grateful for this.

This is very important: feel the pain and accept it, give up all resistance. Let go of thoughts and feelings about the pain and let yourself feel it with acceptance and love. Please take this guidance at heart. It is very effective just to accept and "take the bullet" without resistance.

In my personal experience, the pressure would get heavier when meditating or at high consciousness places. Although I'm not sure, I would say it's due to resistance of new energy flowing through your nervous system. Give it time and this too shall pass.


Relax, Accept it and Let go.

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

@Petar Just disappearing. 



God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Man, I'm getting this really bad today, probably because I've been cupping out a lot of the tension I've built up in my back over the last several months.  Feels like I've been trying to ram my head through a wall!

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@h inandout Yea i know how you feel but yesterday i tried doing what Nahm said above. Don't overconcentrate,  just let go and relax. It felt much better.

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@Petar that’s so great to hear! ❤️? A had a migraine so bad I couldn’t function once. Lasted 10 days. In & out of hospitals. Meditation is so powerful. This post reminds me of @Afonso ‘s post. Letting go...powerful stuff!



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I figured it out! That headache is a GLASS MOTHER FUCKING CIELING.  I have been living my whole life under one that says I am not worthy.  It is real close to the ground because god, I can't even go binge on drugs or alcohol if I wanted to because no money is my life.  Why did this happen to me?  Because my mom never told me that she believed in me and I've been operating under that limiting belief this whole time because it's the only way I could function within her corner of reality.  How do I know this is the key problem?  I literally tell my mom that I'm a failure because I needed her support and just hearing a single affirmation would be a huge relief.  And she absolutely refuses to do it.  ANSESTRAL TRAUMA? YUPP! 

So I am in a meeting again to see how I can make any money on the job I just signed up for, and I realize that they are deliberately putting multiple painful and confusing road blocks in front of us just to weed us out.  

What is the solution here?  Express how pissed you are, then take a break. Think creatively, get in touch again with that whole mind-body-soul-connection thing.  Remember that you are just as worth it as anybody else.  And then keep goin at it with passion and deep knowing.  Yes there are many more headaches to come.  But hopefully there will be less head bashing as you become more skillful and attuned to how other people need to hear and see you, while simultaneously adhering to your truth that you are an eternal divine being.

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I really don't know why "mother fucking" came to mean what it does, probably because I don't have an Oedipus complex?  But anyways, I hope I am using it correctly hear?

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Try and breath into the headache. You may already know this but if you don't just imagine breath comes from your head not your lungs and you should push the breath into the part that hurts. Focus on it and see what happens. I have a similar thing but it is actually facial tension and not a 3rd eye awakening 9_9 I get acupuncture sometimes and it taught me the parts of the neck/ shoulders and head that hold tension. If you're anything like me you may actually be releasing tension you didn't realize was there and you have hit a point where you are about to unleash a lot of tension. If that is the case it feels amazing releasing it, but it is painful and very uncomfortable. Once you stop meditating you are tense again and that tension is back in your forehead to protect a deeper problem of scar tissue, so it doesn't hurt and you just slowly creates even more tension. 

Once again this is if you're like me, I did originally think it was a 3rd eye type awakening and I'm not mocking it.

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