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How to think micro or How to balance work good enough

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Hello Leo,

I have two proposals.

1. How to think micro

You told us to separate a micro perspective from a macro perspective. The goal is to get the grand picture and the minutiae of live proper, concentrating of what of the two we're lacking. It would be interesting how you plan for the details of blogging or any other product for example. And how do you do the editing process? Did you give it to someone to check it? How do you plan to not forget less important side things?

2. How to work  good enough

My Problem is that I do 'relative Work' in terms of the result. If a craftsman has do 5 Products of series X, then he knows that he will need 4-6 hours. My work is very relative, because there could be always more text, more data or more presentations. So I can submit the some work in 1 hour, 10 hours or 100 hours. How can I make adequate work in the least time? By adequate or good enough I mean a work that would be considered better than the average and relative flawless.



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I'm not Leo (But also I am - lol)

but I'll simply speak from my current perspective on the matter, which is probably very distorted in comparison to his.

How to think micro:
If i'm not taking what he has said out of context, I believe when 'thinking micro' is to not over-complicate the simplicity of the fundamentals. It's not rocket science, but it's hard to commit to - it's knowing that the small victories, as well as the little things that you do that will eventually add up into the grand picture. But to do that you must be able to zoom in and out between the two. Be aware of both, notice the little things that hinder your progression - notice the little things that you can do to improve your progression.

Think of it like a math equation. (simply an example)

We need to get to 1,000,000,000.

You are at 1 right now.

If you have 'x' which represents 1 which you HAVE TO DO 'x' to gain +1.

however if you have 'z' which is -3 (put here whichever habit is hindering progression) you will lose 3. =

DO a whole lot of 'x' and a whole lot less of 'z' and you will eventually get to 1,000,000,000. It's simple math, but a lot harder in practice you see.


How to work more proficiently:
When you are doing whatever task at hand, also be aware of everything. Notice what you think about, how you react to the project at hand and so on.

Be flexible and allow yourself to improvise in a moments notice if necessary, do not let discouragement or frustration hold you back - Tell yourself in intervals "Just this much more work to do" but split the work up into pieces, and after you finish a portion, tell yourself that again. You will react differently rather than overwhelming yourself with the thought of too much work - this is called 'chunking'

Good work ethic is simply up to you, know what the task is - and figure out the most efficient method of completing it not only in good time, but for quality work - if you want more quality, then you will more than likely compromise time; equivalent exchange.

If you feel you are not doing your best, come at the 'issue' at multiple angles, step back and let your mind do what it does best and contemplate the situation - don't just think of how YOU would do something, but put yourself in someone else's shoes.


hopefully there's at least one piece of advice here that will help. Best wishes.





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Hello Omni,

that piece of yours about micro thinking is useful. Thanks.

The second Piece about 'How to work good enough' or 'How to balance work' is not about what i wrote. Example: You are in school in a subject, that you dislike and consider boring. You did literally everything to make it better - nothing helped. Your new goal is to pass with relative little effort. Now you have to write a essay which decides if you pass. You can make it a. just as good to pass with a 6 hours work or you can b. make it as good as possible with 1000 hours work. You choose b? What about your English course? No time left. What about eating? No time left. See the Problem?
I try to get free time for longterm important things like thinking, meditating, doing nothing, strategizing or just relaxing. Besides - Excellence in everything is not economic.

Now realise that I want just pass in lots of things. I want a technique that helps me pass the things that I have to do, but don't want to. I can't avoid them either.

My Technique:
- Organize it in Baby-steps
- Brute Force

That's it. I want to know if there is anything better..


Edited by supremeyingyang

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I am not 100% sure if i understand it correctly but maybe for how to work good enough i think it's just a matter of how you do it and how effectively (if you do it effectively you should be able to do it in shorter time and still get good results or better) it are but to do something effectively varys deepending on what it is you are doing maybe it might help to make a plan or research how you do something more effectively and then put the plan to action (it helps to learn more about what we know about productivity sometimes try not to overlook the simples things sometimes they are the one that might be most usefull to us in terms of productivity)

some of the things i have found to be more effective when doing work is

embrace single tasking some research says that multitasking "kill" our productivity(i am paraphrasing)

if its related to focus/concentration something called deep work

if its something you need to pratice something called deliberate pratice

maybe if it turns out its not about how you do it it might be when and for how long for example if you do it late at night you might not have enough energy to do it vs doing it in the morning where one would have a lot more energy as usually one have spend their energy from the morning through the night (and advantage to do it in the morning is that you have more time to sleep more at night)

being impulsive also "kills" productivity so it might help to add routines and rituals, time blocking and have a schedule you know you won't burnout if you use it and make it a habit (maybe also create a project so you know what to do step by step before execution it might also help to know what to do long term

the four disciplines of execution might also be usefull :)

some research also says that it's important to make sure you recover enough to aviod burnout 

hope it helps :)


Edited by BjarkeT

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