
How do I turn it into a silent mind while\after meditating?

21 posts in this topic

Sometimes i meditate for 1 hour, and im still thinking! Even when i was completly focused! Do I go to try to meditate for 2 hours?

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The more you want a silent mind, the less likely it will happen.

Why ?

Because the thing that wants it, IS the mind ...

@Ether Apparently not xD 

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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you can't i don't mean to be rude but  i thought this is common knowledge in meditation at least you hear this a lot when people explain meditation 

probably the only way to not think is to embrace bordom 

Edited by BjarkeT

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Please, just answer this question for me: "Why do you want a silent mind?". Why did you post like 4 fucking times to get an answer to this question?

Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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2 hours ago, Ether said:

@Shin Nah dude, i want it, the real me

The real you is the one that is aware right now of your desire to stop thinking and your thinking and is silently allowing them to be.

Think of your mind as the set of numbers [174738, 27473582, 573857, 58385838, 4, 47375839, ...] and your true self as the 0 that is silently behind all those numbers. 

So you don't really need to make the numbers into 0 to recognise the silence. Just notice it is already present in the midst of noise, just like 0 is present in the midst of 5837583 (5837583=5837583+0)


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@Dodo wow that makes a lot of sense, but how do i reach that silence?

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@Ether if we didn’t think unwanted thoughts - worrying, etc - there wouldn’t be so much to let go of when we meditate. Real-ize you get a fresh start every morning - a clean nondual state. Then stay where you are. Stay in the now. If a worry some thought about the future, or the outcome of anything arises and concerns you, if a troublesome thought from the past arises, you must find it in you to laugh, to openly talk to someone about it to surrender it, to accept it as what got you to be here now -  to do what helps you. Keep doing this for a while, everyday. Eventually a day comes where you’re thinking stays on wanted. It gets very easy to flip the coin of duality, and see the other side. Ultimately, to accept both sides as One. 



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In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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1 hour ago, Ether said:

@Dodo wow that makes a lot of sense, but how do i reach that silence?

All of your experiences right now - seeing, listening, sensing, tasting, smelling, perceiving, conceiving appear in the same space of awareness/knowing/you, yes or no?

This space is the "0", this aware space is to be explored.

This space is the space pointed to by all the teachings. It is borderless, shapeless and ever present. It's the silence behind the noise, the formless behind the form, the no-mind behind the mind, the no self behind the self.

To focus on the space, you need a non-practice. The best non-practice I've found comes from Rupert Spira - Answering the experiential question - "How do I know I am aware?" . To clarify - in order to be aware *of something*, you need to set your attention on it. But how do you know, in this moment, that you are aware without the *of something*. In answering that question "Am I aware" or "How do I know I am aware", awareness simply recognizes itself by being itself even though it is something formless. 

I believe the best embodying process - the process which lets the body-mind tune into/align to that space comes from Eckhart Tolle and it is the answer to the experiential question "How do I know that I have a body?". This shines awareness on the inner body - use awareness on breath whenever you can't feel the energy of the inner body.

I can post videos related to those two practices if you want (and if I can find them). 

Edited by Dodo


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@Ether  Ask yourself who is this one thinking?  What is it that is thinking?  And then look for it.   While you look for it your mind should go quiet cause more thinking aint looking for it.   Ya aint gonna find anything heh, but the point is quieting the mind not finding it. 

Keep looking and looking and looking and then when that timer goes off you should be like "woah I was just quiet for a pretty long time". 

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@Ether It's like you're asking, "How come I'm not like Tiger Woods after a few hours of hitting golf balls?"

If it was that easy, there would be no, no self-help, no psychology, no yoga, no religions, no spiritual traditions, no Buddha, no Jesus, no Ekhart Tolle.

People would just sit down, shut off their mind, and all their problems would melt away as they died into Nirvana.

The Buddha spent 7 years of full-time training to get there. That should give you some idea of what it takes to shut up the mind.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Im not asking for a permanent silent mind (even though im working for it) I just want a temporary one, just to experience it one more time!

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@Ether its like coming to a gym and asking :"can I lift 500 pounds just this time?" 

This work is so fucking tricky anytime you want something you get the opposite.

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Something that helps me a lot is to "not add anything". I think to myself "okay, I'm going to not add anything to this experience". 

In practice, this means I would have a thought and notice the thought and not add anything to it. Then another thought would come up and again I would not add anything to it. Same with sensations, perceptions. I haven't really seen this approach elsewhere but it's extremely effective for me. 


Additionally, rather than worrying about silencing your mind... simply ignore your thoughts. Notice that you can place your attention on whatever you choose. Your attention is like a flashlight. You can shine it on your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, etc. Get good at moving your attention around, attend to an object in your field of vision, then feelings in your body, then your headspace (notice that it takes just a little bit of effort to place attention on an object, even though we are constantly doing this)... After you move your attention around from place to place, work on not directing your attention towards anything. I.e. don't turn on the flashlight. Put another way, drop absolutely all effort, don't place your attention on anything in particular. 

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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