
High School Personality Case Studies

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Hey so I originally had this talkshow to talk about deep topics with humour which is still relatively true however it also twisted into a deranged psychological experiment about highschoolers. This could give alot of firsthand stories which may relate to you and how people thought or dealt with situations. I have gotten everyone from nerds, psycopaths, emos, wierdos, popular kids, dealers, rappers and various artists. We cover everything from drug, sex, depression, sexual exploration, personality exploration, movies, hobbies, philosophy, spirituality, social politics, art, finance, life purpose, career, psycopathy, dictatorships and everything in between. This will be extremely informative for students, future and current teachers, parents and all those who are interested in the study of humans. As a bonus, these episodes aren't lectures and are riddled with jokes, roasts and sarcasm. Fair warning,it will take a significant degree of social intelligence to decipher through everything. 

Some Video Samples.

Psycopathy/Narcassism/Treatment of others/Lack of Empathy/Ego/I discover I am a narcasist/Reading Peoples Mind/


People Reading/Does everyone have masks/Arrogance-Confidence/Social Hierachy/Speaking different vibes


Art/Emo/Phases/Discovering yourself/Social Politics/Health/Fitting In


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You made these videos? I love these. I can see biting raw authenticity. In fact, I would want to know how you got this authentic. ??

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@BobbyLowell First off, Thank you so much, this really made my day!! I could write a book about how I became more authentic, It takes some philosophizing, action, exploration and open mindedness.Life has thrown me so many different experiences and perspectives that I can vibe at many different levels. Explore, explore, explore but most importantly watch the little things. Some go out to catch the big whale, I set my thousand traps for the minos and wait. 

Since I can't tell you the whole process of being more authentic here are some tips and tricks.

1. I don't even believe I'm authentic, The world is always morphing and evolving, as much you. Therefore don't ever let yourself or anyone tell you you're something, that includes being authentic. Yes you can secretly emotionally realize it but don't ever proclaim or brag about it in earnest.

2. The average human is anything but average, what people say about you is sooooo very false, unfortunately most people don't understand the extreme depth of self fullfilling beliefs they cause upon themselves. Most people make grand assumptions about me, Proven false over and over, on both sides of the field. Your image is an illusion, maintain it as you will. Let me stress that again, Don't ever let anyone tell you what you are or can't do. It burns me inside when people believe what others think of them. How little they understand the world and themselves. Even the spiritual people will make comments and such about how you should act, what you are. Don't believe them, not even the enlightened masters. One must find out for oneself with greatest earnest and perhaps as a byproduct insecurity.

3. Not all masks hide, some show character. It must be morphed with a piece of your authentic self, what you feel naturally. Unfortunately most people havn't found all the abilities of their persona.

4. Become a people watcher. Watch the interactions, how people speak, the actions, the politics, the game. Watch the systems, the cycles, my god the cycles! Watch where others have fallen and question why, what and how. It is hard to look at one self, use others as your mirror. See where others have fallen and ask why. You must be inherently interested in people for this to befallen.

5. How can you walk through a closed door? How can you walk through others with a closed mind?


I have basically a diary of the little things I notice. I say little things but I really go into depth and develope elaborate theory about seemingly insignificant things.

This is where the posts are made first than archived(This has alot more shorter posts)

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