How to be wise

Kundalini Yoga

31 posts in this topic

@How to be wise There is some goodthings... a very good thing is the love and bliss at the end of the process (I can imagine)
- strong bodily orgasm-like sensations
- feelings of relief - finding resolution for lifelong problems and finally allowing the letting go to happen
-very strong boost in your intuitive abilities
- you get pretty good at manifesting what you want... because you begin being in alingment with reality, and what you want will be the same thing reality is going to put in front of you whether you like it or not
> In ex. one of my personal experiecnes is that I really wanted to travel to Canada during the summer into nature, and the perfect opportunity presented itself. Now, the experience was much less pleasant than I thought because it was there for my highest evolution and not to have a vaccation from my growth but still xD...
- you start seeing what people need, and you intuitively fulfill these things for them

And again, this is just a start, I am 2 and some years into kundalini awakening, and its no longer the hell it used to be in the beginning, the first year was the worst... but I survived it (gotta give myself a high-five for that, cuz not only I survived it, but I managed to stay in university through that entire period... damnit good job me!).

Most people report (after their kundalini integrates) ability to transmite source-energy, or pressence, (give shaktipath if you will)... which I can imagine can feel quite nice realizing youre unleashing the grace of god onto another :-)

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5 minutes ago, Shin said:

That sounds like a lot of fun, I definitely need that in my life !

Totally safe !

I know right! May you be blessed with dark night of the soul... and may it never end! Hahhaha xD

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@Martin123 A lot of people practice kundalini yoga. If you go to YouTube you'll see all sorts of people practicing it. But clearly most of these people are not enlightened. In their YouTube videos they tend to be highly materialistic and have never mentioned the concept of no-self. So why is that? Does Kundalini yoga really produce enlightenment? You've been practicing it for two years. Are you enlightened? Did you reach enlightenment with Kundalini or with another method? 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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@Martin123 Can you tell how exactly you invoked your kundalini awakening? What exercises did you do and how long did you these exercise? Was it your goal to reach kundalini awakening or did it just happen by accident?

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@OBEler I did absolutely nothing. It woke up spontaneously. At that point I had no idea what spirituality was. First almost year of the journey I didnt even know the signifiicance of it.

3 hours ago, How to be wise said:

Does Kundalini yoga really produce enlightenment?

Awakened kundalini will fully enlighten you in the process of purging out the ego out of your nervous system. Which is not kundalini yoga. Kundalini yoga is just a practice. I have no idea what potential it has to awaken kundalini. This should be answered by someone more knowledgable about these topics such as @Leo Gura

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@Martin123 there was really no trigger? Can you remember if you were under much stress days before or if you were in a special situation? Did you went to a doctor?


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3 minutes ago, OBEler said:

Did you went to a doctor?

That would have been funny! xD
No I intuitively knew what was happening, I jsut htought it was something that happened to all people who meditated.
So you could say the trigger was meditation but thats not really accurate. I did meditate, and kundalini did awaken... would kundalini had awakened even if I never meditated? Probably yes.
It was something you would call a destiny.


5 minutes ago, OBEler said:

Can you remember if you were under much stress days before or if you were in a special situation?

I was in a 2-3 month long period of deep depression and grief.

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9 hours ago, Wes Thoughts said:

I don't know if I even believe kundalini is real, or experienceable.

@Wes Thoughts yes it is something experienceable. It's a gradual process. I haven't experienced anything bad, or anything scary about it. The desire to know ourselves -what we are- is a very natural and pure desire. This is just one of the ways to explore our true nature.

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@Sevi I have heard some undesirable side effects and warnings about kundalini awakenings though. From what I have gathered so far it sounds like a gradual awakening is safe and a sudden one can have undesired side effects. Do you know if kundalini yoga will cause awakening or give you any additional physical benefits from stirring this energy?

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Hmm.. from understanding by Universal Laws you simply would not experience something you are not ready for. It simply would not present itself unless you are already aligned with the vibrational frequency required to do so? I guess it was a lesson within a lesson for a greater purpose.

I know belief systems play a big role but who knows :P


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@Wes Thoughts as far as I understand it, yes. This energy awakens within by itself as a response to the (semi)/conscious desire for awakening; so it might cause awakening. What I see in general, is, the conditionings are the major blocks which claim our proximity to our awakening.

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