Reply to I Need An Outside Thought On This (again Lol)

By ppfeiff,
@Ilya About to graduate this December from a bachelor Physics degree program. I feel you with regards to your apathy towards studying a subject that feels so disconnected from your deepest desires. Physics is undoubtedly challenging, especially if you're not interested / curious about it. I almost couldn't complete the degree because the classes demanded more and more of my attention as I moved on from freshmen to senior year, more than I was willing to give, because: My current life purpose is filmmaker + health coach. Do you see how opposite of the spectrum this is from physics??  This created serious stress, because I wasn't even sure if I had the willpower to engage in such demanding classes that I had so little interest in. Grades began falling by the way-side and I had to "force" dig myself out of a deep hole I created for myself. It was some of the hardest moments of my life. I wanted to drop out of college SO BAD to pursue filmmaking Sophomore year of college. In fact I bombed a semester because I was so set on dropping out and focusing my time on film.  The parental units financially threatened to cut me off (my Dad literally said I'd be "kicked out onto the street" if I changed my major to film or dropped out). Anyway, when I look back, here are the pros I experienced: Got a rock-solid and intellectually rigorous education in one of the most difficult subjects (sorry, I've taken psychology, film, biology, chemistry, and english classes, and none of them truly compare to the rigor of a physics core class, in my experience at least) Didn't have to work at a low-consciousness job to pay bills (parental units supported the Physics path unwaveringly). I saw college as a little bit higher-consciousness full time job, where I was getting paid by the parental units to not really do what I want to do, but who does as an employee at a 9-5 (not always true, but common).  Got to take other classes I enjoyed, such as film classes on the side (I have a minor in Film Studies as a consequence) Took minimum class load as much as possible each semester to have time to pursue my true interests, including film, health, personal development, etc.  Gave me time to think, reflect, and experience life, relatively comfortably. Cons: Studied a subject I have no interest in (was that time wasted? We'll find out in time...) Some Debt. Fuck. This cannot be overstated and must seriously be considered. I'm kind of back to square 1, since the degree I have won't really serve me at all to get gigs in the film/health industry. It's as if I just graduated high school (although hopefully a bit wiser). Actually, maybe I took a few steps back, because I have debt to worry about now. So maybe I should've bit the bullet and left earlier? Maybe I'd be closer to my deepest desires today? As for military. Damn dude. I would not even touch that organization with a ten-foot pole. Why would you be consciously supporting an organization known to kill other human beings? Cheers!