Reply to What Is Stage Coral In Spiral Dynamics???

By Kallan,
Still pretty awesome how much traction this post got. I think I have a much deeper insight on the matter than I did 2.5 years ago. Turquoise is a stage where people are in pretty good sync with the universe. They have achieved a beautiful balance between the material and the spiritual aspects of being. They are always going through life in a nice blissful flow state. If I had to compare it to a drug I’d say MDMA like. Turquoise will still likely want to participate in the world and go out and do things. Coral though is an entirely different beast. It’s what happens if somebody at turquoise gets really serious about enlightenment. They become more individualistic again and deliberately push the boundaries for enlightenment. This disrupts the balance between spiritual and material that turquoise had and purely pushes into the spiritual realms. For coral enlightenment is the only goal. They are God and they’ll say this to your face and not be all that humble about it. Material things begin to mean nothing to somebody at Coral. They are completely pulled into the gravitational pull of the Devine and that is all that will matter to them as long as their survival needs are met. Coral won’t care as much about teaching or trying to help humanity as a whole. It simply believes that humanity will evolve at its own pace and will focus fully on themselves and their spiritual development. Personal development from an egoic standpoint means nothing from this point. This is where self transcendence truly begins. Teal is the stage above this where somebody achieves complete enlightenment. These people will be so blissed out that they’ll have no material goals what so ever. They won’t really be interested in anything and will likely just sit around being completely content with what is. As blue is about truth so is teal but from the tier 2 standpoint. This as far as what I’ve found is the deepest somebody could possibly go. Also their personality will seem like it’s gone and they’ll seem very numb. At the same time though they’d radiate amazing energy I’d imagine. So to break down. Turquoise is balance 50% material and 50% spiritual Coral is the unquestionable drive to accend to the deepest achievable enlightenment 50+% spiritual and really trying to climb no matter the cost. Teal is complete enlightenment of 100% spiritual. That ego is basically gone. I don’t even know if somebody could even get to real or if that would just result in mahasamadhi. In saying this though I’ve never met anybody at turquoise who is actually pushing to be coral though I’m sure they exist. Maybe Leo will do it someday but then I doubt he’d have much further interest in material things including Personally I don’t think I’d want to push into Coral. Currently I sort of blend between Yellow and Turquoise but still have plenty of Tier 1 integration to do as well. I’ve read lots about the spiral but it’s also more so from psychedelics and deliberately contemplating the model as well as the spiritual awakenings I’ve had that lead me to these insights.  

Turquoise seems to have a very spiritually actualised ego but from Coral that ego will just melt away into pure consciousness. I think if people get too close to the light it’s just going to completely possess them and pull them in.