
Psychedelics To Breakthrough?

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I've never done psychedelics before. I've swayed away to be honest from @Leo Gura's Psychedelics for Personal Development Video since it was released until today and to be honest... I wish I never postponed watching it. I feel so much safer and at peace after watching that and feel a lot more relaxed and calm and have such a greater sense of trust with my mind after watching that. I owe you one, Leo! With that said, I want to preface that I already am on psych medication, which I have listed in a prior post but list it here along with my dosages again anyways...

- Adderall XR 20mg (morning... although now I wait till after I do my mindfulness meditation)

- Lamictil 200mg (100mg 2x p/day)

- Abilify 5mg (night)

- Prozac 60mg (morning)

So keep that in mind before leaving me your tips, advice, and such.

What I want to know though is if I can use psychedelics as a tool to help me breakthrough to reach say my intuition, hit greater visions for my life, so on and so forth. My focus is not on Enlightenment right now. Right now I'm really stuck by just no real motivation to do anything with my life anymore. My passions in my life have just been decaying over the years and the more I try to rekindle them or to go down different avenues, it just doesn't happen. I have so many great self-help books and what not and I don't have the heart to read them now. There is passion in me. I'm a runner. Running has always given me the most joy in life to such an insane degree. I've even reached a TRUE runner's high in terms of the dopamine effect. People exaggerate this but there are dedicated runners that go a whole lifetime of running and never experience this. I don't get pleasure from my running anymore. It's just become more baggage on me. I can't even journal anymore. 

The distinction I really want to get across is that I'm NOT looking for some external solution to fix all my problems. I'm just in such a low place with motivation, passion, drive, discipline, focus, etc. that I just don't do anything. I don't even like labeling myself a victim because I never make excuses that blame outside circumstances. I know it's on me. I rarely if ever put my problem onto others and stuff like that. If I fail a test, I know it's on me. Period. I know the resolutions to my problems in life come from within. Fuck I've been on psych meds (if you count my ADHD medication) since I was 6 years old 16 years ago. I started my first antidepressant/mood stabilizer 8-9 years ago at 13 or 14. I know this is not a solution nor a magic pill. However, if this is a resourceful tool (which boils down to my main question) that can awaken all that I feel has decayed and deteriorated over the years then I'm willing to have an open mind, do my homework, and give it a shot. Could psychedelics help with these matters and matters related to this and more? If so, what substances are worth looking into?

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@kieranperez Psychedelics help with all matters, even those you didn't know you had.

The problem is, you're on a chemical cocktail of stuff already, and who knows how all of that will mix? Worst case scenario, it can kill you. You should do serious research online to find people who were taking your kind of cocktail and see if they had any complications with psychedelics.

Mixing SSRIs and psychedelics is a bad idea. Ween yourself off first if you want to become a psychonaut. That is the best general advice.

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@Leo Gura the fact that I got an answer to that matter of mixing SSRIs and psychedelics and mood stabilizers is beyond appreciated. To be honest, that concern is really the thing that has been holding me back BUT, you'd find this interesting! I brought this up with my psychiatrist one time regarding LSD when I first contemplating taking psychedelics and he actually was so open minded and actually give me a legitimate answer of how on paper, LSD actually wouldn't be tampering really any of my medications. Funny enough... Abilify, which I listed as one of the medications I take, is commonly used to bring people down off of bad psychedelic trips. I have it lucky though. I've been working with my psychiatrist for so many years and he's someone who really knows his stuff and is very open minded and what not. Most people don't have that kinda relationship with psychiatrists. I'm not kidding when I say that he even subtly (of course) suggested that it might not be a bad idea but to still be cautious of course. He even explained how if anything my given medications wouldn't really change the matter because what LSD (which is what we were talking about) "tampers" with in the brain is separate from what my medication is addressing other than the Adderall which he suggested that if I do take acid, don't take Adderall with it. Really fascinating. 

And to his credit, he's the lead psychiatrist over at San Quentin Prison here in the SF Bay Area where I live so I really do have my trust in him.

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How do I know though the difference between what psychedlics are best for whatever outcome I'm trying to obtain? I agree with your advice on how to go into a trip with an objective but since psychedelics supposedly vary in different kinda effects, how do I be strategic and know which one's are the right one's to take? Like, how do I know (and obviously I use that loosely because I know you need to be open to whatever can happen on a trip) which is the best psychedelic to take given my objective? For instance, how do I know say mushrooms is the right substance to take given what my needs?

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@kieranperez Research, research, research.

See my latest blog post.

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@kieranperez I also take Adderall XR 20mg. The first time I mixed it with LSD, I experienced an unpleasant type of physical euphoria, including heart palpitations.

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You know... Adderall is basically Meth.

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I JUST got out of my psychiatrist appointment 2 minutes ago and we’ve mutually decided to start tapering off ALL my meds (one at a time starting with Adderall)!! I’m so happy!!!

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