
Enlightenment Work Too Potentially Destabilizing For Some?

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I'm very iffy about pursuing Enlightenment. I trust 100% what @Leo Gura has had to say about it and I don't want to just take him on his word either. I do want to reach this insight. However, I'm worried that I might not have a strong enough psychology to tolerate that kind of work. It comes off as so debilitating and hard that it can actually become destabilizing while I'm still working on my success. Not that I'm making success my #1 priority overall in life. However, it is something I do need to address right now. Can work on both Enlightenment and success be done simultaneously or at least be considered doable? 

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@kieranperez Go for both. Enlightenment is the ultimate thing you can discover in this existence. It will be debilitating, of course it will, but so is running a marathon. The prize you get for this path will be more worth it than you can fathom.

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@kieranperez Enlightenment is experiencing what you are not, and what you are. Illusion from reality. Self from no self, and no self from Self.  Don’t look to anyone else for wether or not to pursue enlightenment, just appreciate the assistance and get going. Appreciation is a step in the right direction. Appreciate your self. ❤️



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I totally understand your question. It's not like "should I pusue one or the other", but more like "how can I do both in a sustainable way", right? 'cause most of us, can't afford/ don't want to skip days or months at work because we've fallen into a depression or psychosis-like state and aren't able to concentrate on the day to day practicalities. 

I'm looking for answers about that too. 

So my take on it is that if you can manage your circumstances so that you're materially secure enough, that you can work for yourself and take a leave if needed, like Leo or like people who choose a real minimalistic lifestyle where they don't need much, that's best. It might be necessary to position ourselves so that we can take a year off, or two 12 weeks of vacation a year, or something like that, but while we're not there, we can still do some of the work. 

My other thought is that maybe we can become so grounded with our purpose and work ethics, that destabilization is not an issue - your passion and habit keep you engaged in the world and productive to some extent. Of course, if we hate our work/ are not on purpose, the willpower to do it vanishes real quick when we explore the more spiritual realm. So being really good with the practicalities might help. 

Related, with a lot of work we can choose our pace. If something's destabilizing for you today, chances are, it will be better after another year or two of personal development. So maybe you shouldn't go there yet. 

But yeah, I realize that controlling the process is unlikely to get me to the highest levels :/ 

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10 hours ago, kieranperez said:

, I'm worried that I might not have a strong enough psychology to tolerate that kind of work

@kieranperez Not to be sarcastic but it sounds like you've already talked yourself into this being a problem for you before the work has even started. Only when you put a positive intention behind something will you get something positive out of it. Like all else in life. 

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10 hours ago, kieranperez said:

I'm very iffy about pursuing Enlightenment. I trust 100% what @Leo Gura has had to say about it and I don't want to just take him on his word either. I do want to reach this insight. However, I'm worried that I might not have a strong enough psychology to tolerate that kind of work. It comes off as so debilitating and hard that it can actually become destabilizing while I'm still working on my success. Not that I'm making success my #1 priority overall in life. However, it is something I do need to address right now. Can work on both Enlightenment and success be done simultaneously or at least be considered doable? 



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@kieranperez There is no justification of worry. Daily morning meditation will show you this. It’s not the circumstances, it’s the perception.  Surrender this perspective in your meditation. It’s not serving you. Allow the perspecive that you can do anything, and you can. 



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@kieranperez Are you sure that's what you NEED? Or is it something "you" want but think you NEED because you THINK it's what you REALLY WANT when it's not what YOU really WANT and NEED. When your consciousness raises, you'll realize your attachment to material success and that it's not serving you, and therefore the perspective and beliefs that create the attachment will drop, and you will taste freedom. It's only debilitating because of the way you see it. Now the question is, is your way of seeing the absolute truth? Can you be flexible to change your ways of seeing.

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