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Relationships Falling Apart

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Why my relationships with most of my friends whom I used to hang out with are dissolving? It seems like I have no interest in them these days. No craze and craving for them as I used to have earlier. Every friendship is just falling apart! Is this a part of awakening ? I read about it but want to know more if it really affects your relationships.?

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@Akshay How are these relationships falling apart?   Are they calling you names or just distancing themselves?

Usually friendships break apart because there is a loss in common ground.  Also, if you spend a lot of time talking about topics like spirituality & awakening & they're not into it, they're probably going to ghost out.  It's best not to talk about these things with people that aren't into it.  My experience is that others will think I'm crazy.  Hell, even just mentioning that I practice meditation, some people will think I'm part of a cult.

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On 26/09/2017 at 0:35 AM, Mad Max said:

Yes. Lost all my friends to this too. Couldn't keep up with the low-consciousness behaviours, beliefs, hobbies, etc. Can't still be playing video games at 28 years old, boys. Good fun and all, but I'm not 12 anymore. No TV. No alcohol. No refined sugars. No porn, no masturbation. Can't be ruining my health like you still do. Can't be doing codependent relationships no more, either. Need to check the fuck out.

I second that Sir.

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On 9/25/2017 at 4:35 PM, Mad Max said:

Yes. Lost all my friends to this too. Couldn't keep up with the low-consciousness behaviours, beliefs, hobbies, etc. Can't still be playing video games at 28 years old, boys. Good fun and all, but I'm not 12 anymore. No TV. No alcohol. No refined sugars. No porn, no masturbation. Can't be ruining my health like you still do. Can't be doing codependent relationships no more, either. Need to check the fuck out.

It's a bitter pill to swallow at first. I am slowly beginning to cut the ties to a lot of friends that I once considered close. I am almost ashamed to admit that I no longer desire the same thing they do. It's rough. Many of them approach me questioning where I've been, why haven't I hit them up in so long? I am just not interested in partying and gaming and smoking weed everyday. It feels like I am covered in sticky slime that is addiction and slowly, but surely, it is all coming off, and that feels alright.

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On 9/26/2017 at 0:35 AM, Mad Max said:

Yes. Lost all my friends to this too. Couldn't keep up with the low-consciousness behaviours, beliefs, hobbies, etc. Can't still be playing video games at 28 years old, boys. Good fun and all, but I'm not 12 anymore. No TV. No alcohol. No refined sugars. No porn, no masturbation. Can't be ruining my health like you still do. Can't be doing codependent relationships no more, either. Need to check the fuck out.

@Mad Max I’m going through something similar. It feels so lonely and painful to lose friends even though I know we are both taking different routes in life and it is probably for the best.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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4 hours ago, Mad Max said:

@nice shot @Max_V yeah i remember the feeling. the whole awakening thing is painful as fuck. it's indeed for the best but that's something you realize later on. can't force it while in the middle of the process. must sit with the pain.

when you cut out all the distractions there is a lot of pain but also some bliss which sounds funny but that's how I see it .

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