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Why Aren't Spiritual People More Kind?

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Why aren't spiritual people more kind?

Here's an undeniable fact: I don't know who is reading this piece of text right now, but whoever it is, its actually me + different brain programming. Whoever wrote this text, whoever electrobeam is, its actually you + different programming.

Of course this is the case. Imagine Ricky(or some crazy scientist) replaced all of your memories with Leo's memories. Now he replaced your values with Leo's values, now he replaced your body. Literally transferred your body to Leo's body. You would literally be Leo. You're still you, you didn't change. But you went from whoever you are now to Leo. Just visualize and pretend that who you think your parents are was actually just a dream, who you think you are is actually just a dream, and what you really are is Leo. Envision his parents, his body, his values, his videos being yours. You're still You, you that thing that exists is still there, you the real you hasn't changed, only your mind has, and you're actually Leo.

You can apply this to everyone and everything. You are still you, no matter whether you're a bird or hitler. You're still you. And the reason why you think you're not Leo is because of what? A fabrication of reality, memories ideas and dreams that don't have any more basis than the boogie man.

When you watch Leo's videos, all you're doing is watching yourself, from a different reincarnation. Its kind of like your 20 year older self(back to the future) came into your reality and started making videos about how fucked up you are. Except in real life its not your 20 year old self, its your 20 reincarnated generations of yourself. 

So why aren't enlightened people more kind? Why aren't they more humanitarian than they are? Why do yogis isolate themselves from civilization and not help and try and stop pollution. Can you imagine the amount of suffering is going on in the world(that is, the suffering you will/did go through). Why does Jann Esmann not care about how fucked up everyone is, why do all of the best yogis hide themselves from society(their self ironically) instead of helping it?

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An enlightened being in a cave in solitude does more good to humanity than 99.99% of activists. And most of enlightened beings don't even live in caves but within society and touch many many lives. And they are probably more kind than most people. So your question is more an assumption imo.

Edited by Toby

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@Toby the best way to help mankind to start doing something is just doing it.

you're creating a mental projection of "enlightened beings". instead, ask yourself why aren't YOU more kind? what's your contribution to the world?

unborn Truth

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So many people on this forum confuse the world of becoming with the world that IS. You are reality but you are also in reality. The aspect of you that is in reality can be a different version from me. The aspect of you that is reality is the same as me. When I'm talking to you, I'm speaking to a different version of myself not the same version of myself. I am unique and so are you. ;)

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How many masters have you met? 

Some may be weird and be provocative though, and some assholes may claim they are masters while they are just assholes, but all masters will be extraordinary loving and you will see that, hopefully.

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11 minutes ago, ajasatya said:

@Toby the best way to help mankind to start doing something is just doing it.

you're creating a mental projection of "enlightened beings". instead, ask yourself why aren't YOU more kind? what's your contribution to the world?

What you write is full of assumptions. And these assumptions might not even be true. In fact they might be very very far from the truth.

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4 hours ago, electroBeam said:

So why aren't enlightened people more kind? Why aren't they more humanitarian than they are? Why do yogis isolate themselves from civilization and not help and try and stop pollution. Can you imagine the amount of suffering is going on in the world(that is, the suffering you 

When a person becomes spiritual, they also become more honest. Sometimes others find their honesty offensive. 

Suffering and pollution exist because humanity has fallen from the state of "Sat-Chit-Ananda" (Absolute-Consciousness-Bliss). The only way to stop it, is if everyone was enlightened. If everyone was enlightened the game would be over. God has set up the game in a way that most people don't know they are God. If they knew it would defeat the purpose of God pretending to be them, wouldn't it? 

Edited by Deep
added words

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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That's a good question.  Does anyone have any control though?  Or is the control just another perception in awareness.

Video on point:


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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A lot of "spiritual people" are simply using spiritual practices and language as an identity. These people tend to feel that their lifestyle and imagined insights make them supperior to "normal people". Hence they feel justified to treat others as inferiors.

The only true master I have spent time with is Culadasa, and he absolutely radiates kindness. Hes a truely great guy. From what I understand, the wast majority of serious spiritual masters/teachers are like that: They seem to radiate kindness and non-judgmentalism. 


My first published essay

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