Trip Report: Realizing The Non Dual Nature Of Reality

By Bebop in Psychedelics,
A few days ago I had a pretty profound experience which helped me clear up a lot of misconceptions that I had about reality, while I've had a lot of glimpses of it before I couldn't really understand the experiences.  It started off with taking 3 grams of THC in the form of an edible, it took about 45 minutes for it to kick in. At the time I was reading Leo's Insight Blog and all of a sudden I finally made the connection of what Alan Watts meant in this quote "You didn't come into this world you came out of it, like a wave from the ocean".

At first I started blinking and each time I opened my eyes it was like seeing the world for the first time again, the concept of being a human being seemed ridiculous. At this point there were crazy symbols behind my eyes when they were closed so I laid down and surrendered to whatever came next, I started to see impossible patterns and shapes and I felt my sense of self disappear as a wave of intense love washed over me. There was a deep knowing that I was everything and nothing at the same time, there was no separation between anything it's all just occurring spontaneously by itself.

After the comedown the remembrance mostly faded away but I still retained enough to know that death is just an illusion and that there isn't anything to fear, the only cost is that you have to trade everything for Nothing.
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