
How Do You Classify Your Beliefs To Normies?

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I know that more developed people will probably say that they don't like to assign labels to themselves at all.

But for the sake of convenience, how would you explain your beliefs when regular people ask you if you believe in God, or what your thoughts on spirituality are, etc?

I can't really say "I'm trying to gain direct experience of Enlightenment as defined by Actualized.org" or "Everything is nothing" without giving rise to even more questions.

Lately, I feel like I would most closely identify with the ideas of Pantheism, but I feel like people here consider that a negative word that doesn't fully encompass it or misrepresents the idea, why is that?

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I don't talk about it with anybody.  Only on here.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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To be honest, I wish people would ask me questions like that!! I rarely have any conversations that aren't about other people's lives or random chit chat. 

I think Pantheism is ok to identify with. I feel like God is everything but. . . you have that nothing to deal with also. I am perfectly content with admitting that I don't know "truth" but I truly enjoy the journey of trying to find it.


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19 hours ago, Yarco said:

I know that more developed people will probably say that they don't like to assign labels to themselves at all.

But for the sake of convenience, how would you explain your beliefs when regular people ask you if you believe in God, or what your thoughts on spirituality are, etc?

I can't really say "I'm trying to gain direct experience of Enlightenment as defined by Actualized.org" or "Everything is nothing" without giving rise to even more questions.

Lately, I feel like I would most closely identify with the ideas of Pantheism, but I feel like people here consider that a negative word that doesn't fully encompass it or misrepresents the idea, why is that?

 In response to saying  "I don't have any beliefs", I have been told I'm atheist, agnostic,  gnostic, unspiritual, empty, in denial, going to hell, a sinner, an irresponsible parent, and more recently "full of shit".  Someone can only see what they can see. It's not what I'm seeing. Goes the other way to. 

If you identify with Pantheism, you've added it to the list of things to let go of to get to the truth. Lot's of religions are often a solid part of the path though, in the sense we learn them and begin to see that they are indeed, as initially presented, beliefs. 



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I tell people that I believe in God and usually end the conversation. It's not a lie really, but what I understand from the word is quite different from the mainstream theism. Although I can't express it clearly, I believe there's a universal order in the chaotic way of things. when I say I believe in God and fate, they don't inquire more.

btw, any word you're using misrepresents your ideas, so don't dwell too much into it or you'll miss the essence. Sometimes you feel something and can't word it, and it's okay. You don't have to explain yourself to anyone.

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Observe their level of consciousness by throwing them smaller bones then if they catch on quick slowly start to throw bigger bones and plant greater seeds. Give them breaks, it takes time but it comes around, soon as you notice any sense of uneasiness or feelings of uncomfortable expressions via  body language or whatever you use to read and observe people you then tone down and normalize it and leave it there until next time. Their subconscious needs time to analyze, process and integrate. If the seeds are authentic they will sprout one way or another.


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I make an effort to not speak about this stuff to 'regular' people. However, you should be assuming that someone will not understand what you speak about or agree with you. At the same time, I try to remain practical in the way how I interact with 'average' people pertaining to these topics. I tend to just 'dip' into the topic rather quickly (instead of going deep) when I encounter such a situation.

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